Jasmine of Draga: A Space Fantasy Romance (The Draga Court Series Book 3)

“I would suggest you grovel,” Adelina said, her voice sharper than he’d ever heard it before. “But I also know I’m rather – affected at the moment. I leave it to Nadyah to decide as she is the one you hurt.”

The dark jasmine scent eased and he no longer felt choked by it. With all this new information he had no idea how to feel, and then somehow Adelina was part courtesan…he would have to wait to ask about that one.

The princess didn’t replace their disguises, but she turned to Roxy and dragged the female onto the couch with her, both of their heads bent over a shreve, purposefully ignoring Varan and Nadyah, but that sharp attention didn’t wane.

It took effort to stand gracefully. Varan brushed nonexistent dust from his sleeves to buy more time to gather his thoughts. He didn’t want to know if he was Nadyah’s mate or not – or Adelina’s. It would only cause complications, but he understood why it was necessary, even sympathized with it. But asking for his DNA meant one or both of them had thought about sex with him.

“Mistress,” he said, sliding his hands into his pockets. “What can I do to make up for my stupidity?”

Nadyah shook her head and the hurt look on her face was like a knife between his ribs. Varan didn’t know what to do or how to fix this sudden rift between them he’d caused. He slid into the seat beside her, but didn’t touch her. “I didn’t mean it. It was inexcusable regardless of my feelings or the confusion clouding my judgment.”

Those deep blue eyes found his and they were as dark and mysterious as the ocean. She searched his face, looking for something. “I believe you,” she admitted after a few moments. “There is nothing I want from you Varan, I simply need answers.” She sounded so exhausted.

He couldn’t help himself. Varan scooted closer and took one of her delicate hands in his. It was all the comfort he felt allowed to give her. “I don’t want to hurt you further or ruin any chance our friendship can be salvaged.”

She shook her head and pulled her hand out of his. “Depending on the mate test – I know this will work out between you and Lina, and I am happy for it. I’d rather you marry Adelina than any other male, Varan. It’s…frightening to think who else Raena could force on her.”

Like Marcel Ushanov, a male with serious accusations. Varan was still waiting on proof before he moved on that one. And the Neprijat King, though Raena’s offer had been denied.

“Please, deliver the diamond; speak with her before we leave for the Drakesthai—just not today. She’s still…not herself.”

Varan risked a glance at the princess. She seemed to be getting along with Roxy like he’d known they would. He considered the courtesan’s statement. “Or she is more herself than she’s ever been before,” he admitted.

Nadyah gave him a strange look but said nothing.

“I’ll deliver the diamond tomorrow when I fetch the royal starship,” he said. Talking with Adelina privately would help. They needed to settle any awkwardness before the trip where they’d be confined for weeks in space.

Those delicate fingers of Nadyah’s ran through her soft, blonde curls as though she found the normal color strange. “As to your…punishment, I suppose I should come up with something suitable as retribution.”

He wondered what she would choose, but knew he deserved whatever it was.

One side of Nadyah’s mouth quirked up. “Your punishment is to escort Adelina to the spider farms tomorrow, and stay by her side the entire time no matter where she goes or how long it takes.” Finally, that glorious sparkle in Nadyah’s sapphire eyes was back.

Varan hated spiders, hated them more than just about anything else. He felt his face pale but nodded regardless. Every moment spent under that mountain would make him sweat, but he deserved it. “Of course, Mistress, I will gladly escort her.”

“Excellent,” Adelina said. She tugged gently on Roxy’s hair and Varan was shocked when his friend didn’t slap her hand away. “Roxy has agreed to my terms with the starship remodels even if it is only to get her hands on never-before-seen tech. Pick your team carefully Roxy, and make sure to hire as many as you need to get the job done in my timeframe, but only tell them what they need to know.”

Roxy rolled her eyes, still poring over the tech Adelina had given her. “Yeah, I will, like I said five times before,” she said without looking up. “No one will have the full schematics but me. I’ve already sent out casts, and should have the rest of the team by tomorrow night. Now leave me alone. Varan can relay any other information.” Roxy stood up and grabbed the last of his grapes. “I’ve got work to do.”

Adelina grinned at Roxy’s back. “I can’t wait to come by and visit!”

The red-haired female didn’t respond but threw a look over her shoulder as she left. When the door closed behind her there was a moment of silence.

He and Nadyah raised their brows.

The princess shrugged, nursing the liquor in her glass. “She doesn’t like me much, but I think I’m growing on her. If Roxy believes I’m not going to come see her progress, she’ll quickly learn otherwise.”

Those sharp canines glinted when she sipped and Varan would never forget what they’d looked like so close to his jugular. He could never forget the Dragas were something – else. Their DNA was a little different despite having the same genetic map.

Varan studied the princess he was about to deliver a diamond for. If he could get her to open up to him, confide in him, they could easily enjoy a marriage. There had always been attraction between them, and he didn’t think sex would be an issue. Perhaps he would find out on this trip what things could be like for the two of them. He slid his gaze to Nadyah, not that any of this would be easy. Their complicated relationships could turn on them. They all had to tread very, very carefully.

“Could you arrive early tomorrow, Varan?” Adelina asked. She looked tired and worn out, as though the nervous energy and excitement had finally started to leave her.

“How early?” He still needed to look for two suitable starships, though he supposed he could do that after she and Nadyah left.

“As early as possible, there is a lot I must do tomorrow, plans for the citizens in the outer rim that need to be put into action, and preparation for the trip.” Adelina swirled the liquor in the glass, staring down into it like it held all the answers she might need. “I have a bad feeling. I don’t think things are going to go as planned and as such I want everything ready as quickly as possible. If you can get Roxy to finish in less than a week I would be forever grateful, if that is even feasible.”

Varan contemplated. There was a lot he didn’t know about courtesans, but they were extremely intuitive and empathetic. If there was something Adelina was unknowingly tapping into, he would be a fool not to listen.

“I feel it too,” Nadyah whispered. “The sooner we speak to the Drakesthai, the better.”

Emma Dean & Jillian Ashe's books