Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“Right, I remember you mentioning summers off. What do they fill up with?”

“I run a couple of hockey camps for kids back in Wisconsin and one here in town. And I take some time off to travel, plus some time just to relax at my cabin and fish and stuff.”

“Right, the lake cabin.”

“Yeah. I bought a place a few years ago, near Burlington. It’s not that far from here, or from my folks. I like hanging out there in the summer, and I even go there a few times in the winter if we have a bit of a break.”


He eyed her empty plate and glass. “Ready to go?”

“Sure.” Her insides trembled as she slid out of the booth, pulling her purse and jacket along with her. They’d had their milkshake. Now what?

She offered to pay her half of the check, but Duncan waved her off and she let him pay. It wasn’t like it was a super expensive dinner in a fancy restaurant.

She tried to imagine her dad eating somewhere like this, back in the days when they’d had money. The thought was enough to make her laugh. Duncan kept surprising her, knocking her off balance.

When he’d paid, he set a hand on the small of her back and led her out of the tiny diner into the chilly night air.

“Thank you,” she said quietly. “That was awesome. Best milkshake I’ve ever had.”

“You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.”

She sensed that he really meant that, that he was almost relieved that she’d liked it. It was a little hole-in-the-wall place, but sometimes those were the best.

When they were in his truck and he’d started it, he turned to her in the dark. “So? Are you still sexually frustrated?”

Chapter 9

Amber choked on a laugh at his unexpected question. How was she supposed to answer? If she was honest and said yes, then what? Would they go somewhere and have sex? Her place? Not likely, with Easton there. His place? He too had a roommate. If she protected herself by saying no, would she be hurting his feelings? And would she ever get another chance to say yes?

The truth was, her body was humming and tingling and aching in all her soft girl places. She wanted to know what his mouth felt like, tasted like. She wanted to feel all his big muscles against her. She wanted to touch him everywhere. She studied his face, the corners of his lips tipped up, but a hint of uncertainty in his green eyes. He wasn’t a smooth-talker. And she liked that. Because she was uncertain too. She didn’t want to like him—but she did. She didn’t want to be attracted to him—but she was.

“Yes,” she finally whispered.

“Will you come to my place with me?”

So politely asked.

“Yes,” she said again. “But…”

“Marc’s at Lovey’s tonight.” He put the truck in gear and pulled out from the curb.

“Oh. Okay.” After a moment she said, “Where do you live?”

“East Monroe. Just off Michigan. Not far from here.”

She nodded.

He soon pulled into an underground parking garage beneath a high-rise building. They rode a luxurious elevator to the fourteenth floor and then he led the way into his condo. She took it all in, trying not to show how dismayed she was with the expensive elegance.

Although the workout equipment in the dining room was a down-to-earth touch. One corner of her mouth lifted.

“Home. Just bought this place last summer.” He dropped his keys on a small table in the foyer. The light above was the only one on in the condo. “Come on in.”

He led the way across wide plank hardwood floors stained a dark chocolate color. Big windows showcased a glittering city view. He clicked on a table lamp, illuminating two brown leather couches and a couple of oversized chairs sitting on a patterned rug, with a square table in the middle. The kitchen, on the left, was huge, shadowy, but she could see light cupboards and a dark granite counter forming a U-shape around a substantial island with stools at one end.

“Nice.” She swallowed. Now, this was a reminder of how much money he must have.

“Thanks.” He reached out a hand and took hers, drawing her closer to him. Two small creases formed between his eyebrows. “Hey. Are you cold?”


“You’re shivering.”

She didn’t want to tell him she was nervous. So she went on her toes and slid her arms around his neck and kissed him.

After a second’s hesitation, his hands landed on her hips and his mouth moved against hers. After one long, slow, clinging kiss, he drew back, tilted his head, and kissed her again. This time his hand slid up her back and into her hair and his mouth opened on hers in a deeper kiss. The hand on her hip slid to her lower back just at the top of her ass and gently pulled her against him.

Kelly Jamieson's books