This Star Won't Go Out

Okay, so the “vlogbrothers,” John and Hank Green, started calling their viewers nerdfighters, which are basically nerds made of awesome. As I said before I’m not totally nerdy, but I like to think of myself as a nerdfighter because of the nerdy things I love: YouTube,, Harry Potter, Wrock, and . . . um . . . I guess that’s it.

But yeah, to become an official nerdfighter, I have to come up with a verse to a song about the nerdy things I like. :) Better get crackin.

DFTBA don’t forget to be awesome :) 8) :D 8D

1am Thurs, February 12, 2009

50 pages. I haven’t reread them lately, but fifty—50—pages of me writing about pointless stuff is surprisingly not as much as I thought I would have written. 2 months after getting Mr. Diary, I honestly thought I would have it full—all 234ish pages. That be a lot of writing but I thought I’d have done it. Ah well, I’m not complaining, just wish I’d write more. :|

Well, I’ll fill you in on the deets and then—if my hand doesn’t hurt I’ll get more “personal”. . .

I’d say about February 1 or so I got one of my migraines during the day and had to rest until it left. Just to be clear, my migraines start with bright lights sticking in my vision. It looks like a camera flashed and the flash just won’t go out of my eyes. After about 10–20 minutes of the lights—or “aura”—I get a headache. Usually an hour, about, later the aura’s gone and I’m just left with a headache for the remainder of the day.

So yeah—Sunday :) , Feb Uno (I think) I got a migraine, and it went away later. Then the next day I got a migraine, took a nap, it went away and then I got aNOTHer migraine later that day! The following day I had two separate migraines again.

The day after that, Wednesday, I got another migraine but that one had more pain than I’m used to. I think I slept quite a bit, trying to sleep off the migraine. The day after Wednesday was, gasp Thursday, which is my weekly doctor visit.

We went in at like 11? or something? And Dad had to go with Graham and Abe over to Children’s while I stayed with Annette. So I told her about the headaches and whatever, and then an “activity lady” came in. We did like collaging (me and her, not Annette LoL) and I started to get a faint headache.

By the time Dad came back, along with the psychiatrist (:D) my head was really hurting pretty bad. So even though Dad wanted to leave, I waited for Annette to give me pain medicine, just oxicodone and tylenol.

That helped, I think. And we left for home. And I slept at home but got another awful headache . . . and slept on and off taking lots of pain medicine. The next day, also known as Friday in some places, was pretty much just as bad, if not worse. I think I slept all day, my head pounding, my neck sore, anything I did made me feel nauseous or worse. I was taking pain medication every 4 hours, a mix of oxicodone and tylenol. The next day was just as bad; I wasn’t eating anything, threw up a little at least 2ce in the morning, and literally anything, except lying completely still, amplified the pain.

I think on Sunday the pharmacy gave me a medicine I had used in the hospital for painful headaches—but only 2 pills—one to take and the other to take 2/3 hours later. Just because they’re so expensive . . . But that medicine made me feel better. I was awake for once and my head almost stopped hurting. I was able to get on the computer a bit, I think.

Monday they told us to come in for scans to make sure nothing serious was causing the pain. So I went in, every sound and movement sending a soft thump of pain to my head. The funny thing was I felt much better that day than I did all week. Still a lot of pain but they made sure I stayed pain-medicine-d up. Which helped.

First I had them stick an IV in me and—oh!—miss! >:[They did it again and wiggled it around until it made it into my vein. Whew. Then I went and had an MRI, which makes so much noise and [I] was slightly panicking. But I did good. First 45 minutes were almost relaxing, the machine made a lot of vibrations and lots of rumbling, second 30 minutes were too long but it wasn’t too bad. I was just happy my headache was almost completely gone. Then I had a 10 minute CT which was fine. Then we went back to Jimmy Fund Clinic . . . and waited.

They came back and said everything looked good, which is great ’cause they were worried about tumors, or bleeding. So thank God! ‘:D ←(sweating person nervous thing) They said the headaches are a mixture, most likely, of sleep deprivation and dehydration so I’m supposed to be going to bed at the same time-ish, every night.

My headaches have definitely been less severe since Tuesday, although they’re in no way gone. I’m stuck literally not moving and when my head feels better my neck starts to hurt. They have me on a steroid for yesterday, today, and two other days, :D, which is funny, but it does seem to be helping.