
She shook her head under his lips. “I don’t even remember. I can’t sleep. I’m always worried something will happen.”

“Didn’t they prescribe you something for that?”

“They did,” she said with a nod. “But I’m so worried that I won’t wake up to tend to her and Karson is such a heavy sleeper. And I don’t want to depend on Kacey to care for her.”

“Okay, well, I’m here now,” he said, pulling her back by her shoulders so she could look up at him. “You depend on me. You’ve gone above and beyond to help me. Now let me help you. Take the meds tonight. Sleep, Lacey, you need it. Me and Mena will chill in the living room. I’ll sleep on the couch. Then tomorrow, I want you to take your anti-anxiety meds.”

Her brows pulled together, and he hadn’t noticed how bloodshot her poor eyes were. “Why? I’m—”

“Don’t say fine. We both know that’s not true. You need them.”


“No, give them a chance. You need them, and I know Karson hasn’t said that to you or even Kacey ’cause they are worried about your feelings and they love you. And I love you too, but I won’t sugarcoat shit. You’re tiptoeing on the line between batshit crazy and sane. We both know you need them.”

Her lip wobbled a bit more, and then she nodded and sounded oh so defeated as she whispered, “I do.”

“You do.”

“I just feel so weak taking them. I should be strong for her.”

“But you can’t be. They can help you; everyone else can help you. Just take the help, Lacey.”

She nodded slowly. “Okay.”

“Okay,” he said with a triumphant smile. “Now go shower and take the meds. Sleep.”

She nodded again, looking toward where Mena Jane was sleeping. “Are you sure?”

His head fell to the side, holding her gaze. “Do you trust me?”

She didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”

“Then go.”

She nodded again and let go of him, heading for the hall that led to her room. When she turned, he smiled. “I’ll even clean,” he added with a wink.

She smiled, the first true smile since he had been there. “Payback’s a bitch, but thankfully those tissues are only full of snot and tears instead of dead little sperms.”

Jordie laughed, thinking of his very first interaction with Karson’s new wife. It was back when they were living in the apartment and Karson had been gone marrying Lacey, leaving Jordie alone with a stack of porn, some lotion, and a box of tissues. The aftermath of the tissues was downright disgusting and he was the first one to admit it, but being the trooper she was though, she cleaned everything. He was pretty sure that’s when he knew Lacey was a good one. How many women would clean up come-filled tissues for their new husband? Not many.

“Thank God. But for you, I’d clean up anything. No more tears, okay?”

She nodded, her eyes watery along with her smile. “I’ll try.”

“Good, off you go.”

She turned and disappeared down the hall. When he heard her door shut, he looked over at his sleeping goddaughter and smiled.

“You sleep, I’ll clean, and then we’ll get to know each other once you wake up,” he whispered to her, but she didn’t even stir. As he watched her sleep, he honestly couldn’t believe he was standing there in the state he was in. He felt good. He felt alert and healthy, and he was thankful that he wasn’t who he was ninety days ago. He was a new Jordie, and he was ready to share himself with the world.

Especially with Kacey.

Toni Aleo's books