Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Marrying me?” For a brief second, his eyes shifted away. It was so fast she wondered if it had actually happened.

“No, Damon. I don’t regret marrying you.” Her voice was strong and sure. “I do regret that you have no confidence in me. I can take care of myself. I have been, way before you came into my life. I know that’s hard for you to understand, but I feel smothered sometimes.”

“You drive me crazy.” He leaned over kissing her neck. “Absolutely, fucking crazy.”

Nicole licked his neck before giving him a sharp bite. “Let’s take this inside before we’re on the six o’clock news. I’m sure those damn reporters wouldn’t pass up a segment on the mating of vampires.”

One eyebrow cocked, making him look sexy as hell, he whispered, “Is that what we’re going to do?”

“Making up is the best part of fighting.” Nicole gave him a sexy smile. “And you have a lot to make up for.”

“Oh, really?” He cupped her intimately over her jeans. “I think you have some making up to do yourself.” He rubbed his thumb over her sweet spot, making her moan and squirm.

Swiping her tongue slowly across her lips, she gave him a saucy wink and cupped him, grinning as he swelled in her hand. “Oh, I plan to, Warrior.”

Neither one of them heard the click of a camera.


Kenny Lawrence stared at the television, his shoulders heaving. The fucking bitch was pregnant. He didn’t know whether to shout in victory or smash his fist through the fucking wall. Leaning closer, he watched Pam stare shocked into the camera. Damn, she looked good, and had always been a terrific lay. Too bad the fucking cunt turned on him. He glanced over at the whore who lay across the well-used bed in the hotel room he rented weekly. It was a rundown shithole in nowhere, Kentucky, with a good supply of whores; he was sick of it. He had worked too hard to be in a place like this, and now because of that bitch, he was on the run, but not for long.

One of the half-breeds Kenny had turned and used at his beck and call, came out of the bathroom naked and ready for another go-around with the whore. Ray was dumb as a stump and would do anything he was told. The nineteen-year-old idolized Kenny and that was good, that was Kenny’s plan. He needed the dumbass to trust him because he had big plans, plans that could not fail. He stopped to stare at the television.

“Hey, that’s Pam and that Warrior. She looks fuckin’ hot.” Yeah, Ray Jones was a fry short of a happy meal.

Kenny held his hand back from smacking the little fucker. He needed to keep his cool with the guy. A sly grin tilted his lip. “You think she’s hot, huh?”

Realizing he had just called Kenny’s ex hot, Ray stepped back. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“She is hot.” Which she wouldn’t be for long, Kenny thought, but he kept that to himself. “How would you like to have a go at her?”

The kid’s eyes bugged out of his head. “What?”

“Yeah, I’m done with her and she likes them young.” Kenny smirked. “She’s a good fuck. Hell, we both might do her. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He had noticed how Ray would watch as Kenny fucked the whore getting turned on, wanting to join in.

A wicked gleam lit his eyes. “Hell yeah I would.” His excitement was showing between his legs. “When?”

Anxious little fuck. “Soon.” Kenny looked back at the television. “Go fuck the whore while I make a few phone calls.”

Kenny watched Pam and the bastard Warrior on the screen, Ray and the whores moaning in the background drowning out the volume. Grabbing a cell phone, he dialed information. After getting the number he needed, he turned to watch Ray take it to the whore. He unbuckled his pants.

Walking over with the cell phone still to his ear, he stood in front of the whore Ray was taking from behind. Whipping out his hardening cock, he stood still, waiting.

“Yeah, I need to speak with Detective Ferguson.” Kenny grabbed the whore’s head whipping it up before placing his cock to her lips. He had picked her because she had short dark hair like Pam. “I have important information on the murder of Sheriff Bowman.” Kenny’s eyes met Ray’s and he winked. Ray winked back with a wide grin. Oh, this was too easy. Kenny’s grin grew in triumph.

Chapter 8

Pam woke with a start, sitting straight up in bed confused. Her hand went to her stomach as her eyes searched for something familiar. It wasn’t until her eyes met Duncan’s that she felt at ease. He sat in a chair next to the bed, his legs stretched out with his booted feet propped up, one crossed over the other.

“You okay?” His stare was intense. Actually everything about him was intense.

She nodded then frowned. “Have you sat there all night watching me sleep?” She barely remembered making it to bed after leaving the bath. Her face heated when she remembered she had kissed him. Her eyes went to his lips which curved into a slow smile as if knowing exactly what she was remembering.

Teresa Gabelman's books