Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“You didn’t do it on purpose.” Pam looked away when he wouldn’t let it go. “I don’t like my hair being pulled.”

Glancing at her shorter hair, he now knew the reason she had cut it. She did it as a sign of defiance, and he loved her all the more for it. Grasping her arm gently, he pulled her up his body then rolled on top of her. “I’ll be more careful.” His words were sincere and gentle. Immediately, her body relaxed. “Do you want to stop?”

“No, I don’t.” Wiggling underneath him, she loved the feel of his hands on her body. They were big, hard and rough, yet gentle in a way she knew he wouldn’t hurt her. She felt safe with him. “Please, Duncan.”

“I will try my best to go easy and be gentle,” Duncan whispered as he raised one of her legs for a better angle. “Just say the word if you need me to stop.”

“If you stop, I may kill you.” Pam grinned when his eyes shot to hers. “I’m not going to stop, Duncan. I want you as much as you want me.”

With those words, he pushed into her, his size filling her with pain and pleasure. It was a mind-blowing sensation, and she was more than ready for it. He started to move slowly, pulling all the way out to the tip then slowly pushing his way back in stretching her with his size.

“Open your eyes,” Duncan growled. “I want you to see exactly who is making love to you.”

Pam pulled up her other leg wrapping them both around his back. “I know exactly who is making love to me, Duncan Roark.” Pam arched her back with a moan as he hit her sweet spot. “The only man I’ve ever made love to.”

He hissed as she tightened around him. “You keep doing that, and this is going to be over real quick.” She did it again making him groan in pleasure, his hips moving a little faster and deeper. “Damn, woman. You’re gonna kill me.”

“I love you, Duncan,” Pam moaned. “Now stop making love to me and fuck me like you wanted to in the kitchen at the compound.”

He looked at her shocked, then a pure sexy grin spread across his lips. “I promised you I would never let you down,” his deep voice rumbled. “Not about to start now.” He slammed into her, but his eyes stayed glued on her, making sure she was still with him and not sinking into a nightmare from the past.

“I’m not the innocent timid thing you thought, huh? I refuse to let my past break me and run my life. I am stronger than that. It just took you to show me who I once was.” She met his thrusts with determination. “Know this, Warrior, now that I know I can have you without fear, you will never get any rest. Shocked?”

“No,” his voice rumbled. “I’m one happy son of a bitch.” And he meant it. He didn’t think he’d ever been happier in his long life. She was everything he had ever wanted. He knew the Pam before all of this, and even though he was surprised how she took to his touch after what he could only imagine she had been through, he knew without a doubt that she was a survivor. The way she came in to save them the night Sheriff Bowman had been killed and Tessa and Nicole had been taken. Yeah, his girl was a survivor and Warrior in her own right.

“Please,” she whispered, her eyes shining bright with emotion.

Putting his hand on each side of her head, he stared down into her eyes. “Don’t take your eyes off me.” He began moving in a gentle rhythm, bringing her back slowly. Then his movements got faster and harder, to the point where she had to hold onto his strong forearms. Her moans and whimpers urged him on until she arched finding sweet release, their eyes never breaking. His neck corded, his teeth clenched as he joined her in a release so strong he could swear he felt his heartbeat.

“I love you, Pam.” He took her in his arms holding her tight. Feeling wetness on his chest, he pulled back concern etched in every part of his face. “Jesus, did I hurt you?”

Pam shook her head. “No.” She sniffed, hugging him tight. “I’m just so happy. Thank you.”

Duncan grinned. “Honey, you are more than welcome, and it was definitely my pleasure.”

They lay together entwined in arms and legs. Pam’s human side was seeking sleep. Just as her mind settled, a small sound came from the baby monitor, so she started to get up, but Duncan stopped her. “Rest.” He kissed her cheek. “Let me get him.”

He grabbed his jeans putting them on without buttoning them, and hurried out of the room. Daniel was making noises, but not full out crying. Duncan looked down and smiled.

“What’s wrong, buddy?” Duncan picked him up then wrinkled his nose. “Oh damn, son. What did you eat?”

Teresa Gabelman's books