
When she saw the sign for Nashville, she knew she couldn’t get out of the car until she was sure of that. Looking over at Liam, she let her phone fall to her lap and stared at him as he drove. He had the most delectable jawbone, but she still felt it needed a little hair. Just a dusting. Or a massive beard, ugh! No! He was perfect and gorgeous and would make sweet babies with her! He was everything she needed.

He must have felt her staring at him because he glanced over, a goofy smile on his face as he asked, “What?” She smiled as he chuckled, squeezing her hand. “You sure you’re okay?

“Yeah,” she said, waving him off. “Are we together?”

He seemed a little surprised by that but recovered quickly. “I thought so.”

“So you aren’t fucking anyone else?”

He scoffed. “No, Kacey, I’m not.”

“So why aren’t you fucking me?”

He glanced over at her a little surprised, and really, she probably could have delivered that better, but the thought of seeing Jordie tomorrow had her in knots. Her heart still hadn’t slowed to a normal rate, and she felt like she was coming out of her skin. She had to know she was in a relationship with a good guy so she wouldn’t falter and fall vagina first on top of Jordie’s face when he smiled at her. He had that power over her, but she wasn’t a cheater. If she were in a relationship, she wouldn’t be interested. She knew she wouldn’t. But fuck, was she using Liam?

Damn it.

No. She liked him. He was nice. He was her match. Cosmo said so. It also said Jordie was her match too, but that was beside the fucking point! What the hell did Cosmo know anyway?

Dumb magazine. Who even read it anymore?

Waiting for his answer, she watched as he looked out at the road and shrugged. “To be honest, I wanted to wait.”

“Why?” she asked, and he gave her a sidelong glance.

“Because I don’t want to rush this,” he finally admitted and she held her breath. “Every time I rush into sex with a girl, she’s gone just as fast. I love you, Kacey. I want this to last for, if possible, ever. And the thing is, I know you’re not there yet. I know you like me, but you don’t love me. Call me old-fashioned, but I want you to get there before I take us to the next step. I want to know that, once we are together, it will be the last time either of us has sex with anyone else.”


Who the fuck said that anymore?!


When he glanced over at her, he shrugged. “I’ve been burned too many times, Kacey.”

“No, I got you,” she said with a nod, and maybe he was smart to think that way.

So why did she think he was a complete idiot? Maybe she was a slut, because that seemed dumb to her, but then maybe... Okay, yeah, she did think it was sweet. He was sweet. Which is what she wanted.

Or so she kept repeating to herself.

“So yeah, I mean, don’t think I don’t want you, because I do, Kacey. So damn bad, but I think waiting is what’s best for us.”

“Not till, like, marriage though, right?” she asked as he turned onto Lacey’s street.

He chuckled. “No, gotta make sure we fit before we take that step, but I want to wait. Believe me, it’s hard and it honestly might kill me if I have to keep enduring you in those work-out shorts of yours, but I think this is what’s best for us.”

What about what she thought?

Before she could ask that though, he pulled into the driveway and looked over at her. “Also, while we are being honest, has anyone ever told you you cuss a lot?”

“No,” she said simply, unfazed by his statement. “Why? Do I?”

He smiled. “Kinda.”

“Oh,” she said then paused, eyeing him. “Is that a problem?”

He laughed and shrugged. “My parents don’t really like it, so maybe when they come into town, you can watch it a bit?”

She made a face and then shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”

“Don’t be mad.”

“I’m not, but I’m not going to fucking sugarcoat myself… Whoa, hold on,” she said, holding up her hand. “I’m tired and pissy—not at you, promise—and horny. So let’s put this convo on hold because I’m not sure how to control what will come out of my mouth.”

Toni Aleo's books