Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Fuck you.” Damon took a step forward, getting in Jared’s face. “You got your own woman to worry about, stop worrying about mine.”

“I wouldn’t have to worry if you’d step up, man.” Jared also took a step.

“Both of you back off!” Sloan’s angry voice was enough to stop them from coming to blows. “What the hell is going on? Shit is getting real, and all you guys want to do is tear each other up. I seriously don’t need my Warriors fighting like high school pussies with hard-ons.”

“My bad.” Jared nodded toward Damon who nodded back; both wore frowns still eyeing each other.

“Yeah,” Damon replied with a nod back.

Sloan rolled his eyes before looking at Duncan. “I’ve put a call in to someone who might be able to help Pam. He’s a hell of a doctor, and I’ve asked him to help us out. He is also interested in the half-breeds.”

“Good.” Duncan felt a little more relief. “Now, if that’s all, I’d really like to get back.”

“Did the son of a bitch really file her fangs down?” Sloan’s eyes darkened as he asked the question then cursed when Duncan’s eyes flashed black, which was answer enough. “Has she fed?”

“I took care of her.” Duncan headed toward the door, feeling that was enough information on the subject. “Tomorrow I’m taking her to her old apartment. Hopefully, we can find some answers.”

“That place has been combed over already,” Sloan reminded him.

“She says she knows places he hid stuff. She hasn’t been back since she first took off - that we know of - and neither has he.” Duncan opened the door. “He gave her a shot of something, and we need to find that vial. It may be what they were going to use on Tessa for breeding. I don’t know much about women and pregnancy stuff, but she looks damn big for three months.”

“She’s one tough woman.” Jared added, though there was worry in his golden eyes. “She’ll be fine.”

“She better be,” Duncan growled, walking out. He slammed the door behind him.

Sloan turned to Damon and Jared, but before he could say anything, his eyes landed on the television. “Fuck!” Sloan cursed as he watched Sid physically carrying a reporter off the property.


“Damn, there’s more of the bastards.” Adam walked out the front door next to Sid. Cameras flashed as video cameras started rolling, reporters falling all over themselves trying to get up close.

Sid’s eyes traveled the length of the yard; trucks with large satellite dishes lined the street. The VC Council had always had an open door policy. Anyone needing help could walk right up to their door, but this was ridiculous and it pissed him off.

Forgetting about wanting to look good in front of the cameras, his protective instinct for Pam surged to the surface. Where the fuck were these douchebags during the height of children being adopted and turned for vampire blood? Now they show interest in Pam being a half-breed and pregnant, which could put her in danger, if it hadn’t already.

“You have exactly five minutes to remove yourselves from this property,” Sid called out, his eyes scanning every face.

“Is Pam Braxton here?” One reporter shouted as microphones pressed forward. “Can she give a statement on her condition and who the father is?”

Grinding his teeth, Sid took a step closer. “Don’t make me repeat myself.” His eyes focused on the asshole who ignored his orders before looking out over the crowd. “I really don’t like repeating myself.”

“Is the father one of the Warriors?” The man shouted over other reporters asking pretty much the same question, just rephrased.

Sid growled, grabbed the reporter’s shirt and picked him up to his face level. “Did I mention I don’t like repeating myself, Adam?”

“Yes, I believe you did.” Both Adam and Sid grinned, showing large fangs. The reporter Sid held paled, and the rest took a huge step back. “If they don’t start leaving, start hauling their asses off the property.”

Adam rubbed his hands together, eyeing a few who looked like they wanted to push their luck. “Yes, sir.”

With one arm, Sid took the sputtering reporter to the edge of the property, tossing him to the street. “Do not let me catch you anywhere near this place again.” With that warning, Sid turned to see Adam walking behind the rest of the group as they all made their way, without help, off the property.

“Did you get that?” The reporter asked his cameraman before turning back to Sid. “You will hear from my lawyer.”

“And you will hear from ours for trespassing,” Sid shot back without turning around. His eyes were on Sloan, Jared and Damon, who stood a few feet away watching.

“What?” Sid threw his arms out. “I didn’t bite, decapitate or kick anyone’s ass. I just escorted the asshole off the property. I asked politely for them to leave, but they didn’t heed the request, and I don’t like repeating myself.”

“He really doesn’t,” Jared agreed with a smirk. Sloan looked ready to kill something.

Teresa Gabelman's books