Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“No, Duncan.” He grinned when her eyes shot open, looking down at him. “And I’m going to make you scream.” His fingers worked magic.

Before long, Duncan made good on his promise as Pam’s screams of pleasure filled his home.


Jared rushed down the hall with Adam hot on his heels. The door to Slade’s office was wide open. “Where is she?”

Slade looked up from a small desk in the corner. “Tessa? She left about fifteen minutes ago.”

“Where the hell did she go?” Jared demanded, looking pissed.

“That, I don’t know.” Slade frowned. “Is everything okay?”

Jared just growled, turned and walked out.

“Thanks.” Adam nodded to Slade before he followed Jared.

“Can you get a read on her?” Jared asked over his shoulder as he rushed back down the hall.

“No, I’ve tried. Check your room and I’ll check Gramps,” Adam said as he split down another hall. “Text me if she’s there or meet me back here.”

Jared knew she wasn’t there, but opened the door, walking into the room and checking the bathroom. Heading back, he met Adam. “She’s not with Gramps?”

“No.” Adam stood thinking. “Is her car still here?”

Jared didn’t answer, just headed toward the garage where her car was usually parked. The spot was empty. “Fuck!” Taking out his phone, he hit her number. It went straight to voice mail. “Dammit!”

“Where else would she be?” Adam looked at his phone to make sure he hadn’t missed a call from her.

“Think she would have gone back to the house?” Jared glanced at Adam.

“That’s the only place I can think she would have gone.” Adam followed, jumping in Jared’s car. “Was the picture that bad?”

“It was nothing.” Jared growled as he started the car.

“I know my sister, Jared. It must have been something for her to disappear like this. I warned you not to hurt my sister.” Adam glared over at him. “You know I’m on her side, no matter what.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything else, Adam.” Jared pulled out of the garage, coming too close to a few reporters who still sat outside of the compound. “There is nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, going on between me and Vicky.”

“You better hope not,” Adam warned. “After everything Tessa has been through, she deserves happiness, not another loser who’s going to break her heart.”

Jared didn’t answer. He just needed to find Tessa and put this whole thing behind them. He would not accept it was over between them. She was his life, and without her, he was nothing.


Waking up next to Duncan had been wonderful. The way he had woken her was mind blowing. Turning the bacon that was frying and popping, Pam smiled. After last night, she knew she was going to be okay. Duncan’s touches had brought her so much pleasure, making her yearn for more, so much more. Not once was she disgusted or humiliated. Kenny had been so far from her mind that she had felt liberated, so much so that she had been brought to tears.

“Smells good,” Duncan said, warning her that it was him behind her before he wrapped his arms around her bulging stomach.

Just the little things like the warnings that he was coming up behind her showed her how lucky she was to have someone like Duncan in her life. He understood her more than she understood herself sometimes. She hated how she acted yesterday with the baby room and wanted to make it right.

“Listen, about yesterday.” Not facing him at the moment gave her more courage to speak her mind. “I’m sorry that I didn’t act like I appreciate everything everyone has done. I truly am, but I’m just not used to it.”

“I know that,” was Duncan’s only reply.

“I’m going to be okay.” Pam nodded, smiling down at the bacon.

“I know that also.” Duncan grinned.

Pam snorted, turning to look at him over her shoulder. “Is there anything you don’t know?”

His face turned serious. “Yeah, can you cook?”

“Actually, I can cook very well,” she informed him. “You hungry?”

“Starved.” He leaned down kissing her neck, his hands roaming to her breasts.

Pam smiled happily. She loved the feel of his hands on her body. She leaned back into him, savoring the feelings that rushed through her body. She felt him hardening against her lower back. Turning, she went for the waistband of his jeans. “Let me take care of you.”

“Honey, you have done more than take care of me. I’m a patient man, and you are so worth the wait.” He turned her back around. “And the bacon is burning.”

“Oh!” Pam grabbed the fork she had been using, saving the burning bacon from the skillet just as someone pounded on the door.

“Stay here.” Duncan turned Warrior in an instant, heading out of the kitchen. A few seconds later, Sid walked in behind Duncan.

“Hey Sid,” Pam smiled. “You hungry? Just don’t critique my cooking please.”

“I would never.” He smirked. “I’ll just have some coffee.”

Teresa Gabelman's books