FIRE (Elite Forces Series Book 2)

“No.” He holds me a few seconds longer and then steps away. “So this man hooked your ass, then you left him in Mexico?”

“Okay, jackass. You made me leave him in Mexico. I wanted to go after him.” My voice gets louder than I plan, and I'm sure the others can hear me getting riled up again.

“Jade. Please tell me you can see how terrible of an idea that was? Tell me you know we had to fucking move and we nearly waited too long as it was.”

“I know.” I don't want to admit that I fucking get it, but I do.

“Would you really have shot me in the damn temple?”

“Do you really want me to answer?” Honestly, I don't know myself, but in that moment, I had it in me. All I remember is the anger flowing through my veins the further away I got from Kaleb.

“I know the answer.” He sits on the tiny bed covered with a ragged quilt. I'm trying like hell to calm my insides so I can think straight, but I can't seem to feel any relief.

“Please, don't take it personally. I hated leaving him with everything inside me. I wouldn't have wanted to leave you either. At the time, I wasn’t thinking clearly. You have to know I wouldn’t have been able to pull that trigger. However, I have a loyalty to all of my brothers, and I don't falter, it's just hard to differentiate that when there's a higher mission involved."

“I know you do. I get it. I would've been insane if it had been you on the ground.” I watch for his meaning behind it, wondering where all of this is coming from. I have to ask.

“You do realize there will never be anything between us?” His shocked look tells me more than the words he follows with.

“Shit, I know. Jade. You'll always be a sister to me, and I’d do anything for you, but you'd drive me fucking crazy. But that doesn't mean I'll let anything happen to you or let you get into a situation like going up against a Mexican army to save the fucking day.” He stands again, crossing his arms to lean against the door while he continues. “I'm not asking all of this with any personal intentions. I just want to hear how the big, bad Jade was conquered.” Under any other circumstances, I might find this conversation funny.

“I don't know. He just got to me,” I leave him with the simplest answer, knowing I have no idea myself. “He consumed me, and now I feel fucking lost.” No one knows when the right person is going to walk into their life. When they’re going to consume their every thought. One day, I was walking around alone, then the next, he was all I could think about.

The room is quiet for a few minutes, and we both remain completely frozen in our positions.

“I promise you, I'll be with you until we find him.” This is why I love Harris. He's loyal. We’ve been through shit, and he's still ready to lay it all down for me. He’s my ride-or-die guy, and I'm happy as hell to have him here with me. Even though I threatened to kill him.

“I appreciate that. You know if we don't find him… Or if…” I can't finish that sentence. Harris is at my side when he realizes I'm struggling.

“That's not an option. We will find him. We will bring his giant, stubborn ass back to the States, and we can go back to my ranch. I will personally pay for a room in town, so you don't scare my horses next time.” His laughter makes me feel slightly better, not that I can really feel great in this predicament, but I'll take an ounce of relief from the stress. Crap, I’ll take anything right now.

I hear an engine getting close to the house, and we both throw our guards up quickly. Kase opens the door without warning and barrels into the room with Jackson on his heels. “Get in the hole now.” My heart slams into my chest as we begin to rush into the perfect standing concrete casket big enough for about five people. They've all pinned me to the back wall like they have to protect me. Idiots. If they only knew I could shoot a bullet through all of their heads and still hit my target. It doesn’t matter; every one of us has our pistols drawn while we wait for any sign of life outside this hole.

The engine dulls out just before a few car doors slam shut. I draw in a breath, preparing to shoot anything that opens that door. How I wish it were the men who have Kaleb, so they would beg me for mercy before I cut their balls off and shove them up their asses for taking him.

“It’s me.” We hear Ricardo from the other side of the door. “And us.” My eyes grow wide. The rest of the team came back.

“Took you fuckers long enough,” Jackson bellows out the door first, his big-ass frame hardly squeezing through the door.

“Fuck off, Jackson, who will get no action.” Steele laughs at his own joke. While I just want to jump in everyone's arms and thank them for coming back, but I won't.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books