Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Pam snapped her head back, her face paling a bit. Her stomach pitched violently, but her eyes were on Duncan. She knew this man would never hurt her, he just yelled. Yelling wouldn’t hurt her. Duncan would never hurt her. She repeated that last part to herself.

“Ah, okay. Do you have another plan?” she asked Duncan, surprised her voice held strong.

“Give me a minute.” Duncan frowned.

“Why don’t you go out front with them, and I’ll ride to the apartment with one of these guys,” Pam added with a nod toward the other Warriors. Pam did lean back at the look on Duncan’s face. His expression scared her more than his yelling.

“Over my dead body.” He didn’t yell, but his lowered tone of voice warned her she may have pushed a little too far.

“Damon…off with his head.” Sid broke the silence with his usual smartass comment. “I’ve got things to do, and I’m tired of waiting.”

“Shut the…”

“Fuck up, Sid,” Sid finished for Duncan. “You guys seriously need to come up with something new.”

“If anything happens to her, I will kill every single one of you.” Duncan grabbed Pam’s hand, ignoring everyone as he led her out of the room.

“I don’t think he meant you.” Jared put his hand on Jill’s shoulder. “Then again, if things go bad, I’d hide out for awhile.” Jared tapped the front of Jill’s cap down over her eyes as he passed her.


Duncan led Pam into the garage that held their bikes. This was a bad idea. He knew it was a bad idea, but yet, here he was, going along with it because the idea of her riding with anyone else drove him absolutely insane. He’d just threatened to kill his fellow Warriors over it. Poor Jill probably thought she was a part of his kill list. God, he had to get a grip.

“This one?” Pam pointed, and when he nodded, she tried to lift her leg over to straddle the seat, but her belly got in the way. “Wait a minute.”

Watching her try to figure out how to get her beautiful pregnant body on the back of his bike, did him in. He watched the frustration line her face as she tried hard to prove her point that she could ride.

“This isn’t going to work.” Pam’s eyes shot up to his, full of disappointment. “But I want to ride with you. I’ve always wanted to ride with you. I was so jealous of Nicole when Damon would take her for rides. Then I would see you pull up to the warehouse on your bike, and I wanted so badly to ask you for a ride, but I couldn’t. Now that I can finally ride with you, I’m…I’m too fat!” She threw her arms wide, a disgusted look on her face.

Duncan couldn’t help it, he laughed pulling her to him. Her words meant more to him than she would ever know. She had wanted him back then, and that made him soar. “You are not fat. You’re gorgeous.” He hugged her, placed a kiss on the top of her head. Climbing on the bike, he started it up. After it hummed to life, he crooked his finger at her.

A large excited smile brightened her face. She took a step and stood next to him. “Really?”

“Yeah…” he winked, “really.” In truth, he had wanted her on his bike. He had felt the same when he watched Damon and Nicole take off for long rides. He had yearned to do the same with Pam, and even though he was a little nervous and protective over her, he felt the same excitement she had. They didn’t have helmets since they never wore them, and it wasn’t law in Ohio to wear one, but he would take no chances with this woman, ever. He would ride with care.

Pam clapped her hands and laughed. “How do you want me?”

Duncan moaned at the thoughts that question brought to mind. Instead of answering, he grabbed her hips and turned her around. With ease, he lifted her onto the bike in front of him, sitting her sideways, her legs propped over his. Pulling her into the V of his legs he grabbed her arms wrapping them around him. “Don’t let go.”

“I won’t.” She looked deeply into his eyes as if she was not only answering for the bike ride, but for her trust in him also. After a few minutes of just staring at each other, their eyes saying more than words ever could, she laid against him, her head resting where his heart used to beat.

Chapter 9

They arrived at the apartment much too soon for Pam. She knew she wasn’t ready, but she was done with the poor me attitude. She had to get her act together before the little one came. She had no choice.

Jared and Sid were already there, sitting on their own bikes. As soon as she and Duncan pulled in next to the Warriors, with a coolness that would make any woman’s heart flutter, they stepped off their bikes. Jared waited until Duncan parked before carefully picking her up and setting her down so Duncan could step off.

No one said a word. It was if they all knew something major was about to happen, at least something major to her. Without thinking twice about it, Pam reached out and grasped Duncan’s hand tightly. She was scared, scared to death. She was about to step into a past that terrified her.

Teresa Gabelman's books