It's All Relative

Kai stepped into the room, softly closing the door behind him. His heart started thudding in his chest as he spotted Mason, sitting at his desk cluttered with journals and notes. Even though things between Kai and Mason had been strained at times, Kai enjoyed working here with him. He wasn’t eager to tell him he was leaving, and he had no real reason to offer Mason except that he’d changed his mind. It seemed like a shallow excuse to Kai. Empty. But it was better than the truth.

Mason silently studied Kai as he approached his desk. There was an odd expression on his face, like he was calculating and debating. Did Mason know what Kai was about to say? He didn’t think so, but the idea that he might know made Kai even more nervous as he sat in a chair across from him.

Tension filled the room, making Kai’s palms sweat. God, why was this so hard? Mason was a stranger who didn’t like him. Of all the conversations Kai was going to have in the next couple weeks, this one should be the easiest. Running his hands over his slacks, Kai cleared his throat. Might as well get this over with. “Um…Mason, I need to talk to you about something…and it’s sort of hard to talk about. I’m not really sure where to begin…”

Mason’s reaction to Kai’s words surprised him so much, that he couldn’t continue his thoughts. He crumpled in his chair and let out a sigh that was both weary and relieved. His chin quivered with emotion, and his eyes started to shine with building tears. The nerves inside Kai started to morph into dread. What the hell was wrong with his boss? As Kai debated what to say, he was struck with an odd desire to run.

Suddenly, Mason’s expression turned hard. “He told you, didn’t he?” He shook his head at Kai, his voice both incredulous and agitated. “I can’t believe he actually told you. After everything he did to get you out here with me, so I could tell you…he told you anyway. He said he would give me until the end of the year. I can’t believe he was so impatient, that he couldn’t give me just a few more weeks with you. He had to know how hard this has been for me. Not that he would care if I was suffering.” He sighed. “Maybe I deserve to suffer after what I did to him…”

Kai felt like someone had just lifted the floor and shook it so hard his head was rattling. He’d never been so confused in all his life. He’d also never been so concerned. Something was going on here that he didn’t know about. Something that involved him…and Mason.

Kai opened and closed his mouth a few times, but he didn’t know what to ask. Suddenly looking exhausted, Mason rubbed his face as he sighed. “I told Leilani this wouldn’t work, that she and Nate should sit down and tell you together, but she begged me…said you’d take it better if it came from me, that maybe you wouldn’t hate her if I softened the blow for her. Ridiculous. But somehow she convinced me, and I agreed to take you in, so I could tell you…so I could get to know you.” His face hardened as he shook his head. “But then Nate decides that your relationship with him is getting worse, and he needs this…monkey off his back so he can repair the damage he’s caused by being too scared to talk to you.” With a scoff, he looked up at the ceiling. “And then he goes and tells you anyway…right as I’m working up the nerve to do it. I shouldn’t be surprised. He always was impatient.”

Anger raced up Kai’s spine. Nothing Mason said was making any sense. What the hell did his parents have to do with…anything? “What the hell are you talking about? What would my mom and dad want you to tell me? What could possibly be so awful, that they couldn’t talk to me about it first?”

As Kai fumed, he watched all of the blood drain from Mason’s face. He grew so pale that Kai was a little worried he’d pass out. Under his breath, he heard Mason mutter, “Oh God…you don’t know.” Then Mason’s expression completely changed. Clearing his throat, he steepled his fingers and calmly asked, “I’m sorry, what did you want to talk to me about, Kai?”

Kai wasn’t an idiot, and he wasn’t about to be deterred by such a lame attempt at diversion. Like any well-trained researcher, he was going to follow the evidence until he got his answer. What the hell was going on here? “What does my dad want me to know, that you’re supposed to tell me?”

All the rigidness left Mason, and he seemed to melt into his chair. His face was the picture of defeat. And remorse. “I am so sorry that you have to find out this way, Kai. I truly am. I need you to know that.”

Not sure how much more of this Kai could take, he grit his jaw and spat, “Find out what?”

Closing his eyes, Mason let out a long sigh. “Just over twenty-three years ago, your mother and I fell madly in love. Much to my later regret, we…carried out an illicit affair behind Nate’s back.” As Mason opened his eyes, Kai’s heart started racing, and he suddenly didn’t want to hear anymore. Mason wasn’t about to stop now though. “While we were together, Leilani became pregnant.” His hands splayed out to indicate Kai. “You are the result of our union,” he whispered.

Kai shot up out of his chair. No. That was not true. He was not saying that Kai was…that Mason was…no.