Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“I want to take it from your neck, but I can’t.” She looked away from him, swallowing a nervous lump that had filled her throat. Her first test at wanting to be close to him was a total fail, what she feared most.

Duncan growled low as he reached into his back pocket. Flipping a knife open with one hand, he raised it to his neck. “There is nothing I would love more than you taking from my neck.”

“Really?” She looked back at him, and immediately screamed, grabbing for the knife. “What are you doing?”

He caught her hand with his free one. “Be careful. This knife will cut you to the bone.”

“Don’t you dare cut yourself!” Pam looked at him in horror. “Your wrist is fine. I can take from your wrist.”

“Honey, I know knives better than I know anything else.” With no hesitation, he made two large, expert nicks in his neck. Closing the knife, he set it on the table next to the bed close enough to reach if he needed it. Grasping the back of her neck, he pulled her to him.

Pam looked at his strong-corded neck where two puncture wounds slowly leaked blood. “I can’t believe you cut yourself.”

“For you I would do anything.” He adjusted himself to make it more comfortable for her.

With a sigh, Pam placed her lips on his neck. The taste of his blood was addicting. Soon she was taking long pulls. Her body reacted with an intense need, her breasts feeling more heavy and sensitive. She became wet instantly and wanted nothing more than to feel him between her legs. The thought and feelings shocked her, but made her glow in excitement that the feelings were there.

Taking a chance and letting her rush of need lead her, her hand ran down his heavily muscled arm to grasp his hand. Slowly, she placed his hand on her leg bringing it slowly up her body, placing it on her aching breast. When she felt him hesitate, she pulled her lips from her neck.

“Please, Duncan,” she whispered. “I want you.”

Another growl rumbled in his chest as his hand cupped her soft breast on its own. He rubbed her nipples over her shirt making them pucker for more. Running his hand down her body, he slipped under her shirt pulling her bra away, giving him what he sought. He was in heaven, her soft moans of pleasure urging him on. He couldn’t wait to taste the sweet bud poking his hand, begging for more. With twists and tugs, he felt her body buzzing with want. His buzzed along with hers as his cock hardened painfully pressing against his jeans, wanting to be free.

Pulling away from his neck, she licked his wound. Her mouth found his as she kissed him frantically, straddling his body. Breaking the kiss, she looked down into his face as she lifted her shirt off tossing it to the floor. His eyes roamed her body with hot desire instead of disgust making her soar.

“Fuck,” he growled, desire thick in his voice. Placing his large hand on her back, he pulled her back down, his lips finding the sweet nipple his fingers had brought to peak. His tongue swirled as his mouth sucked, moving from one breast to the other.

Wanting to see him, she reached under her to pull his shirt up, helping him pull it over his head. Her hands slowly ran down from his shoulders to his chest, her thumbs stopping and circling his nipples. Her fingers lightly played over his hard stomach.

Duncan noticed her eyes kept flying to his face as if to assure herself who was here with her. It didn’t bother him that she did it for her own state of mind, but he wanted to kill the bastard who put that fear in her. He swore then and there that he would make her forget Kenny Lawrence ever existed.

“Make love to me, Duncan,” she whispered.

“You know we can’t until after the baby.” Duncan hated the disappointment and embarrassment that flashed across her face.

“I just know I can now and I…” He shushed her with a finger to her lips.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, babe.” Duncan pushed her hair out of her eyes. “But I won’t put you or the baby at risk. I’m sorry.”

“I know,” Pam sighed. “It’s just I’m not afraid like I thought I would be, and I want to make sure I can be with you. I mean, I did agree to become your wife, but was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to….you know. And now that I know I can, I can’t. It’s frustrating.” She knew she was rambling, and it irritated her. She hated to ramble. With a sigh, she flopped down hard making him hiss.

“Easy.” He grabbed her hips to hold her still. “As you can obviously feel, I want you really bad and believe me…frustration is not what I’m feeling at the moment.” She looked beautiful and sexy as hell straddling him, wearing only her skirt.

A grin played across her lips. She wiggled a little, surprised by her own actions. Was this the old Pam coming out? Was Duncan bringing her back to herself again?

His eyebrow cocked at her teasing as his hand went up her leg under her skirt. His fingers worked their way to her sweet spot. “You want to tease me, do you?”

Her eyes rolled as they closed. Her moan echoed in the room. “Oh God.”

Teresa Gabelman's books