
Jordie’s heart went dead in his chest as he sucked in a deep breath. He would be spending a lot of time with her in the future, and he prayed that it would continue out of the club gym too. But he had some big-time fixing to do. Getting Kacey to trust him again wouldn’t be easy. Swallowing, he nodded. “I did hear that.”

“Yeah, Shea says she has the hands of a god, and I wanted to be jealous of her for that. But I’m pretty sure she could kill me with those god-like hands, so I just threatened to kill Shea if he left me with his clan of children. Told him he had to at least take the twins.”

Jordie scoffed. “Elli, Shea isn’t going anywhere without you.”

“I know,” she said with a sweet giggle. “Gotta keep him on his toes though. And it doesn’t help that Kacey is just gorgeous with the body of a damn goddess.”

Jordie closed his eyes for a brief second, the vision of her beautifully naked body covering his filling his mind before he let out a long breath. “Again, Shea won’t leave you.”

“Yeah, that’s what he said. But thanks, makes her rubbing out his tight muscles a little less bothersome.”

Jordie laughed. “Good to know. Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on things for you,” he teased and she laughed.

“I knew I loved you for a reason,” she said warmly. “You know, now that I think about it, you two would be adorable together. She’s tall like you, built like an ox. She needs a strong, burly dude. You could so pull that off.”

“You think?” Jordie asked and his grin grew.

“Yes, I do. It’s now my sole purpose in life to get you two together. I need you to settle down.”

“You sound like a mom, Elli, and I’m too old to be your son,” he said, very careful not to add that she sounded like his mom. She didn’t, because his mom was too busy finding a new husband since hers died two months ago. The only reason he knew that was because of Facebook. She didn’t even know that Jordie was in rehab, probably didn’t care either. He hadn’t heard from her in months. He tried not to let that bother him, but it still stung. It would have been nice to have his mother fuss over him, but she never did.

“Well, I wear that title proudly, but are you telling me to butt out in a nice way?”

Jordie laughed. “No, play the matchmaker. I’m sure Kacey would love that,” he said, knowing damn well she wouldn’t.

Elli didn’t say anything for a moment and then said, “In some weird way, I feel like you have a thing for Ms. King.”

“Me? Never. That’s my best friend’s sister.”

“Which answers how you know each other,” she added and he laughed.

“Oh look, I just got to the airport. I’ll text you later.”

She laughed. “Have a safe flight, Jordie.”

“Thanks, Elli.”

As he hung up the phone, his grin was erased. Because Jordie didn’t have a thing for Kacey King. No, he was madly in love with her. And the sooner she knew that, the better.

Toni Aleo's books