Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

Duncan smirked back at her. “Just wait till I take my pants off.”

Whoa, where did that come from? He was never the guy who had witty responses. But somehow he was so comfortable with her, it just slipped out. He’d been so focused on how hard his dick was and how much his balls ached and how fucking hot he was for her, he almost forgot to be nervous. Now her comment reminded him that he wasn’t entirely sure he didn’t suck in bed.

He’d never had any complaints. But then, he hadn’t slept with anyone more than a few times, other than Melissa, and honestly, sometimes in bed she’d seemed like she’d rather be cleaning the lint out of her hair dryer. That wasn’t really good for a guy’s ego.

Amber laughed, a throaty laugh that licked over him like a soft tongue, and restored his confidence. He hardened even more. “I can’t wait.” Her eyes moved over him as he got rid of his shirt, which was hanging open. She appeared to like what she saw. Her eyes were bright, her lips parted, and her breasts rose and fell quickly. His gaze dropped there, to the black bra that sweetly cupped her perfect round breasts, shadowy nipples pushing at the sheer fabric. His dick twitched.

He sat on the side of the bed to pull off his boots, then stretched out beside her and reached for her. He slid her across the bed cover easily, pulling her up against him, then cupped the back of her head and held her face so he could kiss her. As their mouths joined again, he eased her onto her back and moved over her.

Her hands roamed over him, sweeping up and down his bare back, over his shoulders, into his hair. He liked her fingers sliding through his hair, her nails scraping on his sensitive scalp. He liked her touching him. The fire in his belly burned hotter, spreading outward through his body.

Her mouth was hungry on his, her small tongue strong and sleek. They played, tongues sliding together, in and out, hands moving. He found the clasp of her bra at the back and flicked it open. Praise God, it opened the first time. There was nothing more mood killing than fighting with a damn bra. Well, maybe there was…Thoughts scattered as he tugged the bra away and then filled his hand with soft, feminine flesh.

A groan climbed up his throat.

Christ, there was nothing better—warm, firm flesh, a hard little nipple that made his mouth water. He caressed her, molding her to his palm, rubbing his thumb over the nipple, making her gasp and quiver against him.

He pressed her deeper into the mattress, kissed and sucked his way down her throat, over her chest, between her breasts. He rubbed his stubble against one curve and she moaned. Then his eyes fell closed and he took her nipple into his mouth and gently sucked.

Jesus, fuck, lust sliced through him, hot and throbbing. He tongued her and suckled, and her response made him nuts. She trembled and made the hottest breathy little sounds he’d ever heard in his life, heat stabbing straight to his balls. When he used his teeth, so gently, her soft cry of pleasure had blood rushing hot through his veins. “Like that?” he whispered, moving to the other breast.

Her hands in his hair pulled him closer, her head rolling back and forth on the pillow. “God yes. Oh my God.”

“Good. Because I like it too. Such pretty breasts, sweetheart. So perfect.” He cupped the other breast and it just filled his big hand. Perfect.

“You’re making me crazy.” Her legs moved on the bed restlessly, that short skirt riding high on her thighs. Gorgeous thighs. He let his palm stroke down over her slender rib cage to her flat belly, skim over the rumpled skirt, and then sweep down one smooth thigh. Up and down he stroked her there as he continued to suck on her sweet nipple, then lick the curves of her breast. His hand moved to her inner thigh. The skin was hotter and damper there.

Christ. He wanted to feel how hot she really was. He stroked her inner thigh and she willingly parted it from the other. His heart pounding, he cupped her *. Sweet Jesus. His big hand made her seem tiny, and damn, heat simmered beneath the thin, silky fabric of her panties. He just held her there, licking his way back up to her mouth to sink into another deep kiss.

Their mouths moved together while his hand began to caress her *, stroking his fingers over her panties, pressing the heel of his hand to her mound. Her hips moved in tiny, needy pulses.

“Did I tell you what a good kisser you are?” she murmured against his lips moments later.

“I think you did. Yes.”

“I’ll tell you again. Your mouth is crazy hot. You make me want you so bad.”

Kelly Jamieson's books