Duncan (The Protectors #3)

She shook her head. “What’s your middle name?”

“Daniel.” Duncan replied.

Pam raised her hand to touch his cheek. She started to say something, but the pain started again, but this time it felt different. “Duncan!” she cried out. “I feel a lot of pressure,” she panted, her breathing coming in fast hard gasps.

“He’s here!” Sid yelled from the door.

“Tell him to hurry the fuck up,” Duncan yelled back. “Come on, babe, hold on.”

Sid practically tossed Slade into the room. Slade was taking in the situation in one quick glance. “How far apart are the contractions?”

“Pretty much back-to-back,” Duncan answered, his eyes never leaving Pam’s face. “She says she feels pressure.”

“Call an ambulance,” Slade ordered not caring who did it. “We need to get her to a bed. I need sheets and towels.”

Duncan picked Pam up as carefully as possible, heading for the steps.

“Did you bring drugs?” Pam gritted through her teeth.

“Honey, you are too far along for that.” Slade followed them up. “This little guy is ready to come now.”

Hurrying to the bed, Duncan started to lay her down.

“No, I need her toward the end.” Slade ran to the bathroom to wash his hands. “Is Sid getting the sheets and towels?”

“Yeah, I got them.” Sid ran in. “The ambulance is on the way.”

Slade came out putting on gloves. “Duncan, I need you behind her to support and help her push.” He looked at Sid. “I need you on my right next to Duncan.”

“Fuck that.” Sid started to head out to wait for the ambulance. “There’s only one reason I look between a woman’s legs, and this is definitely not it.”

“I might need your help Sid. You need to stay.” Slade glared at him before turning back to Pam.

Sid stopped and sighed long and loud. “What do you want me to do?” Sid asked, looking nervous for once.

“Just be ready,” Slade said, not really paying attention. His focus was totally on Pam.

“Ah…okay,” Sid sighed with a roll of his eyes. “Just be ready, he says….”

Once everyone was in position, Slade pushed up her skirt. Taking the scissors, he cut her soaked panties off. “Well I have good news.” Slade glanced up at Pam. “The baby is in position and I can see the head.”

Sid made a gagging face, then frowned when Duncan punched him in the leg.

Pam nodded, her eyes closed. “So he’s okay?”

“He’s more than okay. He’s ready to meet the world,” Slade replied. “You having any pain right now?”

“No, I feel it building though,” she sighed, preparing herself for the pain that would seize her tired body.

“You are going to want to push, but you need to wait until I tell you to.” Slade looked up when she didn’t answer. “Pam, this is important. Do you understand me? Do not push until I tell you to push.”

Pam nodded with a moan. “It hurts so badly!” she cried out, biting her lower lip.

“I know, but you’re doing great,” Slade reassured. “Just hold on for a few more seconds.”

“I love you.” Duncan whispered, but his eyes watched Slade’s reaction to everything. “It won’t be long now.”

Pam’s moans turned into screeches of pain.

“Now Pam.” Slade looked up. “Push.”

Duncan grabbed her hands, so she could hold onto something and squeeze. He used his upper body to push her forward. “That’s it.”

“Okay, good. Relax,” Slade instructed as he checked. “Next time, I need you to push a little harder.” Slade didn’t have the luxury of a monitor. He had to guess at the right time for her to push. Seeing her face scrunch in pain, he waited for a few seconds.

“The ambulance is here,” Sid announced in relief, even though everyone in the room could hear the sirens.

“Pam this is it.” Slade’s voice took a totally different tone. “You have to push like you’ve never pushed before, and keep pushing.”

“I’ll try.” Pam’s voice sounded weak with exhaustion.

“Listen to me.” Slade’s face was stern. “You have got to do this. There is no trying to it. Do you understand?”

“Pam?” Duncan shook her.

The paramedics entered the room assessing the situation, and then stood at the head of the bed ready if needed. Slade acknowledged them quickly. “Be ready for transport.”

“We’re ready,” one of the paramedics answered. “Do you need assistance?”

Slade shook his head at the paramedic. He put his hand on her stomach and felt another contraction building. “Pam you need to start pushing.” When she didn’t respond, Slade yelled. “Push!”

“Okay, dammit!” she hissed, using Duncan’s chest to push herself forward. “Anyone with a penis needs to die.”

Sid took a side step with a frown. “What is it with her wanting to rip balls out the throat and kill anything with a penis?”

Teresa Gabelman's books