Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“My water.” Pam looked down with a grimace, still holding her stomach. “It just broke all over your floor.”

“Our floor.” Duncan automatically corrected her then snapped out of his stunned state. “Shit!” He ran up to her, slipping in the wetness on the floor.

“Get me something to clean this up.” Pam looked at the mess horrified. “I’m here for a day, and I’m already tearing your house up.”

Sid went for the paper towels, but stopped when Duncan yelled.

“Fuck the floor,” Duncan growled. “We need to get her to the hospital,” he yelled at Sid.

“We can’t leave this on the floor.” Pam looked a little panicky. “I’m fine. Get something, Sid.”

Sid started to go for the paper towels again, but stopped when he heard a God awful moan.

“Oh shit. Not again,” Sid moaned right along with her. “I’m having flashbacks from before.”

Feeling an uncomfortable ache start in her lower back, Pam frowned. Within seconds, the ache radiated into a full-blown pain, spreading around to her stomach. A surprised scream poured from her mouth.

“Sid, come here, dammit,” Duncan yelled. Picking up Pam, he rushed to the living room and put her on the couch. “I have to call Slade. Do not leave her side.”

Running over, Sid stood next to Pam, who held her stomach. “Okay, we’ve been through this before,” Sid assured her, but his eyes were wide with panic. “Just hold that thing in until help arrives. Aren’t you supposed to be breathing funny or something to help with the pain?” Sid started breathing like he had seen in a movie of a woman giving birth.

Pam glanced at him and started breathing along with him. Then after a few minutes, stopped. “Okay, I think I’m hyperventilating,” Pam panted, sweat beading her face. Her eyes finding Duncan, who only stood a few feet away from her on the phone, talking frantically, but his eyes never left her.

“She’s okay,” Sid yelled over to Duncan. “I don’t know about me, but she’s okay. Dammit, why am I always around you when that thing is getting ready to pop out.”

“It’s not a thing, and he isn’t going to pop…” Feeling the dull ache start again, Pam gritted her teeth. “Oh, God.”

“Again?” Sid sounded panicked. “Are you serious?”

“No.” Pam glared at him. “I’m fucking with you, just for the hell of it.” The old smart-ass Pam was back in the flesh. This contraction was worse. She grabbed Sid’s arm squeezing with everything she had.

“Damn.” He looked down at where her hand was about to break his arm. “Come on, breathe like before; it helps and it may keep you from breaking my damn arm.”

“Let me pull your balls…” Pam stopped to grit her teeth, trying to ride the wave of pain, “out through your throat, and tell me if breathing helps.” She glared at him.

Sid’s head snapped back in surprise, but he moved his lower body a little further away from her. “You don’t have to be vicious.”

Pam raised her head when the pain eased, letting go of Sid’s arm which he started rubbing vigorously.

Duncan came over kneeling beside her. “Slade will be here any minute.”

“Why not the hospital?” Sid and Pam said at the same time.

“The contractions are too close, and he doesn’t think we’ll make it.” Duncan had grabbed a cold washcloth and dabbed it across her forehead. “He wants to be here just in case we didn’t make it to the hospital, and I think that’s smart. He’s close.”

“Does he have drugs?” Pam whispered, her voice raspy. “Please tell me he has drugs.”

“I wish I could take your pain.” Duncan frowned, still running the cool washcloth across her face.

“So do I.” Pam gave a weak grin. Her eyes shot open as the pain hit again. She gritted her teeth as a low moan began building in the back of her throat.

“Watch your balls, man,” Sid warned Duncan. “Trust me on that one.”

Duncan ignored him, his focus on Pam. “Come on, babe. Hold on just a few more minutes.”

“Hold on?” Pam yelled in the peak of her pain, sitting up with on hand on the back of the couch and the other on Duncan’s leg. “You have a seven-pound baby come out of your penis and then tell me about holding on. I have to get him out.”

“Is she pushing?” Sid leaned back in horror. “She can’t push. Pam, don’t you fucking push.”

“Sid, shut the hell up and go wait for Slade.” Duncan held on to Pam. “Come on, babe, just a few more minutes and he’ll be here.”

Sid jumped up from the couch running for the door. He could face the biggest fuckers in hand-to-hand combat, but this shit sent him running like a little bitch, and he wasn’t ashamed of it.

“You’re doing great. I know it hurts, but just think of the little guy,” Duncan whispered calmly. “You are going to be such a great mom.”

Pam’s breathing slowed as the pain once again subsided. “Do you really think I’m going to be a good mom?” She turned her head to look at him.

“The best.” He kissed her softly. “You have a name picked out?”

Teresa Gabelman's books