Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 23


We were inside the living room as Harry waited for me to finish crying. As much as I tried to stop the tears, my tear ducts had their own agenda.

“I’m sorry for outing you like that with your friends. I really thought they knew or I wouldn’t have said it like that. I’m so sorry.” Harry sat on his heels as he covered my hands with his. “I’m sorry for everything. I’ll make it up to you for the rest of my life if I have to.”

He was here to ask me for marriage. How was that even possible after what I had been through? Now he was back and I didn’t know what to say or do. I was back to that old self. The overwhelming feeling of being around him again was decapitating me, making me mindless. Harry then did the craziest thing. He got on one knee and took out a mauve, velvet ring box. Oh. Hell!!!

“Our love hasn’t been easy for us, but I believe in it. There’s more hardship ahead of us, but I know we can get through it as long as we have each other. I’ve been selfishly stupid and I will never forgive myself for walking out on you that night. I’ve regretted it every day. I didn’t know how I much love I had for you until I had lost you, Trista. I can’t stand not to have you in my life. You have me, my heart, forever. Marry me and I vow to be your loyal, loving husband, who will love and cherish you, for the rest of your life.” Harry, for the very first time, had tears in his eyes. His hands pried the box open to reveal a large, princess-cut, five-carat diamond ring on an eternity band. The ring was absolutely perfect.

His proposal moved me, more than words could say, but doubts still lurked within me. The trust I once had for him was no longer present. “You have no idea how I’ve dreamt of this happening. I still love you, but I don’t know what to say right now. So much has happened. No promises or vows will ever change that.”

“I understand and I don’t want to force you.” His finger took hold of the ring out of the box and placed it on my shaky ring finger. “Think about it. This ring was meant for you. I know I can’t stay here tonight and I have to get back home anyway.” Harry moved and sat next to me on the couch, seeking my lips as he slowly kissed me. “I’ll be waiting for you when you get home. I hope by then it will be enough time for you to think it through. I love you. In my heart, you knew you were the only one in it.”

Sadly, I somehow did know, but before I managed to speak, the cottage door was violently opened, smacking against the wall. The loud bang echoed throughout the place. Taylor’s face clouded as he took in how close Harry was to my lips. His purposeful strides didn’t falter, his undaunted focus solely on Harry.

Harry stood up and yelled at Taylor. “Listen, this is none of your busin—”

Taylor didn’t care to speak before his knuckles connected to Harry’s jaw, twice, before Harry was knocked back on the floor. Harry tried to stop Taylor, but the man was blinded with rage. “How the f*ck do you figure you can just barge in here after you left her to wither and rot with guilt?” His other fist connected to the unaffected jaw before he angrily grabbed Harry’s chin and spat at him. I screamed in the background, however Taylor wasn’t able to hear me through his pounding. “Men like you don’t deserve to live.” Taylor was about to punch him again, but Bass and Lindsey rushed to his side and tried to hold him down.

“That’s enough. That man got your message.” Bass pointed at the bruised and bloodied face of Harry.

The thunderous face Taylor gave me then stilled my heart. I had never seen a man so possessed with violent anger than this man before me now. “Of all the things to be embarrassed about, Trista, you should be more embarrassed to love a weak man who couldn’t even protect you. Married or not—a man’s love is supposed to protect a woman, not hurt them with it.” He turned back to Harry, “That’s where you miserably failed.” His eyes caught the ring on my finger. “Unf*ckingbelievable!” He said out loud before he strode out of the cottage.

Dimitris picked up the semiconscious Harry. “Let’s get him cleaned up and I’ll have my pilot fly him out of here.”

“Is he okay? He doesn’t look it.” Lindsey scanned his face when Dimitris and Bass placed him on a chair while Emma was busy getting stuff to clean his wounds.

Dimitris busted out a cruel laugh before he planted a chaste kiss on Lindsey’s forehead. “He should be grateful he only had to face Taylor. Bass and I were more than happy to help out, but I think Taylor did a good job beating the unforgivable ass.”

After Emma handed the guys what they needed to clean his cuts and bruises, the ladies came over to me, since I was in bright utter shock. “Here’s some iced water. Drink some, please.”

“Taylor acted like any man would. He cares for you. You shouldn’t be mad at him.” Lindsey soothed my back while Emma wiped my tear-stained face with a cold cloth.

“I’m not mad at him. I’m just…” Everything. I was feeling everything at the moment.

The guys again promised to fly Harry off of the island. Harry, though, didn’t leave until he made me promise that I would give him an answer when I arrived back home. Once he left, I knew there was one thing I needed to do, seek out the man who helped me.


I found his dark figure in the alcove, sitting gloomily. The moonlight gave his form an untouchable look of beauty. Without glancing at me, he spoke out loud. “I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“You’re really leaving? You don’t have to.”

He nodded, staring at the dark sea. “Guess you’re back together?” There was a tinge of sadness in his voice.

I so badly wanted to erase it, but in my confused state, I didn’t know how. “No. I’m still thinking about it. I’ve waited for this all year, but now that it’s here, I don’t know what to think of it; to be really honest with you.”

“I’m sure you’re just overwhelmed. You’ll be jumping for joy once the shock settles. If he really makes you happy, then that’s where you should be; with him.”

He never failed to address my happiness and I knew he meant well, but this wasn’t the time for that. I needed answers. “Taylor, about what you said earlier before everyone got back—”

Taylor sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling wildly before he responded. “That was random. I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position.”

It might’ve been random, but his eyes told me differently. “Did you mean them though?”

“Sadly, yes, I did. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I’ll get over it. I’m sure you understand why I can’t stay here even if you girls are leaving in a couple of days. I was supposed to visit my brother in Paris a couple of weeks ago anyway, but I’ve been stalling.”

He never once mentioned anything about leaving to go to Paris, ever. “What? Why would you do that?”

Taylor shrugged, still not looking at me. “Shit happened.”

I wanted to say more, but I didn’t know what. Everything would’ve sounded so trite. “Taylor—”

“Really, Trista. I’m sick of talking.” Taylor decided to stand up and quietly placed his hands in his pocket. He stood tall, handsome and suddenly in control. I stared back at his intimidating form, wanting to say a lot, yet I didn’t know where to start. Taylor had been there for me even if I hadn’t asked him to. He had been there and offered to be my pillar of strength, for weeks I had been dependent on him. The very thought of that made me feel scared. He was leaving and I wouldn’t have him around to push me back into sanity if I needed it. I would have to stand on my own feet.

With a huge lump in my throat, I looked up to the man whose body I had reveled in. The man who brought me to such delightful heights I hadn’t known possible. The very one who saved me and helped me breathe again. “With every fiber in me and with all of my heart, I thank you for…everything.”

My hands wanted to reach out, but I knew better. Funny, how we were on this same spot only two nights ago, inseparable and unable to get enough of each other’s bodies. Now, we stood like strangers. I knew we would’ve parted anyway, but I didn’t expect it to be this cold and distant. I was always thinking that someday we’d even joke of what had happened between us during our summer here. I guess I had thought wrong. “I suppose we’ll see each other around in LA then.” I tried to sound light except I failed miserably. The urge to hug him was strong, but the thought of him pushing me off his body made me think otherwise.

Taylor was composed, bored and indifferent. He gave me an irresistible smile before walking away while my eyes followed him. “Sure. Don’t forget to send me an invitation for the wedding,” he yelled off, not looking back.

“Taylor…” I murmured to the night. My eyes watched the man walking away.

I’ll miss you.

Pamela Ann's books