Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“And if it does?” Pam asked, looking worried.

“Then we will deal with that then,” Slade replied with a reassuring smile. “I have good people working on this, but without knowing exactly what we are dealing with makes it hard.”

“I appreciate everything you’ve done, Slade.” Pam actually walked up and hugged him.

“It’s been my pleasure.” He shook Duncan’s hand. “Now, get out of here.”

Walking out, they were met by Nicole, Damon and Sid. “Give me that adorable little Warrior.” Nicole took Daniel from Duncan. “Come to Aunt Nicole.” She kissed his plump cheek.

“We parked by the emergency room.” Sid hit the elevator button. “The reporters are swarming, expecting her to leave out the front.”

“Did you get the car seat in?” Pam asked, stepping in the elevator.

“Could they make that thing any more complicated? Took most of the damn morning.” Sid frowned down at Daniel. “You sure that thing is going to fit?”

“That thing,” Nicole growled, “is a baby, and if I hear you call Daniel a thing again, I’m going to tell every woman I see what you watch on a daily basis.”

“You know that’s getting old,” Sid hissed at her. “Get something new, vampira.”

“Your Uncle Sid watches chick shows,” Nicole cooed at Daniel. “Yes, he does.”

Sid rolled his eyes, but a small grin tilted his lips. Sid held the door when it opened, letting them all out. “Okay, Dunk, my man, you and Pam ride with them.”

“Dunk?” Duncan’s eyes narrowed as he passed him.

“Yeah, I’m giving everyone nicknames.” Sid grinned. “I’ll wait for a minute and go get your car and meet you back at your place.”

“Thanks.” Duncan still eyed him.

“No problem, Dunk.” Sid went to follow them, but stopped when Duncan stepped in front of him.

“If you call me that one more time, I’m going to beat your ass.” Duncan tilted his head, his eyebrow raised in warning.

“What? You don’t like…” Sid tilted his head to match Duncan. “Dunk.”

Duncan just growled.

“Okay, I’ll come up with something new.” Sid sighed.

“Are you bored or something?” Duncan frowned at him.

“You don’t even know, bro.” Sid shook his head walking away. “You don’t even know.”

“You need a woman,” Duncan called after him.

Sid flipped him off without turning around, making Duncan grin. A blind date may be in order.

Once everyone was in the car, they took off without any reporters following them. Damon glanced at Pam in the rearview mirror. “Kenny has been charged with rape and domestic abuse. I have papers here that you have to sign to make it official. There is also a restraining order for you to sign. Sloan pulled some strings on that, so you didn’t have to go to the police station.”

Pam nodded, grasping Duncan’s hand. “Thank you.”

Nicole turned to look at her with an understanding smile. “He deserves this, Pam. He shouldn’t get away with what he did to you.”

Squeezing Duncan’s hand, Pam nodded. “I don’t want him to do it to anyone else. I wanted to do this for a while, but was too scared.” She glanced at Duncan. “But I’m not anymore, and I feel I have a responsibility to stop him.”

“Sloan has turned it over to another local Warrior charter who will be handling it since we are too close to you,” Damon added. “Also local law enforcement is involved, and there is an active search for him.”

Nicole handed her the papers with a pen. Pam looked them over, and then handed them to Duncan to read.

Duncan read the papers, his eyes darkening. He handed them back to her with a nod, putting his arm around her. “Everything looks fine, and I’m sure Sloan has already been through them.” He voice was deep with anger, but there was no trace of anger in his eyes.

With shaking fingers, she signed her name, a feeling of empowerment shooting through her veins. Handing them back to Nicole, she leaned back into Duncan, her hand reaching for Daniel’s little hand. It was time to start over, leaving the past in the past.

“I’m proud of you.” Duncan leaned close, talking low. “I will be with you every step of the way.”

Turning her head, she looked up at him. “I know you will.”

As soon as Damon pulled up to the front door, Duncan helped Pam out, and then walked around to get Daniel out of the car seat, handing him to Pam.

Once inside, Damon nodded toward the door giving Duncan ‘a look’.

“I’m going to help Damon with the car seat and get the rest of the stuff.” He smiled as their eyes met. He kissed her long and hard. He couldn’t help it. She looked so beautiful holding Daniel.

Once the men were outside, Duncan leaned against the SUV. “Who’s in charge of Pam’s case?”

“Roger Parks.” Damon opened the back pulling out a few bags. “He and his guys are good. They’ll find him. They’re staying in close contact with Sloan so we’ll know what’s going on.”

Teresa Gabelman's books