
She nodded. “I feel like it,” she said on a sigh.

Reaching out to take Mena Jane, he didn’t even take offense when she hesitated to give her to him. Finally, she gave her up and Jordie cuddled the sweet baby in his arms. Walking into the light, he drank in the sight of his gorgeous goddaughter and smiled. She had a roundness to her face, her dark lashes kissing her cheeks. Her lips were bright red, a little chapped, and she had a head full of dark brown hair. He had seen this face before. Loved this face, and it honestly knocked the air out of him when he realized who she looked like.

Moving his finger along her rosy cheeks, he whispered, “She looks just like Kacey.”

“Striking resemblance, for sure. Thankfully, she has my chin or I would be convinced Karson and Kacey made her.”

Jordie grinned. “Yeah,” he whispered before leaning over to kiss Mena’s nose. “Must be why I love you so much already, huh?”

When he looked up, Lacey was watching him, her eyes dark with wonder, and he promptly looked away. “Don’t read into that,” he said and she laughed without humor.

“Yeah, sure,” she said. “Because hearing that you love my daughter because she looks like your ex isn’t something to read into?”

“Nope, not at all,” he said, flashing her a grin. But he knew Lacey, she wasn’t going to let go that easily.

“Whatever. So you still love her, then?”

“You know I do,” he answered simply. He was tired of holding back how he felt. If rehab did anything, it taught him that he had to be open with his feelings. No matter how badly he wanted to keep all his vulnerability locked up tight, he had done that for way too long. And that’s what had often led to his drinking since he couldn’t handle all his feelings. As much as he hated that place, he was thankful for it. Thankful that Elli knew what he needed. That woman really was a gem.

Shea Adler had really hit the jackpot with her.

Lacey eyed him, not that he was paying attention to her because Mena Jane had stolen all his interest. She really was a pretty baby. He usually said that about all babies to make the mommies happy, even though most of the time, those other babies came out looking like hairless rats. But this one, man, she was a gorgeous little thing. Tears stung his eyes as he looked her over, her little hand grasping his finger. He was her godfather. He got to love her for the rest of her life, and he never had to be all disciplinarian with her like her parents had to. He could be the cool dad, the one she could come to whenever she needed anything. The one who would kill anyone that hurt her. A huge, overwhelming feeling of protectiveness washed over him as she slowly opened her eyes, the same color as Kacey’s, and he vowed that no one would even come close to hurting her while on his watch.

Clearing her throat, Lacey said, “I do, but it’s still crazy hearing you say it.”

He looked over at her and shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

“So what’s your plan? Gonna try to get back with her?”

“If she’ll have me,” he said, finally looking over at her. He shrugged again, his eyes held hostage by her inquisitive ones. “I don’t deserve her though.”

“No, you don’t. Not after what you did,” she said, a little apprehension in her voice.

Toni Aleo's books