Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

Willingly she moved in, holding his shoulders, arching her body into his, which was big and firm against hers. The tip of his tongue rubbed on her bottom lip and she moaned her acceptance into his mouth. His tongue slid inside and she met it with hers, opening wider. Her core tightened and warmed.

Their tongues rubbed together, lips sliding as they kissed over and over. Heat spread through Amber, molten heat from her lower belly, small flames licking over her skin. She ached with need and pressed in deeper, seeking pressure on her breasts and her *. Duncan’s fingers twisted in her hair, holding her head and moving it where he wanted her mouth to be. With one last drag of his tongue over her bottom lip, he finally drew back and gasped, “Jesus Christ.”

“I know.” She moaned again, rubbing against him. “Holy geez, you’re a good kisser.”

“Oh man, so are you. Your mouth…hot and sweet…can’t get enough of it.”

They were still wearing their jackets and her purse still hung from her shoulder. She dropped it to the floor and he unbuttoned her coat, then pushed it off. He shrugged out of his leather jacket and tossed it toward the chair, then lowered his head again to brush his lips against hers. He nipped her bottom lip, then slipped his tongue inside again.

Now the heat was swelling up, burning her. His big hand slid down to her bottom, pulling her harder up against him with less layers of clothing between them and she loved it. His erection was thick and hard behind the fly of his jeans and she longed to touch him there. Right then all she could do was rub herself up against him once more. He groaned. The sound pleased her.

“C’mere.” He took two steps back, never releasing her, and fell to the couch, pulling her down with him. She didn’t want to crash onto him and hurt him but he managed to control her descent and turn her so she sat across his lap. His mouth found hers again, and now fever hot, she sank into his kiss. Their hands moved over each other, his up and down her back, her hip, stroking through her hair; hers exploring the contours of his shoulders, the big bones and dense muscles, the soft skin at the back of his neck, the thick silk of his hair.

Their mouths met again and again in deep, wet kisses that had heat mainlining through her veins. She felt the warmth of his body too, and when he lifted his mouth from hers to string kisses over her jaw and cheek, then one long openmouthed kiss on the side of her neck just below her ear, she shivered. She turned her face into the side of his neck and breathed him in. He smelled delicious, clean and soapy and subtly spiced with his unique male scent that tugged at something deep inside her and made her want to lick him all over.

Since his skin was right there next to her mouth, she put her tongue out for a taste, just a small swipe, but he shuddered at her touch.

“Fuck,” he growled. “You are so goddamn hot.”

She smiled and licked again, a longer, lusher drag of her tongue over his skin. “You taste good,” she whispered. “And smell good.”

“You smell good too. Damn, baby, I want to eat you up.”

His words made more heat dart in her lower belly. “I think I’d like that. If you’re as good at that as you are at kissing…”

“Holy fuck.” He groaned and fisted her hair, pulling her head back. They stared at each other. “I like kissing. A lot. But I really like kissing…you.”

His words made her * squeeze. “I like kissing you too.” She honestly didn’t think she’d ever enjoyed kissing someone so much. “I want to kiss you everywhere.” Her fingers moved to the buttons of his plaid shirt. He let her unbutton them and slide her hands inside, over smooth skin, thick pectoral muscles, down over his ribs. When he winced a little, she paused.

“It’s okay,” he mumbled. “Got some bruises there last night.”

“Where?” She parted the shirt and saw the faint discoloration over his right ribs. “Oh. What happened?”

“You were watching the game.” His lips quirked. “You didn’t see me crash the net?”

“I didn’t watch the whole game.” She touched gentle fingertips to the bruises.

“Ah. Third period, driving to the net trying to score, I hit the net but the puck didn’t.” He made a face. “Ran into the goalpost as I flew by. Then I hit the boards.” He paused. “Keep touching me like that. It helps.”

She smiled and smoothed her palms back up his chest. “You didn’t break a rib or anything?”

“Nah, they checked me out after. Petty sure they’re just bruised.”

Her fingertips found his nipples and brushed over the hard nubs. He groaned and pulled her head down for another kiss. While their tongues played, her hands explored hot skin everywhere she could reach, and his hands roamed her body too, coming up one side to cup her breast. She sucked in air at that, her breast swelling into his palm. He gently squeezed, rubbed his fingertips over her hard nipple through her tank top and bra, then cupped her again. A moan climbed her throat.

Kelly Jamieson's books