Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 22


After having a quick lunch at one of the island’s taverna, Taylor was adamant we learned how to fish with nets when one of the old folks invited us to join them.

“Hey! If the world ended tomorrow and we had to live like they did back in the Stone Age, I think it’s in our best interest to learn how to survive and catch fish. Since we both live close to the Pacific Ocean, it’s the most plausible solution. You’ll thank me for it. Get up off of your lazy bum now, Lady p Princess.” Taylor grabbed both of my hips and lifted me to stand. “I love it when you’re almost obedient.” He bent over and kissed me.

So we learned to fish with nets, laughing and telling each other jokes as we stood there, the water almost to our chests as we waded about.

“Our summer’s almost over. The month flew by quickly, huh?” Taylor closed our gap and pulled me close to his chest.

There were things that needed to be addressed. “It did. School beckons. I’m actually excited to head back this time.” I was enveloped in his arms as I breathed him in. His scent mixed with the sea. I was going to miss this, but we hadn’t discussed what was to happen once we left Greece. I had told him that this was to be a one-time, summer fling, but I didn’t know if that was what I wanted anymore.

The last four weeks were blissful and spending them with him made them all the better.

“I know,” Taylor smiled down at me, melting everything around me as his lips came down on mine.

We were walking back to the cottage, right after sundown, when I noticed a familiar figure waiting outside for someone.

All blood left my face when I saw who it was.

“So this is the man you’re f*cking to forget me, Trista?”


Taylor started to move, but I pushed on his hard chest to stop him from doing so. That didn’t stop him from dishing out a threatened remark. “Watch your f*cking mouth! I will knock you the f*ck out the next time you insult her.” He spat, infuriated, at the unperturbed Harry. Taylor was in full protective mode.

“Truth hurts, doesn’t it? Knowing how she is, I bet she screamed my name while you were doing her.” The evil smile vanished as his eyes leveled with Taylor. “She’s mine. You might’ve enjoyed her body for a few weeks, but that ends now.” Harry then turned to look at me. “You and I have a lot to talk about regarding our future. I came to ask you to marry me.”

I gasped. No f*cking way! My head shook in disbelief. “I don’t believe you.” Marry him? He was divorcing Becka? Oh, no. F*ck!

From behind, Taylor grasped my hand, trying to pull me away. “Come with me. Let’s go.”

My flabbergasted face never left Harry’s. My eyes bore questions while his eyes told me everything I needed to know. Everything I feared to know. He left my cousin, and their baby, for me. “You can’t do that, Harry. No…” He couldn’t have. For months, I had longed to be with him, but the consequences were too high. I had finally realized that.

Now that my wish was to be granted, I was more than conflicted. Could I do it? Be with him knowing I’d made him leave Becka and their baby? It was abhorrent, but, back in the day, this wouldn’t even have been a question. I would’ve gone to hell and back just to be in his arms, to be with him and make him mine, forever. Married to Harry as my husband…

Harry’s face didn’t falter as he responded. “It’s already done. I love you and I’m risking it all to be with you, Trista.”

Taylor tugged my arms and spun me around. “This man has done enough damage to last you a lifetime, Tris. Don’t give him another chance to hurt you.” Those green eyes looked desperate as he tried to reason with my heart and my mind. “Be with me, Trista.”

No, don’t ruin this. Not right in front of Harry, I pleaded with my eyes. “Taylor, don’t do this—”

From behind, Harry interrupted. “You heard her, lady. She’s basically telling you to go away.”

No…wait. “Please…” Don’t go.

Taylor’s nose flared while his eyes darkened. His hand was slowly letting go of mine.

“Hey! What the hell is going on? Is this man Harry?” Lindsey sprinted from the tiny street along with Bass, Emma and Dimitris. “Leave her alone, you pig! You can’t just come here and expect her to come running back into your arms after you dumped her like she was a piece of paper. You need to leave!” Lindsey was ready to pummel Harry’s ass to the ground, but Emma held her back.

Harry broke lose as he spat back at Lindsey, at us. “I hadn’t planned on leaving her. I swear! It just came out that way. Things got too complicated with the baby involved. It wasn’t supposed to end like that. We weren’t supposed to end at all.”

Oh no!!! Not like this. I never intended for them to find out like this, most especially Taylor—who went completely still after I heard him take a sharp breath.

“What baby is he talking about Trista?” Lindsey was looking at Harry and back to me. She looked alarmed and sad at the same time as she tried to comprehend everything at once.

“F*ck. I’m sorry. I thought they knew. The way she verbally attacked me, I thought she knew.” Harry strode to my side and cupped my tear-stained face. “I’m sorry.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? You should’ve told me…” Lindsey trailed off as her eyes immediately sought Emma’s. “Why aren’t you saying anything? You knew didn’t you?”

Emma nodded, biting her lip as she looked at me. “I did, but it wasn’t my secret to tell, Linds.”

Lindsey’s teary eyes darted to my bare stomach before she looked at my face. “Your stomach is still flat, and for the last few weeks, you have been with Taylor… so, I’m guessing, there’s no baby anymore, is there?”

I shook my head in response, crying in earnest as my body started to shiver.

“I’m sorry, Tris…” Lindsey started to cry, but Dimitris was there to gather her in his arms.

After a full minute of silence, Harry started to move. “I’m going to take her inside. We have things to talk about. I hope you all understand that.” He addressed Emma and Lindsey, who both nodded at his statement.

As Harry was guiding me towards the cottage, I chanced to look at Taylor. He was rooted to the spot, his head down and staring at the cemented road.

Pamela Ann's books