Frayed (Torn Series)


Three months later

Griffith Park Observatory, Los Angeles


“I thought you said this place closed at ten at night? Looks pretty deserted to me for six pm.” Trista observed as her eyes scanned the empty parking lot.

“Need you comment on everything woman?” I threw her an amused smile before gathering her close as we headed to our destination.

I guided her towards the stairs that led to the second floor of the observatory. She looked more than beautiful tonight and I couldn’t be happier to have her in my life. She truly was a breath of fresh air. She was still feisty and was still unbearably crazy most times, but I adored her all the same. The hellcat challenged me in all ways imaginable. Even our sex life was dominated by her demands, though that part I was more than ready to oblige. If she thought I was insatiable then she was maniacally ravenous at any time of the day. We fought at times, but we agreed to not let the problems fester. We had to talk even if we were more than ready to just scratch each other’s eyes out. Compromise. We learned it the hard way, but it was worth it. We were still learning as we went on. The best part about it was that we were both willing to do it together—for us to grow as a couple, as a whole.

“Oh, holy shit!” Trista exclaimed as she took in the setting before her. Candles were set up on the floor along with rose petals scattered throughout the room, which looked out over the city of Los Angeles. The cellist and the few violinists started to play atop the second-floor landing, Lost by Michael Bublé.

“What’s going on?” She shakily whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

Seeing my vixen touched at my gesture, I was more than assured about our future together. “Happy three month anniversary, Trista.”

“You do this after three months?”

“For you, yes.” I gathered her in my arms as my eyes scanned her pretty face. “These past few months with you have been amazing. You’ve driven me mad with worry, blasted me with rejection after rejection in the very beginning, but here I am, in love with you more than I have ever loved anyone. You can always count on me to be there with you; to sit with you when you need someone close, to help you stand when you can barely make it. I’m here for you, to guide you, help you, protect you, but—most of all—to share laughter and tears with you. I love you. I knew I did the moment you left me in Greece, and I’m letting you know now, how much you truly mean to me. I’ll never leave your side. For as long as you’ll have me, I will always be here.”

“God, why do you always do things that make me cry beautiful tears?” She desperately kissed me before burning into my eyes. “I love you,” she whispered shaking her head. “I owe you so much, but you never ask for anything back. How could I not fall in love with you? Everyday, I’m thankful for you. You were that light at the end of my dark tunnel, Taylor. I love you so f*cking much.”

“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me tonight. Hearing those words from you, after all this time, made everything worth it.”

“Sir? Your dinner is ready.” A man in uniformed attire interrupted us.

“Dinner, my beautiful siren, awaits. I have a long agenda ahead of us tonight. You need all the sustenance you can consume.”

She went up on tiptoes and kissed me again. “I don’t see any problems with that Boss.”

We still had a long way ahead of us, but love did have a way of healing the wounded. The broken ones are the bravest. The ones who love with pure unadulterated abandonment; I had found, through Trista, that these ones gave the best kind of love.

Pamela Ann's books