
“Is it really that bad?”

“Yeah, man, she won’t go on antidepressants because she doesn’t think she needs them. I was worried to say something ’cause it will hurt her feelings and she’ll start crying. I think that’s all she does, hold Mena and cry. It’s driving me insane. She’s got me all kinds of nervous and fucked up, but knowing you are going home and staying with her will ease some of my concerns.”

“For sure. Shit, dude, I’m sorry I haven’t been around to be there.”

“No biggie. You’re here now, and she’ll be excited to know you’re coming home healthy.”

“Yeah,” he said with a nod before pulling up into his drive. “And there is space? ’Cause I can get a hotel when you come back.”

“Of course. It’s a huge house. It will be fine. No worries.”

“Okay, cool, bro. So I’ll see you Sunday?”

“Yeah, call me if you think Lacey needs me. According to her, she is fine. I’m not gonna call her and tell her you are coming. Just show up and tell me what you find.”

“Will do. Thanks again, bro.”

“Anything for you, Jordie,” he said and then he hung up. Jordie let his phone rest in his lap and sucked in a deep breath. He felt like shit for not being there for Karson and Lacey. He had always known that the cancer that had taken a lot more than just her breasts weighed heavy on Lacey, but he’d assumed having their sweet girl would help with that. Knowing it hadn’t really hurt him, and he was ready to get home in the hopes that he could somehow help Lacey out. They didn’t start out as friends, but she was his sister now and he loved her.

He would help fix this.

Picking his phone back up, he called for an airline ticket and then rushed inside to pack, since the first flight out was in two hours. Once he was packed, he loaded the car up and headed for the airport. He figured he had put off calling Elli for long enough and fished his phone out of his pocket before finding her number and calling.

She answered on the fourth ring, her thick Southern drawl full of happiness as she said, “Hey!”

Oh, thank God, she was happy. Maybe she didn’t recognize the number though?

Cautiously, he said, “Hey, Elli. It’s Jordie. How are you?”

“I’m good, and I know who it is! But sorry, jeez, I’m out of breath! I was chasing the twins outside. How are you?”

Jordie grinned. That was another reason he was excited to get home; he missed the Adler clan. “Good, I got released today. Flying out in a little over two hours.”

“Oh my goodness! Yay! I’m so happy! How do you feel?”

“Wonderful. Ready to hit the ice and be with my team.”

“We are ready to have you home. I’m so glad that you got cleared. Jim feels good about everything? How about Portia?”

“Yeah, he’s good. And Portia is finding me a therapy group in Nashville and also referred me to a therapist for my weeklies,” he said, still not too keen on the idea of furthering his therapy. But Portia was very adamant about it, and he figured whatever made her release him, he’d do. He wanted to be home. He was ready to be home.

“Awesome. Oh my God, Jordie, you sound so damn good. I can’t wait to see you and squeeze you,” she squealed, and Jordie blushed as he smiled.

“I can’t either,” he admitted.

“Come to dinner next weekend?”

“I’ll be there.”

“Good,” she decided. “Okay, so text me when your plane lands, and I’ll see you Monday morning before y’all start training. Did you hear that Karson’s sister is the new trainer? I heard she’s been kicking our boys’ asses over the summer.”

Toni Aleo's books