Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Slowly, she reached, her fingertips touching his, her eyes leaving his wrist to meet his. “Thank you.”

His other hand palmed her cheek, his thumb brushing back and forth against her softness; still he waited. Finally, her hands gripped his, bringing his bloodied wrist to her mouth. He held back a moan as her tongue snaked out, taking a taste. Her lips latched on his wrist; he felt the pull of her mouth taking his blood and damn, didn’t that make him feel more like a man than he ever had. His protectiveness tripled at that moment. No one would ever harm this woman again.

Duncan lost track of time as he watched her take his blood, binding her to him more closely than anyone had ever been. Feeling her pull away, he stopped her. “Take as much as you need.”

Grabbing the towel, she wiped her mouth, and then cleaned his wrist, which was already healing. “I’m fine. I don’t want to take too much.”

“You can have it all.” Duncan smiled at her.

“Then you’d be a shriveled-up Warrior.” Pam grinned, feeling better than she had in a long time.

Seeing the ragged edges of her fangs where they’d been filed down, made Duncan frown. Pam closed her lips, covering her mouth with her hand. “Don’t.” He pulled her hand away. “Don’t hide anything from me.”

“It’s ugly.” Pam grimaced. “As soon as I get a job and some insurance, I’ll get them fixed.”

“If you want them fixed, then we will get them fixed.” Duncan grabbed the bloodied towel, throwing it toward the bathroom.

Pam shook her head. “I don’t expect you to do everything for me, Duncan.” She rubbed her full belly. “I am going to get back on my feet.”

“I know that, but not alone.” Duncan watched her hand run small circles over her belly.

“I’m keeping the baby.”

Duncan’s eyes shot up from her stomach to her face. “I wouldn’t expect anything else.” He watched the relief flash across her face.

Pam nodded, taking a deep breath. “I know that, it’s just…” Grunting in frustration, her hands balled into fists.

“Listen to me.” Duncan grabbed both of her hands, forcing her to look at him. “You are not alone in this anymore. I’m not going to sit here and say I know what you went through, but I have a pretty clear idea. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will stand in the way of my support for you and your baby.”

“So you don’t care that bastard is the father of my baby?” Pam’s chin trembled.

Dropping one of her trembling hands to her lap, he placed his larger one on her bulging stomach and felt a warmth he had not felt in such a long time swarm through his body.

“This little miracle you carry is a part of you, so how can I not love the child?” He winked at her with a grin, reaching up with his other hand to cup her chin. “I have seen a lot in my lifetime, Pam Braxton, but I can tell you one thing, I have never seen anyone more beautiful than you carrying your precious child. When I look at your growing stomach, I only see the wonderful mother you will become. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. Do you understand?”

“You make me feel like I can be normal again.” Pam smiled sadly. “Thank you.”

“There is nothing normal about you, babe.” Duncan leaned close, but slow enough not to spook her. He had to take things extremely slowly. “You are everything special.” His lips touched the softness of her cheek, and he wanted to shout victory when she didn’t flinch from his touch.

Pam did jump, but not because of the kiss to the cheek. “Did you feel that?” She grinned at Duncan, putting her hand on top of his and pressing down.

A large smile spread across Duncan’s handsome face. “Think you got a fighter on your hands.” Duncan laughed when the baby kicked again. “Doesn’t that hurt?”

“No.” Pam laughed with him. “It’s actually a comfortable feeling. I like feeling him move.”

“Him?” Duncan ran his hand all over her stomach, wanting to feel the little fighter kick again.

Her face flushed in embarrassment. “I don’t know why I keep calling him, him.”

God, he loved seeing her like this. “Do you have names picked out?” His voice deepened. He couldn’t believe he was talking to her. Hours ago, he was at a loss to where she even was.

“No, not yet. I don’t even know when I’m due.” She frowned. “I’m pretty big for three months, so I’m a little worried. He gave me a shot of something when he was….”

He watched as she withdrew, horror at what she was about to say hit her. He wasn’t going to let her withdraw from him. “When he was what?” As hard as it was, he kept the anger out of his voice. He knew what she had been about to say, and it turned him inside out with rage.

“Raping me.” After a few minutes of silence, she finally whispered what she needed to say out loud.

The anguish in her voice and eyes tore him in two. “I’m sorry.” He did not look away. “I’m so sorry.”

She nodded, quickly looking away. “I need that vial. Can you take me to my old apartment tomorrow?”

Teresa Gabelman's books