Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Pam clicked off the television, throwing the remote as if it was cursed. “Is he here?” Pam asked, staring at the television. “Is he here?” she yelled, panicked, her eyes searching.

“That was the front of the hospital where media are allowed to report from,” the nurse replied, looking surprised and a little shocked at Pam’s reaction.

“Jesus.” Pam started to scramble out of the bed ripping off monitor prongs. “Where’s my clothes. Where’s my fucking clothes? Give me Daniel. We have got to get out of here.”

Duncan handed Daniel to the nurse. “Don’t move from that spot,” he warned her, then turned to Pam. “You need to calm down.”

“Are you crazy?” Pam smacked at his hands. “He’s here for the baby. He’s not touching him.”

“Pam, I will not let him near you or the baby.” Duncan invaded her space, forcing her to stop and see him. “Do you hear me? I will not let anything happen to you.”

“Did you know he was out?” Pam shook. “Why isn’t he arrested and in jail? He killed that Sheriff.”

“I’ll explain later.” Duncan kept glancing at the door. “Right now we have…”

“You knew?” Pam’s whole body slumped. “And didn’t tell me?”

The look of betrayal on her face was more than he could take. “Do not leave this room,” he ordered her, but before he could move, the door opened.

“Pam, honey. I got here as fast as I could.” Kenny Lawrence walked in like he belonged, two uniformed officers behind him. His eyes landed on Pam and then on the baby in the nurse’s arms.

Duncan was in front of Kenny, blocking him from Pam before anyone could stop him. Slade had one hand on Duncan’s arm. “I suggest you get the fuck out of this room.” Duncan stared down at him, his eyes blacker than midnight.

“Is that so?” Kenny smirked. “I have more right than you to be here. As a matter of fact, I’ve got a restraining order against you, so I suggest you get the fuck out of this room before I have you arrested.”

“Try it,” Duncan hissed. “Give me one reason not to kill you on the spot. If they even try to arrest me, I will kill you before they take a step. You know it, and I know it. You may have gotten away with killing Sheriff Bowman, for now, but you will not lay one hand on Pam or the baby.”

“Who do you think you are?” Kenny spat. “I’m that baby’s father and I will be in their life. There is nothing that you can do about that.”

“I’m going to tell you one more time.” Duncan stepped forward making Kenny and the officers step back. “Get the fuck out of here. I don’t care if I go to jail for killing a worthless piece of shit like you. If I do, I’ll go with a smile because that means you will never hurt her again.”

Kenny just stood there, red faced, his anger overflowing, but he wasn’t a stupid man. “You’ll pay for this,” Kenny swore before his eyes swung to Pam. “You are making a big mistake. You’ll see me in court. That is my child, and I will get custody.”

Pam had taken the baby from the nurse, holding him close. Her fear of Kenny left as anger and protectiveness for Daniel fired her blood. “You will never get custody. I will fight you with everything I have. I know you killed that sheriff, and I will find the proof to put you away. Stay away from me and my son.”

“Looks like you grew some balls since the last time I saw you,” Kenny snorted, then spit on the floor as his eyes narrowed not caring that he was showing his true colors. “We’ll see how brave you are when this fucker isn’t standing between us. I will definitely be seeing you soon.” He stabbed his finger at her.

Duncan went for him then, but Jared, Sid and Damon just walked in when all hell started to break loose. Sid and Slade took care of Duncan as Jared and Damon took care of Kenny.

“Whoa there, big guy.” Sid had Duncan pushed against the wall.

“Get the fuck off me!” Duncan fought, breaking free, knocking Sid against the other wall then flipped Slade on top of him. Pam’s voice broke through his rage stopping him.

“Duncan!” Pam shouted again. Daniel began screaming with all the noise. The nurse stood plastered against the wall, pale and shaking. When his eyes met Pam’s, she shook her head. “Don’t.”

“I will not let him hurt you again, Pam.” Duncan’s rage swirled in his eyes. “Never again.”

“He won’t.” Pam lifted her head in determination. “I need to see whoever handles crimes against half-breeds. I don’t care if it’s the council or local law enforcement. I’m pressing formal charges for rape and domestic abuse.” She watched Duncan fight for control, and she understood it, but this was going to end and she was the only one who could end it. It was time she took control back.

In two steps, Duncan had her in his arms, careful of the baby. “I still want to kill him,” he whispered into her hair. “And if he ever comes near you again, I make no promises that I won’t kill the bastard.”

Teresa Gabelman's books