Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Excuse me,” Sid told Pam before glaring over the top of her head at Nicole. “Shut it, vampira.”

A true smile spread across Pam’s lips. She had really missed this, missed them all. She couldn’t believe they were accepting her after everything. She had expected pointing fingers, not everyone acting like nothing happened.

“Whatever everybody else is having is fine.” She looked away, feeling uncomfortable from his stare. Sid was one Warrior she didn’t know well, so she still didn’t know what to think of him.

“How do you like your steak?” Sid turned to head for the fridge.

Pam licked her lips, her stomach cramping. “Rare?”

Sid frowned with a nod before looking away, grabbing the steak. “Be ready in no time. Have a seat.”

Placing her beside Nicole, Duncan stayed near; actually, he hovered.

“Where’s Damon?” Tessa asked, surprised the large Warrior was nowhere to be seen.

“Don’t know.” Nicole shrugged her shoulders. “And don’t really care.”

“He’s at the warehouse taking over for me,” Duncan answered. “I took over for him when Tessa and Nicole got arrested for breaking into your apartment.”

“Are you serious?” Pam’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh my God. I didn’t think. I’m sorry.”

“It’s no big deal.” Nicole shook her head. “Well, at least to me it wasn’t any big deal because I knew you gave me permission, but hubby got a little upset because I had been talking to you without telling anyone.”

“But that was my fault. I made you promise.” Pam glared at Duncan. “He shouldn’t be mad at her.”

Sid stepped up before Duncan could reply. After placing a large rare steak in front of Pam, he stepped back, watching her closely. “Rare enough?”

Looking at the blood streaming from the huge hunk of meat had the saliva in Pam’s mouth thick. “Perfect,” she replied, her voice hoarse with thirst and her one golden eye black with hunger. Not able to control herself, she picked up the steak with her hands, pushing it into her mouth, sucking the much-needed blood down her throat. A lone blood tear escaped one eye, as a clear tear escaped the other, both shimmering down her cheeks in embarrassment. She was starving and not for food.

“Whoa, slow down, honey.” Duncan reached for her hand, but stopped when she growled. He looked at her in surprise. “Pam, slow down. You’re going to choke.”

“Pretty hard to get the blood you need without fangs.” Sid eyed her. “What happened to your fangs, Pam?”

“What the fuck?” Duncan cursed, forcing her hands and steak away from her mouth.  Blood colored her full lips. Slowly, he ran his thumb over her upper lip, lifting it slightly. Shocked, he looked into her eyes. “This is the only blood you’ve had? What happened? Did your fangs not grow out when you changed?”

Staring into his eyes, she wanted to lie. How could she tell him the truth? Would they look at her different? Would they see her as weak? Pulling her face away, she wiped her mouth.

“Yeah, they grew in.” She scooted her chair away from him and stood. “But Kenny didn’t want anyone to know I had been turned, so he had me wear contacts, and he had my fangs filed down.” She didn’t mention he’d had it done without any numbing; she kept that to herself.

“That son of a bitch!” Duncan slammed his hand down on the table in anger so quickly Pam jumped, covering her face.

Realizing what she had done, and the look on everyone’s face, she knew she couldn’t do this. She needed to be alone, away from people until she could get this fear under control.

“I can’t do this.” Pam walked backward towards the door. “I really can’t do this.” She turned, running out of the room.

Duncan chased her down, catching her easily. “You are not running from me again.” He picked her up carefully, carrying her away from the kitchen up a set of steps.

“I’m too messed up, Duncan.” Pam pushed lightly on his chest. “Just let me go.”

Looking down at her, he stopped in front of a door. “I will never let you go.” Holding her with one hand, he opened the door with the other, kicking it the rest of the way open. “You are not alone in this anymore. You are mine, and I will always be yours.”

Chapter 6

Duncan sat her on the bed he had never laid in. This was just a place he stored clean clothes and showered. His home was a few miles away, which he would take her to soon. Leaving her, he went to the bathroom to grab a towel. Laying it over her legs, he knelt down in front of her. Raising his wrist to his mouth, his fangs gleamed in the light as he bit down on his own wrist. He watched the raging war in her eyes. His blood ran down his arm, dripping onto the towel, but he didn’t force her to take his blood. He waited patiently for her to make the decision.

Teresa Gabelman's books