Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Where did Jared go?” Slade asked after a few minutes of waiting for the numbness to set in., sitting back down in front of her using a long Q-tip dipped in a dark liquid to clean her wounds. When she didn’t answer, he looked up at her. “Sorry. None of my business.”

Tessa didn’t even acknowledge she’d heard him. She just sat watching each stitch he made. Growing up and taking care of Adam, she had seen her fair share of blood and gore; it didn’t bother her. Never did. She probably would have made a great veterinarian, even a nurse. Instead, she worked in a rundown bar serving drinks. Shaking those thoughts away, she frowned, knowing feeling sorry for herself wasn’t going to do anything. She had gotten over Otis; she would get over Jared. Deep down, she knew without a doubt she was lying to herself.

“Okay, looks good.” Slade lifted her hand closer to check his work. “Let me bandage it, and then you can get out of here. If the pain gets too bad for over-the-counter stuff, just let me know, and I’ll get you something stronger.”

“I’ll be fine,” Tessa replied. When Slade went into the other room, she looked at Jill who had finally turned around. “How much do I owe you? I don’t have insurance.”

“The Council will take care of it,” Slade replied, not in the least worried about payment.

“But I’m not part of the Council and I’m human.” Tessa frowned. “Just give me a bill.”

Slade watched her for a few seconds, and knew by the look on her face that she wasn’t going to let this go.

“I’ll write something up and give it to you next time I see you.” Slade played along. He wasn’t going to take her money.

A sad expression colored her face. “You can’t write it out now?”

“We haven’t unpacked the paper stuff yet,” Slade answered, shooting Jill a look when she started to open her mouth.

“Oh, well okay.” Tessa frowned. “Nicole knows my address if I don’t see you, so make sure you send it.”

“Will do.” Slade walked into the other room carrying the surgical supplies he had used.

Tessa sighed then looked at Jill. “What are you doing tonight, Jill?”

“You’re looking at it.” She smiled, tossing bloody towels into a bag closing it up.

“Would you like to go to my place with me tonight?” Tessa asked, hoping she said yes; she didn’t want to go home alone.

Jill hesitated for a second, catching herself from asking why she wasn’t going with Jared. “I’d like that.” Jill smiled, figuring if Tessa wanted to talk, the least she could do was be there for her. Tessa had been so nice to her - always making her feel welcome. “Let me finish up here real quick, and we’ll go.”

Tessa nodded, trying to keep the tears from flowing. She prayed she could make it through this first night without Jared. Wiping the tear she felt slipping down her cheek, she looked up and found Slade staring at her.

“Are you in pain?” He frowned.

If he only knew, she thought. Shaking her head, she pushed her shoulders back. “Nope. Just a delayed reaction from the shot. I seriously hate shots,” she lied terribly, and then lifted her hand up. “I could cut them off and not feel a thing.”

“Let’s keep all knifes away from her,” Slade teased, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

Chapter 20

They had left the baby room making their way to his bedroom, the room they would share. Pam looked around and felt a sense of belonging that she hadn’t felt for quite a while, and it warmed her. Rubbing her belly, she walked over to the bed and sat down.

“You feeling okay?” Duncan frowned.

“The baby is moving a lot tonight.” Pam grinned then grimaced. “And very strong.”

Duncan sat down on the bed, leaning against the headboard. “Come here.” When she walked up to him, he pulled her onto the bed between his legs with her back against his chest. Both of his large hands rested on her stomach and began to gently massage in soft, tender strokes.

Lying back against him, she enjoyed the gentle motions of his hands. The baby gave one solid kick, stilling his hands. “Did you feel that?” She laughed.

“Doesn’t that hurt?” Duncan continued to massage.

“Yeah, sometimes.” Pam leaned deeper into him. “But it’s a good hurt.”

“Do you need to feed, babe?” Duncan rested his chin on the top of her head.

She tensed momentarily before taking a calming breath. “If you don’t mind.” Pam still had a hard time with her need for blood. “I think the baby is taking a lot out of me. I feel weak and shaky a lot.”

“Turn around.” With his help, Pam turned, sitting on her knees.

“Should I get a towel? I don’t want to get blood on your bed.”

“Our bed,” his deep voice rumbled.

“Our bed,” she repeated with a whisper, her golden eye glowing dark.

With an approving nod, he lifted his wrist to his mouth but stopped at her frown. “What?”

Teresa Gabelman's books