Duncan (The Protectors #3)

Feeling a tug on her arm, she let Sloan Murphy lead her away and out of the room. Turning the corner, she came face to face with Duncan. Wrapping her arms around her stomach, her eyes automatically went to the floor, shame flaming across her face.

“Bring her back to headquarters…soon,” Sloan said from behind her, before walking away.

A large hand gripped her chin gently making her flinch. “Never look away from me in shame.” His deep spoken words penetrated her fear.  “And know, I would cut off my own hands before they would ever bring you pain.”

Raising her mismatched eyes to his, she couldn’t hold back the flood of tears. She swiped them away angrily, hating them. She was sick of tears. She was just so sick of it all. “Are you just going to be something else I have to try to survive? Because in all honesty, I don’t think I can survive much more.”

Duncan’s eyes darkened slightly at her words. “I will remove myself from you if I ever cause you pain of any kind.” He backed away slightly as if waiting for her to make the final decision - if she was going to accept him.

For the short time she had known Duncan Roark, the one thing she truly knew about him was that he was a brutally honest and honorable man. If there was anyone she could trust, it was him. Knowing the only way to find her way back to herself, she had to take the first step in healing. Holding in the sobs of fear, anger, wanting and pain, she rushed to him. Wrapping her arms around him tightly, she let everything go.

Duncan held her just as tight, absorbing her sobs of pain, all the while keeping his own emotions in check. Never had he wanted to kill anyone more than he wanted to kill the son of a bitch who had broken this woman. “I’ve got you,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.”


He didn’t know how long he stood holding Pam in his arms. It was as if time stood still. His large hand cupped her head to his chest while his other rubbed small comforting circles on her back. He had never been a sensitive man, but with her, this felt so right. She was where she belonged, in his arms.

Feeling the presence of someone, he glanced up to look into Sid’s eyes. “What do you want?”

Sid actually seemed to be without words as he shuffled from one foot to the other, his hands deep in the pockets of his jeans. “I just wanted to apologize.” Sid slid his gaze from Duncan to Pam. “Sometimes things just come out of my damn mouth before I can pull them back. I never meant anything…”

“It’s forgotten.” Duncan nodded, but frowned when Pam started to pull away from him. He wasn’t ready to let her go. “Can you drive my car back and we’ll catch a ride with Jared?”

“Not a problem.” Sid caught the keys Duncan tossed at him. Taking one last glance at Pam, Sid looked like he wanted to say something more, but he turned and walked away.

Duncan kept his eyes on Pam who had wiped her tears away, and stood staring at his chest. He gave her a minute to compose herself, but as soon as Jared walked up, she stiffened, and her composure crumbled.

“Hey, Sid said you wanted to ride with me.” Jared spoke to Duncan, but his eyes were on Pam’s back.

Before Duncan could say a word, Pam turned so fast and was in Jared’s arms, hugging him so tightly, it surprised both Warriors. “I’m so sorry,” Pam pleaded. “Please don’t hate me.”

Jared’s eyes met Duncan’s briefly before he pulled Pam away from him so he could look down into her face. “I could never hate you, Pamster.” He smiled when she snorted at the nickname he had started calling her before all hell broke loose. “You saved lives the night at the Sand Trap and that of my mate, so if anything, I thank you.”

Duncan watched Pam fight with her emotions. “Come on.” Duncan wrapped his arm around her. “Let’s get out of here.”

Pam nodded, still not looking either of them in the eye.

“You want me to take you to your place?” Jared let them pass.

“Yes.” Duncan opened the door, but stopped when Pam shook her head.

“No.” Pam answered right after. “I heard Sloan say he wanted me at headquarters, and the quicker I can get this over with, the faster I can get my life ba-” Pam looked down at her hand resting protectively over her protruding stomach. “Started.”

“Are you sure?” Duncan and Jared asked at the same time, both sounding protective and wanting what was best for her. Duncan frowned at Jared.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” Pam replied, sounding a little more like herself. “It’s time I face this. I’m tired of running.”

As soon as the three walked out the door of the police station, bright flashes and a rush of reporters pressed forward with cameras and microphones, all shouting at once.

“Is it true you’re a half-breed and pregnant?” One man asked, shoving his microphone past other reporters and almost hitting Pam in the face.

“Ms. Braxton.” Another reporter yelled over the group. “Are you keeping the baby? Is it going to be human?”

Teresa Gabelman's books