Frayed (Torn Series)

chapter 24


Taylor, as promised, left the next day without saying a goodbye. Going through those couple of days was rigorous. I was counting down the hours until we were leaving for London. Then, maybe, my sanity could comeback to me.

No one really understood how relieved I was when we boarded the plane in Athens to head to London for the weekend , before we were going back home.

We were staying at Claridges for our entire weekend. The hustle and bustle of the city of London brought good vibes in my down and out demeanor.

“Home sweet home,” Lindsey announced as she opened the door to our hotel suite.

“Sweet!” Emma chimed ahead of me.

We were dragging our luggage on the small pathway when the three of us froze in shock. “Holy shit!” We exclaimed as a dark figure stepped in front of us.

“Surprise?” Carter beamed, looking like a hot stud , t , t hose dark eyes never leaving Emma.

Lindsey pushed him out of the way. “Surprise my ass crack, Carter. Instead of freaking Emma out with your stellar-stalker-gawking efficiency, why don’t you make use of yourself and put this luggage away?”

Carter moved closer to Emma and motioned to get her luggage away from her tight grip, but she just stood there like she didn’t know what to do.

“Snap out of it, Emma! Now move that chunky ass out of the way. I need to unpack and whatever.” I barked at her, just enough for her to get out of that weird Carter funk.

Bass Cole better hold on to this woman tight cause the ex was officially back, and he’s out to get her back.

After we finally picked which rooms we wanted, we agreed to be ready in two hours to dine somewhere.


“Ready?” Lindsey asked through the door whilst giving it a knock. I could hear her heels thump on the floor while she paced.

With a heavy sigh, I scrambled to hunt down my gold clutch to go with my dress. I was in the middle of shoving my lipgloss and credit cards into the tiny bag when Lindsey yanked my door open dramatically. She was dressed in a corseted, crepe, red dress with gold heels. Her long dark hair and brown eyes made her look sophisticated and righteously gorgeous. “This shit is a disaster. Dimitris and I had a major fight, and now Emma is inside her room talking to Carter. What’s the plan? For Carter and Emma, I mean.”

I smiled at Lindsey as I shook my head. “Like we need one? Emma’s a big girl. She can handle it, I hope.” The woman knew what she had with Bass. This was all up to her now.

My phone was sitting on my bed and I anxiously glanced at it before sticking it in with the rest of my items in the tiny clutch. No messages from Taylor. I knew we parted under the most radical circumstances, but I hoped that he could at least send me a text message or two, which was silly of me since we had never exchanged numbers. So, here I was, hoping he’d call Emma or someone to get a hold of me, but no such luck on that front.

“Miss him, don’t you?” Lindsey muttered as she plopped on the bed, peering at me.

Do I miss Taylor? I’m fiending for him. For weeks, he had been my addiction. Now, I was just an addict without my drug. Emotional withdrawals are bad, but the sexual withdrawals, were the worst.

“He wanted you to choose him, you know? I mean, you two didn’t really talk about it, but I think deep down, he wanted you to choose him. He was too shaken up about Harry and the whole let’s get married and the whole baby thing to even ask that of you. Taylor’s crazy about you, Doll. I have no f*cking clue why you’d let that hunky man run around Paris without you. There are a lot of brunette models in that city, you know. Not to mention the city of love is like an hour away. Maybe you should hop over the pond and claim your prince? Do you really want him to have sexy times with brunettes now?”

Now, that was a total bitch move. Glaring at Lindsey, I became furious. “I may be a little gutsy at times, but I’m not all-the-time-ballsy like you, Lindsey. The first real relationship I had was with a married man. The second one was a total rebound and purely for sexual gratification. I don’t have guys fall at my feet all the time like the rest of you girls. I suck at this and I totally suck at dealing with men.” I was shaking now, so I had to sit at the foot of the bed to calm myself. “I don’t deserve him, really. He’s too good for me because I’m still in love with Harry, Linds. Taylor deserves more than that. He’s a great man who deserves a woman who’s not messed up and irrevocably tainted like me.”

Lindsey was right next to me, holding my hand. “You are the sweetest and the most generous woman I know—okay maybe next to Emma cause that woman is oddly too nice. Taylor saw that . He , saw through the hard exterior you put up to pretend that you were a badass beeotch. He appreciated you as a whole, but if it’s Harry that can truly make you happy, then follow that road. I’m your friend, babe, and I will support you no matter what.”

My arms squeezed her, hard. “Thank you. As much as you scare the f*ck out of me sometimes, you’re the best and I love you.” I kissed her cheek before looking at her. “So, you and Dimitris? What’s gonna happen now?”

That made Lindsey look away and stare at the wall. “He wants to make it official, like boyfriend and girlfriend official. I don’t think I’m ready for that type of commitment. He wants all or nothing and I threw that stupid ultimatum in his face—even though that face was made for masturbation.”

That made me snort and laugh at the same time. The stupid combination was painful. “I don’t know how you make serious stuff so funny, Lindsey! Go for it. Not every man is like Brody, you know. God knows that guy has groveled on his knees to hell and back for you to take him seriously, but you’re relentless and now, you have another opportunity to have a good man that you could trust, one that hasn’t plowed through Cece’s field of wild oats.”

“Yeah, but it’s just too much. He lives on another continent and is a sought out actor on top of that. There are just so many reasons not to pursue it. I just want to leave it at that, a summer fling, since those really don’t have a chance in hell to survive out in the real world. It was fantastic, but now it’s over.” Lindsey looked thoughtful as her words sunk in. She seemed to have accepted this fact and was not about to dwell on it anymore.

“I guess he and Taylor can chill and hunt down women together. Whatever.” I stood up and offered my hand to help Lindsey up from the bed. At the same time, I could hear Emma’s door open and close. The blast from the past couple appeared in our room. Emma’s cheeks were pink, too much blushing, perhaps?

“ ’ Bout damn time you two come out of that stupid room. Were you guys having sex or what?” Lindsey accusingly glared at them, arms folded as she studied their faces.

“Goodness, Lindsey! What the hell! We were just talking!” Emma interjected, miffed that her friend would think of her that way.

“Lindsey, will you please ease up on us? We’re just talking, nothing more. So, how about I take all three of you lovely ladies out to dinner and catch up.” Carter guided us out of the room. I noticed that his hand stayed on Emma’s back and saw how she stilled even at the lightest touch from him. The woman definitely wasn’t immune to him.

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