
When Liam suggested that he drive and go to the training convention with Kacey, she was sure that meant they were going to get down and dirty. She was convinced. It had been six weeks, it was time. But apparently, she was the only one who’d thought that. Sitting back in the passenger seat of his Prius, she glanced over at him and just drank him in. They’d had fun in Chattanooga; he was funny and very upbeat when she didn’t want to wake up to go to the seminars. She loved training, but she hated waking up early. Wasn’t her thing, but apparently Liam was an early riser and wouldn’t stop knocking on her door until she answered it.

No, they did not share a room.

It was just wrong, really. Was it her? Did she not wear a revealing enough tank? Were her pants not tight enough? Has she not grazed his dick right? How could someone do that wrong? Ugh, it was stressing her out and giving her a complex. She was actually starting to like him, more than as a friend. Or at least she was telling herself that she needed to. The more time she spent with him, the more she knew she needed to fall for this guy. He always asked about Mena Jane, which she thought was just dreamy. He showed interest when she spoke of her parents and even offered to go help them move. He was a damn good guy and, damn it, she needed good in her life!

As she let out a long breath, he glanced over at her, taking her hand in his. “You all right?”

She smiled as she nodded. “Yeah, tired.”

“I bet,” he agreed with a nod.

And she was. They trained the shit out of her this weekend. She was pretty up-to-date on the training for athletes but, man, she learned a lot more this weekend. She was ready to get back home and start on her plans. She had to turn them in to BJ on Monday morning to cover the next three weeks. She was excited to start training the guys, but she was also really nervous. They had been nice to her and even joked with her, but that was because she was being nice Kacey. When trainer Kacey came out, it might be a different story. At least Shea Adler loved her, and Karson had to love her, oh, and apparently Liam loved her…that she still couldn’t fathom. If he loved her, why didn’t he want to poke her with his dick?

When her phone sounded, she looked down to see it was from Lacey.

Lacey: Did you guys do it? I haven’t heard from you all weekend. I’m figuring so.

Kacey: lol, no, not at all and I’m sorry. They worked me like a dog this weekend.

Lacey: No biggie, but really? Why?

Kacey: No clue. It’s weird.

Lacey: It is.

Kacey: Yeah, I’m ready to get home, make some plans, and get to work tomorrow. Maybe even think this through because I really don’t understand him.

Lacey: Have you asked him? Honesty is not hard for you.

Kacey: True. Maybe I will.

Lacey: Good.

Lacey: So off the wall question, but have you talked to Jordie?

Kacey made a face as her heart sank. Why would Lacey ask that? Scrunching her face up, she texted her back quickly.

Kacey: wtf? No, why would I?

Lacey: No reason, but rumor is, he is back and he’ll be there tomorrow.

Her heart sped up in her chest as her hands went clammy.

Lacey: You’re not gonna kill him the first time you see him, right?

Kacey scoffed and Liam looked over at her.

“Lacey is a nut,” she said and then looked back down.

Kacey: For me to want to kill him means I still care. No, he is the least of my concerns. I’ll do my job, no biggie.

Lacey: Good to know.

Kacey: Who told you he was in town?

Lacey: He did.

Kacey: You’ve seen him?

Lacey: Yes.

Kacey: Well? How did he look?

Lacey: Like shit.

That made Kacey’s lips press together in a straight line.

Kacey: Oh. Okay.

Lacey: Yeah.

Kacey’s heart was racing in her chest, but she knew she had to make it stop. Jordie had no control over her anymore. She was over him. He didn’t want her, and the quicker she accepted that, the easier her job would be. She couldn’t be in the same room with him and still want to be with him. No, she had until tomorrow to get her shit together. Jordie had no control over her. None. She was with Liam now. He was her boyfriend and, damn it, they were going to have sex!

Toni Aleo's books