Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Hearing Duncan’s deep voice down the hall in his office, Pam grinned. Walking to the small mirror in Daniel’s nursery, she fluffed her hair, unbuttoned two buttons and ran her teeth over her bottom lip making it puffy and red. Turning on the baby monitor, she grabbed the remote and walked down the hall, leaving Daniel’s door half closed.

Leaning against the door, she watched Duncan as he talked on the phone, writing a few notes. Finally, his eyes looked up, running up and down her body. His eyes stopped on her breasts, which were full and pressed against her shirt. Even though she hadn’t produced any milk, her boobs hadn’t cared and filled out nicely.

“Listen, I’ll have to get back to you on that,” he said distracted, into the phone, his eyes hot and intense staring her down. “Yeah, sure will.” He hung up the phone without saying a word. He didn’t have to, his eyes said it all. He wanted her, and she wanted him.

“Where’s Daniel?” His voice had deepened.

“Sleeping.” She set the baby monitor on his desk. Her hands went to the buttons on her shirt.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Duncan frowned, but his eyes remained on her fingers as they undid each button on her shirt.

“Yes.” She sounded out of breath.

“Slade gave his okay? You’re not too sore?” His questions were a low growl as his eyes remained on the tops of her breasts that overflowed her bra.

“Shut up, Duncan.” Pam gave him a half grin when he growled louder. Dropping her shirt at her feet, she waited for a second, loving the feel of his eyes on her. There was nothing but desire and love in his caressing look. She had never felt more female than she did at that moment.

When she reached for the button on her jeans, he cursed, stood, grabbed the baby monitor and picked her up as his lips crashed down on hers. “The first time I take you is going to be in our bed.” He looked down at her, his eyes black with desire. “Then, we will make our way into my office where I have dreamed of making love to you on my desk.”

“You have?” Pam moaned, her stomach flipping in excitement.

“Baby, when I first laid eyes on you, my first thought was where I was going to take that sweet body of yours first. I will make love to you everywhere in this house.” Duncan held her close as he strode into their bedroom. “But the first time will be in our bed.”

Pam was glad he’d had Nicole order them a new mattress, which was already in place. Old, bloody baby goop would have put a big dampener on the moment.

He set her on her feet, kissing down her neck, between her breasts, trailing down her stomach to the button of her jeans. Her stomach still pooched some but was already almost back to normal. Boy, if she could bottle up her healing after having a baby, she’d be a rich woman, Pam thought, though she still sucked her stomach in, self-conscious as only a woman would be.

Running her fingers through his hair, she let him gently remove her jeans. Standing up, he went for her mouth, his hands running around to unhook her bra. But she stopped him.

“It’s my turn now.” She smiled, running her hands down his chest to the bottom of his shirt. Once the shirt was off, her eyes and hands roamed freely, loving the feel of the hardness. Her hands reached his jeans, and as quickly as she could without injuring him, she had them off. She almost purred when she realized he was commando, and what his jeans hid made her body quiver.

A wide, manly grin spread across his face at her reaction to him. As quickly as she had taken off his jeans, he had her standing bare in front of him. “I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life.” He kissed her left shoulder. “So soft.”

Excited by the surge of desire pumping through her, she cupped him, feeling devilish and free, finally free. “So hard.” She giggled when he growled, picked her up and laid her on the bed. He reached back grabbing the baby monitor, setting it on the small table next to the bed.

When he started tasting her with his mouth and tongue, she stopped him. “No.” She rolled him, so she was on top and over him. “You’ve already touched me. I want to touch you now.” She licked her lips in anticipation.

Duncan’s eyes shot to her mouth, his eyes darkened in lust. “I don’t know how much I can take, but have at it.” He groaned when she leaned down licking his nipple. “Not much. I won’t be able to take much.”

Pam chuckled again, but soon her laughter died as she tasted and touched every inch of him. As she made her way back up his body, his hand caught in her hair, pulling a little. Her body stiffened. Her mind shut off.

“Hey.” Duncan sat up. “Pam, look at me.”

His voice broke through, and she slowly looked up; his understanding eyes looked deeply into hers. “What did I do?”

She shook her head refusing to let this moment be ruined. “Nothing.”

“Don’t lie to me.” Duncan clipped her chin making her look at him. “What did I do, Pam? I have to know, so I don’t do it again.”

Teresa Gabelman's books