FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“Alright, Ice. Move your ass. I need in here.” I move to let Bullet inspect him. “Fuck.” Bullet practically growls his frustration. The look on his face as he takes in all of Kaleb’s injuries tells me what I already know. This is brutal.



“Goddamn it, Kaleb, stay still.” Fucking Bullet. “Where is she?” I cringe and damn near pass out from the pain shooting across my entire body.

“I’m right here.” Jade. Thank fuck. I wish like hell I could see her clearly, but damn, I’m struggling to open my eyes. My lids are heavy and my vision is blurred. If I didn’t hear my team rustling around, I would swear my head was half hanging off of my neck by the way it feels. I feel like shit. Like I’m halfway to hell and only the sound of her sweet voice is holding me back.

My mind drifts in and out. I’m conscious, then I’m not, but I know Jade is here.

“I’ll carry his ass.” I hear the deep rumbling of Jackson’s voice.

I can’t talk. My throat is raw and dry, and I’m fighting like I’ve never fought before to stay conscious, so I can be alert.

The last thing I remember before the beautiful sound of her voice and the sweet smell of gunpowder were my brother’s threats.

Did they kill the piece of shit? Damn it, I need to know.

“He’s stabilized, but hell, we have to get him to the hospital. Where the hell is Steele with that chopper?” Bullet is barking orders loudly, and I wish I had it in me to tell him to shut the fuck up, so I can hear her. He doesn’t know how to tone down his voice when he’s excited.

“Are you positive he’s strong enough to make the trip? Or should we take him to a hospital here?” There she is. My brave girl. I need to see her to know if this is real, or if I’m hallucinating on my fucked-up trip to hell. I blink, trying to force my eyes open again. My eyes are drier than the damn desert we are in, but damn it, they open. Barely.

“Kaleb,” she speaks softly. I continue to work my eyes up and down repeatedly until I’m staring into the eyes of the most stunning woman I will ever see in my life. She’s a sight for these strained, sore eyes. A vision I’ve held on to since the last time I saw her up close.

“Fucking tell me this shit is real?” I bite out, only to go into a coughing fit that practically dislodges my windpipe from my lungs. “I’m right here. We all are. Don’t try to talk.” On a normal day, the warmth from her hand in mine would be enough to calm me down, but not tonight.

“I need water,” I choke out. “There’s some right here.” I follow her movements with my eyes. I’ll admit to anyone I’m scared to have her out of my sight. Knowing she’s safe is all the medicine I need right now. Fuck going to the hospital.

Jade is calm and seems so delicate when she helps me lift my head, bringing a bottle of water to my lips. It’s cold and feels good going down my throat, until I start coughing again. The small sips she’s giving me keep dribbling down my chin.

“Baby, please. I can’t imagine how you feel, but for me, close your eyes and rest. Steele should be here any minute. You’re safe. I have you and we're going home.” Call me a *, a dick, or a spineless bastard, I really couldn’t give a fuck, but hearing her call me baby along with the love in her voice is enough for me not to argue with her.

Hell, one minute, my body feels the fire from every stinging strike from being whipped and punched, then the next, I feel like I’m lying naked in a tub of ice. I smile at the thought of the word ice. Her call name. I drift back to sleep, warm this time instead of freezing and shivering, because the next time I’m lying naked it sure as fuck isn’t going to be hanging from a damn tree. It’s going to be inside of her.

I wake from a nightmare, or is it reality? I’m not sure. Desperation sets in as I try to figure that out. I can’t lift my arms or move my feet. “What the fuck?” I yell while I try to adjust my eyes to the blinding lights.

“Hey, calm down. You're going to be okay. We’re back in the States in a hospital in San Antonio.” Jade’s once again at my side. Christ almighty. I’ve never wanted to see anyone like I do her now. She literally takes my breath away. Her hair is in a messy bun, and she has a little makeup on her face. Her low-cut tank top shows the cleavage to her perfect tits, and my fucking cock twitches in perfect timing to show me it still works after all the torture. Well, fuck, at least I know being hit and punched in my dick didn’t break it. Now, I can say this is a dream come true, not a nightmare. I prayed for days to see her again, even if it was like this.

“I’m calm.” I try to lift my hands up in surrender, but they won’t budge.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books