Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

“That wasn’t a date,” Hughie protested. “It doesn’t count. Tonight’s their first date.”

Duncan scowled. Honesty compelled him to admit, “Actually, I did ask her out Friday night. She shut me down.”

“Aha!” Rupper reached out and plucked the bills from Hughie’s hand. “I do win!”

The others all groaned.

“And tonight’s not a date, exactly,” Duncan mumbled, both pissed and amused at the bet.

“I’m staying at Lovey’s tonight.” Duper elbowed him in the ribs. Duncan winced. He’d hit the goalpost hard last night with a drive to the net in a failed attempt to score and Duper’d nudged him right on the bruises. “You have the whole place to yourself tonight.”

Well, there was that. Duncan wasn’t sure what was going to happen after milkshakes, but it was good to know he could take Amber home if all went well. Christ. The thought of having her naked and under him made his blood rush hot through his veins. He gulped back the last of his beer and looked back at the bar.

Amber was slipping on a short black trench coat. She looked so fucking hot tonight in that snug, sparkly top and short skirt, and those heels that made her legs look incredible. Damn, he wanted those long legs wrapped around him.

“Gotta go,” he said, pushing away from the table. “See you all later.”

“Good luck,” Rupper called.

“Get her off good,” Hughie said. Duncan frowned at him and Hughie held up two hands. “Sorry.”

Duncan turned his back on them and walked toward Amber. She was lifting her long blond hair from beneath her coat collar. She shook her head, and it shimmered down her back in shiny waves.

So much for his resolve to avoid women, and not only that, she was just the kind of woman he wanted to avoid. But there were definite sparks between them and they might as well explore it. Right? Right.

“Let’s go.” He took her elbow and led her out of the bar.

“In a hurry?” Amusement shaded her smoky voice.

“Yep. I really need a milkshake.”

She laughed.

He paused on the sidewalk and squinted at her. “You drive to work?”

“Yeah. I’m parked out back.”

Damn. He wanted her with him in his truck. “You want to come with me? I’ll bring you back to your car.”

She pursed her lips and considered the offer.

“Whenever you want,” he added. He wanted to just grab her and haul her into his truck, but sensed her hesitation. He had a sister and had constantly warned her about being careful around strange guys, so he got that.

She studied him with those big brown eyes, then nodded. “Okay.”

He led her down the dark sidewalk to his truck and sensed her surprise when he bleeped the locks and opened the passenger door for her.

“Nice truck,” she said.

He helped her climb in, no easy feat in that tight skirt and heels. The skirt rose high on firm thighs and he couldn’t drag his eyes away from the view. Holy hotness.

“Uh. Thanks. Just got it a few months ago.”

“Not what I would have pictured you driving.”

He rounded the vehicle and settled into the driver’s seat. “What would you picture me driving?”

“A Lamborghini, or something…expensive and fast and showy.”

He turned and frowned at her. “Seriously? You call me farm boy. What farm boy drives a Lamborghini?”

She blinked. “Right.” She tipped her head and looked around the interior of the truck. “On second thought, maybe this is what I’d picture you driving.”

“Lovey totally busted my balls for buying a truck in the city.” He reversed, shoulder checked, and easily pulled out of the parking spot. “But I like it.”

“I guess you should drive what you like.”

“What kind of car do you have?”

She snorted. “An ancient Honda Civic.”

His brows rose. “Uh…okay.”

“It’s old. It’s beat-up. It’s been running great up till recently.” She shrugged. “It gets me around. Mostly. I’d take public transportation everywhere if I could, but I don’t live exactly close to campus and work, and the modeling jobs I get can be anywhere.”

“I guess, yeah.” He flicked on a blinker and made a turn. “Why don’t you live closer to campus?”

“Easton offered me a place to live when I moved here. I can’t afford much on my own. I pay him a small rent.”

“Oh.” He considered that. The building she lived in was pretty nice. He’d figured she was doing well with her modeling, well enough to afford a good apartment. “I guess it’s cheaper to share. I have a roommate too.”



“Somehow I think you can both afford your own place.”

Duncan laughed. “Yeah. Marc was living with a girl, but when they broke up she kept the apartment and he moved in with me. We have fun hanging out together, so he’s never moved on, but I think if things keep going the way they are with Lovey, he’ll probably move out. He’s hardly ever there anymore.”

Kelly Jamieson's books