FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

Her lips are soft and she smells delicious. I could kiss her entire body right now. She slowly moves her tongue over my lips, and I still to a completely frozen state just to let her slowly kiss me. We remain face-to-face, and both of us open our eyes to look deep into each other’s. I know I look like shit to her, but I can feel her looking into me. She feels what I feel inside, and this is the first time in my life I’ve felt this kind of connection with someone. I let my eyes move over her and internally thank god for letting me touch her once more.

Civilian casual looks so good on her. I know she’s lost sleep and has been worried about me, but honestly, after everything I’ve been through, she couldn’t look bad to me. But shit, if she’s not so far from that side of the scale and causing all sorts of craziness in my heart. It’s amazing to want something so bad that it’s the very thing that keeps you alive. I’ve got my chance with her, and as I close my eyes and softly kiss her again, I know I’ll do anything for her. Anything. I had no idea how hard I had fallen for her until I was held hostage. I knew she had gotten to me, but the shit I was thinking about while hanging from that tree was far from the realm of possibilities in my mind before Mexico.

“I love you, Jade.” She sits back and looks at me, not saying a word as I continue. I run my hand down her arm and try to say the right words to let her know just how much I need her. “You saved me out there.”

“I tried.”

“No, you did. It was you I talked to every time I spoke, even if it was all just in my own head. I felt you there with me. I knew you were hurting, and I kept fighting because I knew you wanted me to. You gave me a reason to stay, Jade.” A small tear slides down her cheek, and I move to stop it. This is supposed to be a great fucking day, and I’m in here, making her cry.

“Kaleb. You scared me. I thought I had lost you, and my heart hurt so damn bad. I can’t deal with losing you like that.” She’s whimpering now, and I can tell she’s on the verge of breaking down. It kills me seeing her like this.

“You won’t have to. I’m not going anywhere for a very long time. I’m going on a very long fucking vacation and plan to take you with me as soon as I can break out of here.” That draws a smile from her gorgeous face.

“You know I’ll have to go back soon. I’ve talked to my superior several times. I’m good with more R&R, considering everything that’s happened, but I do have to report in when we get back. I guess there’s a shit ton of paperwork before I can do anything. I’ll have to do that, and then we can go from there. They know it’s been a rough several weeks, so I’m good for a few more if we stay local in the States for sure. I’m not being called to duty for at least a month.” I can’t comprehend that right now. I don’t want to talk about what we’ll do when that happens. It doesn’t matter when it is, I won’t be ready to let her go.

“I know you do, but I promised you a trip and we are taking one.” Maybe if I sound demanding enough, it’ll work.

“How about Bali?” Holy shit, that sounds perfect. Of course, I’d say anything is perfect compared to this hospital in southern Texas.

“Tell Kase, and he’ll get us out of here. That fucker can plan anything.”

“That is very romantic. Have your friend plan our trip, while you just lie around here and bark orders.” There’s my sarcastic girl. She smiles and leans in for another kiss, and I watch her soften again before my eyes. She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls her mouth from mine, allowing only about an inch of space between us.

“Kaleb Maverick. Fire. Commander. Sir. Whatever it is you want me to call you. I love you too.” There’s a knock at the door, interrupting her, but she kisses me once more before she stands. “And if you ever fuck around on me, I’m going to shoot you in the dick just like I did those other guys. So think about that as you move forward from here.” I watch her ass through my swollen eyes and smile. That’s my ass. That’s my woman. Even with that feisty fucking mouth, I wouldn’t change one single thing about her.



Whoever is behind that knock on the door has the worst timing. There’s more to be said between the two of us. Kaleb needs to talk. He needs to tell me what he remembers. The mere idea of him having to relive the savage things done to him sends another sharp spear of anxiety that lies dormant in the center of my chest. I’ve worked out the details with my superior. Thank god, they don’t have me training or scheduling me for a mission as of yet. Our time off could be days or weeks at a time. I do have to check in daily or report to work in other areas when I’m not deployed, but I was granted personal time off because of what I’ve been through in the past few weeks.

I’ve been sitting by his side for almost a week, talking and pleading with him to come back to me. Crying. Me, Jade Elliott, whose heart used to be hard as a block of ice until he brought his fire into my life and melted it. I’ve cried more times in the past week than I can remember throughout my entire life. All over this man I’m in love with.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books