FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“You still pissed off at us?” Ace—or is it Vice? —slings his arm around me, tugging me close to his side. My mind is such a cluster I don’t remember who is who anymore.

“No. You did what you had to do. I’m glad you're all here now. I’m assuming the mission is accomplished,” I say bitterly. Not at them, but if it weren’t for the man we had to go in and get, the man I care about would not be wherever he is, more than likely accepting the idea of death over his suffering right now.

“Yes. He’s been handed over to the higher ups and… before you ask. They’ve been interrogating him, but he won’t give up a damn thing. We’re on our own from here, unless we get word from the President or his cabinet.” He grins down at me as if I don’t understand how this all works. I do. I know more than he thinks I know. What I want to know now, though, is what I’m about to ask our friend here. He sure has his way of getting around without telling us a thing. I’m just about ready to go off on the old man when Harris cuts me off. The look in his eyes tells me to let it go.

“Did you find out anything?” Harris directs his attention from me to Ricardo, even though he never takes his eyes off of mine. I blow out a heavy breath in frustration and work to focus on Ricardo’s response.

“I haven’t. They’ve vanished. However,” he holds his hand up and signals for us all to follow. Harris and I drop our gazes from one another. I’ll keep my mouth shut for now and let his logic lead this conversation over my emotions.

“There are a lot of wooded areas around these parts. Lots of vacant, run-down homes. Now, look.” Pulling a map out of his back pocket, he folds it open on the table we all gather around.

“Harris,” I say nervously. It’s all in Spanish. I can’t make out a thing.

“I got it, Jade.” Harris nods then follows the old man’s pointed finger as he places it on a spot on the map.

“Right here. This… this is where they have to have him.” My anger propels. I’m speaking my mind this time.

“You can’t just guess. You have to be sure. This isn’t hide and seek. That’s my man out there.” Motioning to the door, I stop as I realize my voice is much louder than it should be. My emotions have me spun so tight I can hardly think straight.

“What she's trying to say is… We need some sort of verification before we go in and raid these places. Can we trust someone to go in and check some of them out? Maybe a local who won't look as obvious as this team,” Harris explains.

“I’m not guessing. My sons have been out there. I’m telling you, this is where he is.” He jabs his finger into the exact same spot on the map. I should feel like a bitch for doubting his word after everything he's done for us, but I don't. Our safety is vital during this. If I succeed at rescuing Kaleb only to lose some of his men, I'd never be able to live with myself.

“How can you be sure?” Kase stands tall beside this little old man who has gone out of his way to help us.

“Because there is a man hanging from a tree.” I may still be standing, but my mind is now perfectly clear. I need to kill someone right the fuck now. Blood rages through my body, and I can't stand still another second. It's time to go in.



I’m crouched down alongside Harris. He demanded I not leave his side the second we piled out of the back of the truck. We have enough ammunition to blow up everything in this wooded area. I’m not about to ask where it came from. In this particular situation, I couldn’t care less if the shit is stolen or if it belongs to the president of Mexico or the damn Queen of England herself, as long as we get Kaleb. Kase forced us all to implant a tracking devices into our inner leg, just in case one of us gets captured. I love that he has the technology and the initiative to get us this in such a short time. I could see Kaleb loving this idea.

The giant bushes and trees make it hard to see. The thicket is grouped together like the overgrown tangled mess it is. This shit needs to be bulldozed down, but I'm sure they consider this a form of protection for their shitty structures hidden behind it. How sweet it would be to drive up through the darkness, mangling these half dead tresses of trees in an Abrams tank. Then blow these fuckers up who dared to take Kaleb. My fingers start twitching; the stress I’ve been under is becoming an addiction, a devotee to my life for the past few weeks, and I want it gone. It may never leave my side. Hell, I may be on medication for the rest of my life, especially if things work out between Kaleb and I.

That single, one-syllable word ricochets throughout my body like I hope one of my bullets does soon through Kaleb’s captors. I shouldn’t be thinking about anything else right now, except the plan we have to get him out of there. I know he’s here. I feel him. My need to be close to him and save him is blinding me right now. I’ve been as strong as I could be throughout all of this, and now when I should be resilient to anything... that's when the tears threaten to fall.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books