It's All Relative

As he sped through the city, Kai began preparing all of the speeches he would have to tell people. It was the beginning of what would eventually be goodbye. His studded tires thudded along the dry road, thankfully still clear of snow and ice. It hadn’t snowed in the city yet, but farther up the mountains, where his work was based, a thin layer typically blanketed the forest.

Kai had spun out on the slick stuff a few times before he’d invested in snow tires. Louis told him almost every day that a bike was not going to cut it come February, and he’d made him a pretty generous offer on an old truck that he’d converted to burn bio-diesel. Before the ski trip, Kai had been considering buying it, especially on days when the icy wind picked up. When the chill cut straight through all of his protective layers, the thought of driving in an enclosed cabin sounded nicer and nicer. But now…Kai didn’t need to worry about it anymore.

Pulling into the parking area, Kai shivered as he shut off his bike. He hadn’t taken two steps away from his Honda, his helmet in hand since he wasn’t a big fan of riding with a frozen skull, when Missy stepped up to him. Wearing an oversized parka with fur around the trim, she looked like she’d just been exploring the arctic.

“Morning, Kai.” She smiled as she slowly eyed the length of him. When her gaze returned to her face, she frowned. Grabbing a section of his insulated riding pants, a little closer to the crotch than he was comfortable with, she said, “These do nothing for you. I can’t wait until the weather warms up.” Her lips twisted into a smile as she wriggled her eyebrows.

Kai removed her hand and started walking toward the building. He didn’t care how he looked, so long as he was warm. “Good morning to you too, Missy.” Kai didn’t mention to her that he wouldn’t be here when the weather warmed up. He intended to tell his coworkers, but his boss should come first. Besides, he wasn’t sure what Missy would do once she found out he was leaving.

She huffed as she squeezed through the door with him. Once they popped through the other side, she poked a finger into his shoulder. “By the way, I’m very happy you’re not seeing that August person anymore.”

Kai cracked a smile as he waved at a group of people starting their morning routines. Continuing on to the storage room, where he could change out of his riding gear, he told her, “You mean April?”

She blew out a quick puff of air. “Whatever the month was, I’m just glad it’s over. She was never right for you.” Looking up at him, Missy batted her lashes beneath her black-rimmed glasses. Kai was all too aware just who she thought was perfect for him.

Shaking his head, Kai opened the door to the storage room. As he could have predicted, Missy darted in behind him. Once they were alone in the room, she backed against the door and seductively began to unzip her jacket. Kai really hoped that was all she took off in here. Twisting away from her, he set down his helmet and started unzipping his heavy coat.

From behind him, he heard the sounds of her undressing; her low voice floating over the top of it. “She has to be mental, if she let someone like you go.”

Kai ignored her comment, like he always did, and slid his riding pants down his hips. He had them mid-thigh when she let out an approving whistle. Twisting around, he smirked at her. Luckily, she had only removed her winter coat, and was fully dressed. Now that she had his attention again, she gave him a seductive smile. “If I had you, you’d never get my claws out of you.” Growling, she mimed a cat clawing the air.

Kai unzipped the ends of his pants and slid them over his shoes. Laying them on a shelf near his jacket, he straightened to look at her. “Well, Missy, it’s a good thing you never had me then.” He raised a corner of his lip. “And I’m pretty sure I’ve already mentioned this, but it was a mutual decision to stop seeing each other. We’re even still friends.”

Missy rolled her eyes as she grabbed her gadget belt off a shelf. “Too bad for her, yay for me,” she muttered. Kai sighed. Grabbing his own belt, he moved around her to leave the room. She surprisingly let him, an innocent smile on her freckled face as she adjusted her outfit. Then just as he stepped through the door, she cupped his ass; he heard her laughter as the door closed between them.

Frowning at the door, Kai put on his belt. One thing he wouldn’t miss around here was his too frisky coworker. Turning, Kai started heading toward Mason’s office. He still wasn’t sure what he was going to say to the man, but he supposed it really didn’t matter what he said. Whether he was telling him he was leaving, or telling him he was staying forever, Mason would probably react in the same odd, awkward way.