Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Do I need to call in our lawyer?” Sloan growled, looking at all the cameras pointing at them from the street.

“Probably,” Sid replied, walking past them.

“Dammit, Sid.” Sloan grabbed his arm. “Don’t you have any control? I trusted you to take care of the problem.”

“And that’s what I did. I dealt with the problem. They put one of ours in danger, they deal with me. I’m nice until it’s time not to be nice. Those reporters just being here threatens Pam, who Duncan adores, and that just won’t do. You know I’m right.” Sid snapped his arm away. “And that fucking reporter is still breathing, so that should tell you how much control I had.”

“I think our boy is growing up.” Jared shook his head, a grin tipping his lips as he watched Sid walk away.

“Shut the fuck up, Kincaid.” Sloan slammed his way into the compound, his mood dark.

Chapter 7

Duncan couldn’t get back to his room fast enough. The thought of Pam disappearing again played in the back of his mind. He’d just got her back, and his every instinct shouted for him to hurry. Finally making it to the door, he pushed it open so fast Tessa jumped from the chair she was sitting in.

“Where is she?” he demanded, quickly sweeping the room before his darkening eyes landed back on Tessa.

“She’s getting a bath.” Tessa frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Feeling a little foolish, Duncan shut the door glancing at the bathroom. “Is she okay?”

“Well, she was until she saw that.” Tessa nodded toward the television.

Duncan looked at the television and saw reporters still surrounding the compound. The camera was going from a reporter back to Sloan, Jared and Damon who stood guard, still as stone. At least the volume was turned down. “Damn,” he cursed, grabbing the remote and clicking it off.

“She got upset and wanted to leave so she wouldn’t cause any more trouble for us, but I talked her into getting a bath and relaxing.” Tessa walked toward the door to leave. “She doesn’t have any clothes.”

“She wants me to take her to her old apartment tomorrow,” Duncan replied taking another glance at the bathroom. “She can pick up some stuff then.”

“They aren’t going to fit. She needs maternity clothes.” Tessa gave him a sympathetic pat on the arm.

Duncan ran his hand down his face. “I should have known that,” he sighed.

“Go easy on yourself, Duncan. Finding her was mind blowing enough, but her being pregnant has thrown everyone.” Tessa leaned closer. “She needs you more than ever now, so go to her. She’s been in there for a while.”

Nodding, Duncan watched Tessa close the door softly behind her. His eyes automatically went to the door that separated him from Pam. Two steps and he was standing before it, rubbing his hands together. Raising his hand, he went to knock, but stopped. Cursing silently, he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. He was a fucking Warrior, not some nervous ass kid crushing on his first girl. Rolling his eyes, he knocked quickly and waited. When Pam didn’t answer, he frowned and knocked again louder. “Pam?”

Without thought, he grabbed the knob and twisted, opening the door. Pam lay sleeping in the bathtub, her face unlined without stress, turned peacefully toward him. His eyes traveled from her face to the creamy swells of her breast which disappeared in the cooling water. A smile tipped his lips spotting her rounded stomach swelling out of the water. She was absolutely beautiful. Moving toward her, he noticed goose bumps gliding across her arms. Reaching down, he felt her cold soft skin. “Pam.” He kept his voice low so not to startle her. “Pam, honey.” He shook her arm slightly.

“No.” She shrugged him away sloshing water, one creamy breast exposed to his view.

Keeping his eyes averted as best he could, he shook her a little harder. “Pam, wake up.” His voice rose trying to get her to wake.

Pam came awake with a vengeance. Her arms slashed out striking out at anything, slapping him across the head. “No! Get away!” Her screams pierced his heart. “Not again, please! No!” She slipped while trying to sit up banging her head against the hard edge of the bathtub.

Doing his best to restrain her without hurting her was harder than he could ever imagine. She was slippery and scared to death. “Pam!” he shouted louder, trying to get her to snap out of the hysteria she was trapped in. He grabbed her face forcing her to look at him, letting her fist fly hitting him wherever they landed. Her eyes were unfocused, and at that second, he knew she wasn’t seeing him, but seeing a nightmare happening all over again. If he ever saw that son of a bitch, he would make him suffer and beg for death. “Look at me! It’s Duncan! It’s me! Stop before you hurt yourself!”

After what seemed like hours, her eyes started to focus and her fists stilled. She searched his eyes, her naked body shaking from cold and fear. Duncan only held her by the upper arms to keep her balanced, so she didn’t slip.

Teresa Gabelman's books