Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Because…” Pam panted, “a penis….” she grunted, “is what’s….” she made a guttural sound, “causing this pain, and you all need to die.” The word die was drawn out in a scream that seemed to last forever.

Sid glanced back at the EMT’s. “Guess she has a point.”

One of them snickered while the other one elbowed him.

“That’s it.” Slade didn’t grin or laugh. “Now push.”

Pam grunted, groaned, screamed and cursed as she pushed. Running out of breath, she flopped back against Duncan.

“Push, Pam.” When she didn’t respond, Slade looked up at Duncan. “She needs to push. If she doesn’t push, we are going to lose the baby.”

Hearing Slade, Pam stirred and sat up, her eyes determined. “I’m not losing him,” she grunted crying out. “Don’t you dare let anything happen to him!”

“Come on. You’re doing great. His head’s out.” Slade watched as Pam took a small break, before leaning forward again with determination on her face. “One more big push, Pam. You can do this.”

“Come on, Pam,” Duncan urged her. “One more time, babe. I’ve got you.”

Those words gave her the extra strength she needed. He was there for her, and he wasn’t going to let her fail. She gave everything she had with a long drawn out yell. Total exhaustion and fatigue shoved her back against Duncan. Not hearing anything from anyone, her eyes opened to slits when she heard a tiny whimper that soon turned into a full-fledged cry from a baby, her baby.

“You have a healthy boy with strong lungs.” Slade grinned, holding the crying baby up so she could see.

“No fangs?” Sid teased with a big grin.

“No fangs.” Slade rolled his eyes at Sid then glanced at Pam and Duncan. “Who wants to cut the cord?”

Pam looked up at Duncan. “Please.”

Looking down into her eyes, he was choked with emotion. Shifting himself, Duncan took hold of the surgical scissors from Slade with a forced steady hand, listening to the instructions of what to do. Placing the scissor where Slade’s fingers were, he cut the cord of life between mother and baby.

Slade took the baby into the bathroom and quickly returned with the little one bundled up, placing him into Pam’s arms. “So what’s his name?”

Pam looked down, running her finger along her child’s soft cheek. “Daniel Duncan Roark.”

Chapter 22

Pam stared down at her baby, smiling when his little lips puckered. Duncan sat on the hospital bed watching them both.

Slade stood writing notes. “How you feeling, Pam?”

“Great,” she replied without looking up.

“Any pain?” He scribbled more notes.

“Nope.” Pam grinned when Daniel yawned. “Never felt better.”

“Doctor Buchanan?” An older nurse walked in with a smile at Pam and the baby. “We need to take little Daniel down for prints and pictures.”

“Can I go with him?” Pam asked, looking worried.

“You need to get some rest.” The nurse came next to the bed looking down at Daniel. “Boy, he sure is a cutie.”

“I’m fine. I want to be with him.” She felt uneasy and didn’t want to be away from him.

“I can go.” Duncan stood. “You really need to rest.” He kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry, sir, but only the father is permitted.” The nurse frowned. “I assure you he will be safe. Ms. Braxton, you and the baby have matching wristbands for safety reasons. This little guy will be absolutely fine, plus all the nurses want to hold him.”

“He is the father,” Pam replied after the nurse finished.

The nurse immediately looked flustered and nervous.

Duncan picked up Daniel smiling down at him. “Let’s go flirt with some nurses, buddy.”

“Hey.” Pam frowned. “No flirting until he’s…twenty-one.”

“Can I speak with you, Dr. Buchanan?” The nurse was staring at Duncan then at Slade.

“What is it?” Slade looked up from his paperwork.

“This isn’t the man who’s saying he’s the father,” the nurse whispered, not realizing that Duncan and Pam could hear her perfectly.

“What?” Pam paled. “Who’s saying they’re the father.”

“It’s all over the news,” the nurse replied, embarrassed that she had been heard. She pointed to the television up near the ceiling. “He’s been talking to all the reporters saying he’s the father of the half-breed’s baby.”

Pam scrambled to grab the remote. Aiming it at the television, she clicked it on, changing the channels quickly.

Duncan and Slade glanced at each other, which Pam saw. “What’s going on, Duncan?” Pam frowned still clicking through to find the news channels.

A voice from her past filled the room chilling her to the bone.

“Well, of course I’m excited.” Kenny told the news reporter holding the microphone. “I’ve been away on business and just got the news. Didn’t even have a chance to get cigars or flowers for the beautiful Momma.” Kenny stared into the camera, his smile portraying a happy new father, but his eyes said much more and only Pam could read the message they sent.

Teresa Gabelman's books