Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“Harder,” she whispered in his ear. “Fuck me harder.”

Her words inflamed him. His hips powered faster. Deeper. Like she wanted. He wanted to give it to her. But she had to come first. “Sweetheart,” he groaned. “Where are you…’cause I’m close.”

She adjusted the angle of her pelvis. “I’m…there. Oh God!” With a low wail, her * rippled around him, her strong thighs tightening on his hips. Tension rose up his spine almost painfully, his ass muscles tightened, and then he came, in wrenching hot pulses inside her. The noises that shuddered out of his throat were unrecognizable as pleasure escalated and peaked with agonizing intensity.

Her mouth opened on his shoulder in a hot kiss. The air around them burned, their bodies damp and clinging. They lay together like that for long moments, hearts thudding against each other, breathing fast.

He lifted his head and looked down at her face. “Yeah.” This was how it was supposed to be. Her face wore a look of wonder and satisfaction, her mouth swollen and curved into a sweet but sultry smile, eyes heavy-lidded. Honest and generous and real. It was also unnerving.

Because he could fall in love with this woman.

This woman who didn’t want to like him.

With a sigh, he slowly pulled out, holding the condom. “Be right back.” He headed into the attached bathroom, got rid of the latex and washed up, then returned to the bed.

Amber lay stretched out on top of the duvet on her stomach, all smooth golden curves, her long, dark gold hair spread around her.

“We didn’t even make it under the covers,” Duncan said. The air seemed to have cooled now.

She smiled at him as he pulled back the duvet, rolled toward him so he could lift it more, then rolled back to give him room. He joined her, the sheets cool but her body smoking hot. Once she was wrapped up in his arms and settled against him, he threaded his fingers through her long hair, pulling it back off her face. “Okay. Now you tell me why you don’t want to like me.”

Her body tensed against him, but then she sighed and relaxed, her face against his shoulder. “Because of who you are. Rich. Famous. Talented.”

“Those are bad things?” He continued to run his fingers through her hair.

“Not in themselves. But fame and success can go to a person’s head. Make them feel…privileged. Entitled. Invincible. Beyond the law.”

“What?” His mouth dropped open. “When have I ever broken the law? Oh wait…I did get a speeding ticket once…”

“Not you. I’m sorry. I’m not talking about you personally. I like you, Duncan. A lot. I don’t want to, but I do.”

“Well, if we’re being honest here, I don’t want to like you either.”

She went very still. “Why?”

“Because you’re a model.”

After a short pause, she said, “Um, what did Melissa do to you that makes you paint every model with the same makeup brush?”

He choked on a laugh at that. “I don’t really want to talk about her right now.”

“And I’m doing the same,” she admitted. “Judging you based on someone else.”

“You dated a hockey player?” He scowled, hands tightening possessively on her. Fuck that! Who was it? What dickhead had treated her badly?

“No, no.”

He relaxed a little.

“It’s just…I’ve seen the kind of life pro athletes live, and I don’t want that.”

He went silent, pondering that. “Well, I think my life is pretty damn good. It’d be better if we were playing better and winning more games, but generally, I like my life.”

She tilted her head back to look at him. “That’s good.”

“You sound like you don’t believe me.”

“Of course I do.”

“I don’t think you do. Let me show you.”

Her forehead creased. “Show me what?”

“Show you what my life is like. Hang out with me.” Christ. He was so lame. He was inviting her to hang out together like they were pals or something.

She looked anxious. “I don’t know. I don’t have time for dating.”

“Did I say dating? I said hang out.”

“Like friends?” Her eyebrows sloped down.

“I’d like to be friends with you.” He wanted way more than that. Obviously. But it was true, he did want to be friends with her. He liked her. He wanted to get to know her better. In bed and out of it.

“We just had sex,” she said. “Friends don’t do that.”

“Why not?”

She started laughing. “Duncan! You’re messing with my mind.”

He grinned. “I don’t mean to. I just want to spend more time with you. I know you’re busy. I am too. We have a road trip this week and I’ll be gone for four days. But when we find time…can we see each other?”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

“I’m not good at this.” Looking at her, he was surprised to see a tender expression on her face.

She palmed his cheek. “I think you’re very good at this. You’re honest and real. That means a lot.” Her expression turned rueful. “You’re sucking me in.”


Kelly Jamieson's books