Icing (Aces Hockey #1)

She bit her lip. If she turned him down, was that going to mean no tip? She’d been looking after them well all evening.

How awful was it for her to lead him on and make him think she might go out with him, at least until after he settled up the bill?

Her gut twisted a little. She didn’t like shit like this.

Then someone pushed the man aside.


“She can’t go out with you.” He lifted his square chin at the other man. “She’s taken.”

“Ah.” The customer nodded and held up two hands. “Sorry, man. No idea.” He cast her a regretful look as he walked back to the table.

Amber glared at Duncan. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Saving you. Again.”

“Bullshit, you’re saving me! You don’t know I needed saving! What if I wanted to go out with that guy?”

“Did you?”

They were nose to nose, almost the same height with her in heels, eyes flashing.

“Maybe I did. He seemed nice.”

“Fuck that.”

“You are unbelievable!” She curled her fingers into her palms and resisted the urge to scream. “Not only that, now you’ve probably wrecked any chance of getting a good tip from him.”

“You turned me down, but you’d go out with him?”

“I offered you coffee. You turned me down.”

“I’ve changed my mind.”

“Well, maybe I have too.”

They stared at each other. Amber’s heart was racing, her breathing fast. She saw Duncan’s chest rise and fall rapidly too. His green eyes had darkened and his gaze dropped to her mouth.

Molten heat gathered between her thighs. Her lips parted.

“What does that mean?” His words sounded like a groan.

She blinked. “What does what mean?”

“You changed your mind. About going out with me? Or about offering me coffee?”

She moved her head slowly from side to side, mesmerized by his mouth moving and the husky, low tone of his voice. The way his eyelids now lowered. Goddamn he was sexy. “I don’t even remember,” she whispered.

“Good.” To her utter shock, he lifted a big hand, slid it around the side of her neck, and cupped her head, his thumb brushing just in front of her ear. “What time are you off?”

Chapter 8

Duncan felt Amber tremble against his hand. His thumb brushed over the softest skin and he watched a pulse flutter in her throat.


He had no idea what time it was but it had to be close to that. “You can leave now.”

A cute wrinkle appeared between her eyebrows. “No, I can’t.”

“I’ll talk to your boss.”

“No you won’t!” She jerked away from him and stepped back, crossing her arms and frowning.

He sighed and crossed his arms too. “Damn, I thought we were on the same page for about two seconds there.”

She blinked rapidly at him. “We were,” she admitted. “But you can’t interfere with my job.”

“It’s really not that big a deal,” he said patiently. “But whatever. I’ll wait till midnight.”

“Wait for what?”

“Do you have to ask?”

A smile tugged at her gorgeous mouth. “You’re going to take me out for a milkshake?”

He smiled in return. “You like milkshakes?”

“I love them.”

“You’re on, then.”

“Milkshakes at midnight, in January?”

“Why not? I know a little place we can get them.”

He didn’t want a milkshake, but if that was what she wanted, he’d go there.

“I have to cash out.” She moved away.

“I’ll wait.”

He went back to the table where his teammates were and got curious looks from all of them.

“Thought we might have to stop another fight.” Hughie grinned.

“What’s up with you and Amber, dude?” Duper asked. “Last night there was smoke coming off you two.”

“What?” Duncan frowned at his friend. “What are you talking about?”

Duper smirked. “Lovey noticed it too. The smoldering eye contact. The way you both kept staring at each other.”

Duncan frowned. “I wasn’t staring at her.”

“Oh yeah you were. And what was that just now?”

“I thought the guy was bugging her.”

“You were staking your claim.”

“What the fuck?”

“Marking your territory, like that documentary we watched the other night.”

“I’m not a ring-tailed lemur.”

The guys all guffawed.

“Whatever,” Duncan muttered. “I’m taking her out for a milkshake as soon as she gets off.”

“As soon as she gets off?” Hughie waggled his eyebrows. “Nice work, Armdog.”

Duncan shook his head, but he had to laugh.

“Oh hey! Pay up, everyone.” Hughie held out a hand palm up and wiggled his fingers, looking at the other guys. They all grumbled and pulled out their wallets, slapping bills onto Hughie’s palm.

“What’s that for?” Duncan demanded.

“I said you’d last three days. I win.”

“Damn,” Duper said. “I gave you a week, man.”

“I said one day,” Rupper admitted. “You lasted longer than I thought. Although technically, the fight Friday night was the start…hey, I should win!”

Kelly Jamieson's books