Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“Thank Christ. ’Cause I want you bad too.”

She bent one knee, planted a foot into the mattress, and rolled him to his back. He smiled and let her, because hey, her on top was also fucking hot. Her breasts pressed to his chest, she kissed him, lush and soft and erotic, and he parted his jeans-clad thighs to let her settle there. His hands went to her ass, pushing the skirt higher. Christ. Her little panties left her cheeks bare. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe there was something better—or at least just as good—as feeling her breasts, because, damn, her ass was sweet. His big hands cupped small cheeks and squeezed, pulling her harder against his erection.

“Mmm.” She licked his bottom lip as he rocked her pelvis into his, hands fondling her sweet little ass. “Oh yeah.”

He sucked on her tongue in the same rhythm as his hips moved against her. But hell, he wasn’t going to last long doing that. She wasn’t going to be impressed if he spilled his load before even getting inside her. So he rolled her again, their mouths fused. They kissed and touched and rolled and twisted on the bed until he was burning so hot he was about to combust.

“Okay,” he gasped. “Need you. Now.”

“Needed you half an hour ago.”

He rolled off her and felt around the skirt. “No zipper,” she said. “It’s stretchy, it pulls off.”

Yeah, it was stretchy and tight and had hugged her ass and thighs in a black Lycra grip. “Perfect.” He whisked the skirt and black thong panties down her legs and tossed them aside. He paused, kneeling beside her, throbbing with need and wishing he could take more time to just look at her, because, fuck, she was gorgeous. Her tongue came out to wet her bottom lip, eyes on him, and heat zapped straight to his groin. With a groan, he fell to his back, unzipped, and lifted his hips to shove his jeans and boxers off. He kicked them away and then they were both blessedly naked.

As he rolled over her again, the sensation of skin to skin nearly blew the top of his head off, blindingly perfect and scorching hot. Sensation sizzled over him, tension building and coiling inside him. But he wanted to make sure it was good for her too. “Tell me what you want.” He pushed a thigh between hers. His cock throbbed between them. “Anything.”

“Oh God. I want you inside me. Please.”

He slapped a hand out to grab a condom by feel alone, closed his fingers around one, and levered up using his abs to open the package.

“Can I put it on you?” Amber’s eyes brightened.

“Christ, yeah.” He handed it to her but then had to grit his teeth at the touch of her fingers on his stiff prick. Sensation wrapped hot around his cock and struck his balls as she carefully rolled on the latex, biting her lush bottom lip. Another groan escaped him.

“There.” She raised her eyes to his. “You really are beautiful, Duncan.”

The utter sincerity and admiration in her eyes undid him. “Christ.” Once more he reached for her and rolled her under him. He settled between her thighs, his cock pressed at her hot *, hands in her hair, mouth hungrily devouring hers.

“Please,” she whispered when he ended the kiss. Her hips lifted against him. “I’m aching. Please, Duncan.”

Good. That was good. Eyes fastened to hers, he rose up to his knees and reached between them to direct the head of his cock through her sleek, wet lips, seeking her entrance. There…“Aw fuck, yeah.” There it was. She stared back at him as he eased into her, her breathing uneven, her parted lips wet and shiny in the dim light.

His own breathing was ragged, pleasure licking over every nerve ending like flames as her heat closed around him. Scalding heat, tight and slick, pulling him in. A rumble rose in his chest, electricity coursing through him.

“Oh, that’s so good.” She pressed a hand to her lower abdomen as if she could feel him that deep inside her. His cock pulsed in her tight channel. He pushed her legs back, opening her more to him, and her hands gripped his thighs, spread wide on the mattress. She continued to watch him, eyes glowing and warm.

This. This was how it was supposed to be. Both of them so hot for each other there was no way they could stop. Feeling so good, heat rushing through his body, unstoppable. His balls drew up tight at the base of his cock, excitement pounding in him.

“Wow,” he murmured. “Amber.”

Eyes wide, she said, “I know.”

He began to move, his cock tunneling in and out of her, the sweet friction sublime. He wanted those long legs wrapped around him, so he lowered himself over her again, weight on his elbows, one arm wrapping around the top of her head. He eased her hair off her forehead, kissed her mouth, then buried his face in the side of her neck.

Her hips lifted to his with each stroke, getting faster, harder, and then, sweet Jesus, she hooked her ankles at the small of his back.

Kelly Jamieson's books