Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 21


Two weeks later, For two weeks, we explored the entire island. All the fruit orchards, the few small caves, creeks and we tried to learn the Greek language (I failed this miserably) . The most enjoyable part was trying all the exotic food and kissing Taylor in between bites. Yeah, we tend to kiss quite a bit. And I shamelessly adore it.

I was out on the patio playing Bejeweled Blitz when Taylor sought me out with an overly-excited grin on his face. “Come here, I have a surprise for you.” He held out his hand to me.

Beaming, I placed mine in his before he dragged us out of the cottage. “What is it? It’s nothing weird, right?” I hoped it wasn’t.

He led us down to the beach and started walking towards the right, the opposite direction of civilization. “Taylor?” I asked nervously when it started to get darker around us. The lights from the cottages where almost gone, but he kept walking ahead.

“Calm down, I’m not going to murder you.”

I smacked his stomach as he laughed at me. “That’s not funny, idiot. It’s just dark and I can’t see where we’re going. I’m scared that’s all.”

“Aw, baby. You have nothing to be scared of when I’m with you. I promise I’ll protect you with my life, scouts honor.”

I snorted at him. “Yeah right, there were no boy scouts at your boarding school in Switzerland!”

He kept on laughing. “That’s right, there weren’t, but still, I mean it. We’re almost there now . , K k eep walking, lazy cat.”

I was stunned when I saw what he had done for me. Ahead was a big bonfire, a sleeping bag, a large blanket laid out with food, wine and pastries, all surrounded with red rose petals. The heady scent lingered in the air. “I didn’t know you were so romantic,” I whispered in awe of the man who did all this for me. I took my sandals off and felt the soft petals on my feet as they sunk in the sand.

“I hide that trait very well. It only comes out during the full moon.” He leaned over and kissed me passionately. “Do you like it? You said you wanted to do it under the stars and I wanted to be the one you got plenty of experience of that with.”

No man has ever done anything this romantic for me. Not a one. I was unequivocally touched. “I love it, pretty boy. Thank you. Thank you!”

“You’re very welcome. Let’s eat before I devour you instead of the food.” Taylor kissed my forehead before he led me towards the blanket that was covered in petals, too.

While we sat, enjoying our wine, Taylor took a piece of charred beef in his fingers and fed me. “Taylor, did you forget forks?”

“I didn’t, but I want to feed you with my hands. I want to feel your mouth suck and lick them while you enjoy the food.”

Dear, Lordy. I was a sucker for th e i s e shit romantic gestures . “You’re on a roll tonight, aren’t you Mr. Boss?”

“Boss will most definitely be rolling non-stop tonight. All night long, baby.”

Tonight, it was just us. Not even my mind or conscience could intrude on our night together.

He took his time undressing me, placing small kisses here and there until I was completely naked. My heart was beating erratically and I was mesmerized as he slowly undressed before me. His eyes never left mine.

We stood gazing at each other, naked. The fire crackled close by, but all I saw was this man, who was bulldozing his way into me, pounding cracks into the solid barriers I had erected. It was like a magnetic force, it was too powerful to resist as we closed the gap. When our lips touched, I opened up to him. I kissed with everything that I was, everything he meant to me, and everything he’d made me feel. Beautiful, that’s what Taylor made me feel—truly, positively, exactly and irresistibly beautiful.

We kissed as he slowly lowered me down on the blanket. He was atop me as his hands and lips were busy with my face and neck, kissing me like I was the most precious thing he’d ever held. “I want you,” I whispered against his mouth as I opened my legs wider to accommodate him. His hard length nestled in between my wet parted lips, but he didn’t seem too eager to move.

“You will have me, I just want to savor you slowly, Trista. We have all night. I promise to make it worth your while if you let me take the lead, hmm?” I gave a frustrated groan as my hips started to move against his shaft, wetting it with my essence as he kissed me. “You’re not very good with instructions are you?”

“Nah-uh.” He should know that by now.

“Then let me show you how a man makes love to a woman, Trista. I’m challenged to change your mind.”

And by God did he just. We made love with such slowness and sweetness, I was sure I was coming pure sugar.

After coming apart four times in a row, I was sure my vocal cords were ready to join the opera house. My hazy mind diminished even more when Taylor’s eyes bored into mine. “I hope that someday you will find the happiness you desperately seek, Trista.”

I hoped so, too. He had no idea how much.

Pamela Ann's books