Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Who’s the father? Is he human?” A woman reporter, not caring she was being shoved and pushed, shouted above everyone else.

Duncan shielded Pam, pushing her behind him. Just behind the reporters, Duncan spotted Detective Ferguson standing a few feet away. Their eyes met, and with a salute of his hand, the bastard turned away, getting into his car wearing a smug grin that Duncan swore one day soon he would be wiping off the bastard’s face.

Chapter 5

Finally, they made it to headquarters. Jared had sped, ran red lights and broke every traffic law known to man to get away from the reporters. “I think we lost them.” Jared parked, glancing at Pam and Duncan in the rearview mirror. “What the fuck was that?”

“It was the detective. He’s trying to flush out Kenny.” Pam answered, looking at Duncan. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Duncan cursed but nodded. “That’s exactly what the bastard is doing.”

“I have to get out of here.” Pam went for the door, struggling to get it open, but Duncan stopped her. “He’ll find me here. I have to go.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” Duncan held her tighter when she struggled. “You’re safe. He’s not going to get anywhere near you.”

“No, you don’t understand.  He swore to me if I went to you, he would kill you.” Her whole body shook. Her eyes, wide with fear, looked from Duncan to Jared. “All of you.”

“I hope to hell the son of a bitch tries.” Jared smirked, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

“Why won’t you listen to me?” she pleaded with Duncan. “He can and will kill you.”

Anger slashed across Duncan’s face. Did she have such low confidence in him to keep her safe? “You’re wrong, Pam.” Duncan tried to keep the anger out of his voice. “Kenny comes anywhere near you, he’s as good as dead.”

“It’s not me I’m worried about.” Pam gritted her teeth with frustration. “He won’t kill me now, not with me being pregnant, but he will kill anyone who helps me.”

“What makes you so sure the bastard can take us out?” Jared had turned to look at her, his tone angry.

Pam swallowed hard, glancing away. “Because, he almost did.”

“What?” Jared shared a look with Duncan.

Rubbing her stomach, Pam nervously glanced out the back window. “I left him when I found out what he had been doing, but he caught me. I was coming to you to tell you what I had found out.” Pam stared at Duncan, her eyes caressing his face. “He warned me that if I ever betrayed him, he would kill every Warrior as well as their mates. He had pictures of you all.”

The silence in the car was deafening. “What were the pictures, honey?” Duncan reached out and squeezed her hand gently.

The pained expression on her face wrinkled her forehead “He had pictures of all of you with a red laser mark on your head. He said that if I left him or said a word about what I had found, he would kill you all. I couldn’t let that happen.” Her eyes finally met his. “I couldn’t let that happen. I had to stay.”

Jared’s black eyes met Duncan’s once again before he climbed out of the driver’s seat, slamming the door.

Pam jumped at the noise. “I’m sorry.” Her head bowed before his. “I wanted so much to come to you, but…”

Duncan grasped her chin bringing her face to his. “Listen to me.” He waited until she looked up. “Nothing is going to happen to any of us. We are going to find him, but until then, you are safe and you are not going anywhere.”

“But…” Pam’s eyes once again widened with fear.

“You have protected us, even saved our lives once.” Duncan stroked her chin with his thumb as a small smile tilted his full lips. “Now it’s time for us to return the favor.”

“Why are you doing this?” Pam shook her head in disbelief. “After everything that’s happened, how can you even stand to look at me?”

“You are burned into my memory. Everything I look upon, I see you.” Duncan leaned closer, slowly so not to frighten her. “Not even removing my eyes would take your image from me. I love and have loved you, Pam Braxton. I was a fool to let you walk away from me.”

Pam’s hand reached up to his face, but stopped before touching. “I’m not the same.” Pam pulled her hand back. “I’ve changed. I don’t know if I can love again.” She caught the sob that escaped her trembling lips.

Duncan reached out and grasped her hand, placing it on his cheek. “I don’t care.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” Her voice was pleading. “I’m so afraid. I don’t want to be afraid anymore.”

“I’ve got you.” He repeated his oath to her, his large hand gently grasping the back of her head, cradling her next to his chest.

Teresa Gabelman's books