FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“You have an IV in your arm. Stay still, damn it.” She places my arm back straight and I wince slightly from the tightness of my skin. I’m all kinds of fucked up. Now that I’m awake, I have questions. A hell of a lot of them. Questions I’m not ready to ask yet because I’m afraid of the answers.

Plus, I don’t want to interrupt her smell invading my nose. There were moments I thought I’d never see her again. Let alone have the chance to inhale her sensual smell. God, it sucks not to be able to move and touch her like I so badly want to. I’m desperate, half groggy, and one horny fucker with her this close to me.

“If you’re my nurse, then I demand you take your clothes off.” The look she gives me lets me know that isn’t going to happen.

“I need to get the doctor in here.” She stands, leaning over me, and those damn tits of hers are right in my face. I’m going to kill her for this. No, I take that back. I’m going to fuck those tits and tease her while I hold back a release from her on purpose, as a punishment for taunting me like this.

“What?” The innocent look on her face would make a normal man believe she has no idea what she’s doing, but I’m not normal. Far from it.

“You put those tits in my face again, and I don’t give a fuck if I’m in a hospital or not, nor do I care I have an IV in my arm. I’ll rip the fucker out. Then I’ll tear that barely-there shirt off of you and slide my cock between your tits. Then I’ll glide it straight into your mouth, where you can say you’re fucking sorry.”

“I hate to break this to you, Sir. You won’t be using that big dick of yours for a long time. Although,” she leans in close, her shiny lips within a few inches of mine. “There’s no need to try to get all alpha on me and punish me for anything. I’ll glide you into my mouth without any encouragement from your pissed-off mouth.” Before I can respond, a man in blue scrubs walks in.

“Glad to see you awake, Kaleb. I’m Doctor Weiss.” He saunters in and sits in a chair on the opposite side of the bed from Jade with what I assume is my chart in his hand.

“Tell me when I can get the hell out of here.” I’m assuming he’s paying attention to Jade and not me by the way he’s staring at her. If this little shit doesn’t take his eyes off of my woman, wrapped up and bruised body or not, I’m going to beat his ass before I shove those nerdy glasses down his throat and stick my foot up his ass.

“Kaleb. You’ll go home when you're healed and not a damn day before. Sorry about this grumpy ass here; he seems to have woken up without any manners. Please, carry on.” She smiles at him, and I nearly growl. I’m lying here flat on my back, unable to move, and she’s flirting with some jock of a doctor. Oh, hell no. I’ll remember this, and when I do, I’ll have her on her knees, begging for me to forget it.

At least I know I’m feeling better. I’m back to my barbaric ways when it comes to this woman. Damn, Jade, you have no idea what you do to me.

“It’s fine, Mrs. Maverick. He’s been through quite a bit.” Mrs. Maverick? The doctor carries on, telling me all the bullshit I don’t need to hear. I can feel where my injuries are. I felt every one of them as I endured that hell.

While I was out for almost a week, they have hydrated me and cleaned my wounds. I had to be stitched up in several places. They kept me knocked out just to help me tolerate the pain. Now that I’m coherent, they would like to test my pain tolerance to see if they need to increase my dosage or not. He continues on about every damn organ in my body, from my head to my toes. I’m trying to register what he’s saying. However, the only thing I’m registering out of all of this is why the hell he addressed her as Mrs. Maverick.

“Where the hell are you going, Mrs. Maverick?” I ask Jade the second the doctor leaves the room. I love saying that. Although, Jade Maverick sounds better.

“You need to settle down. A lot of things have happened in the week you've been here.” She smirks when she talks. Damn her, that jealousy I felt is gone. I need her lips on mine. She can fill me in later. Fuck everything else for a while. I’ve missed her.

“You need to kiss me,” I demand and challenge her to come closer. I’m hurting all over, but something tells me Jade is all the medication I need. I push myself up, avoiding showing her how much anguish my body actually feels, while I grab her by the back of the neck and pull her in for a kiss I’ve been thinking about for far too long. The cord from my IV pulls my tight skin, but I don’t give a shit. I need her oxygen to be able to breathe.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books