This Star Won't Go Out

On another note, this week Esther got a Wii video system! Since she just started physical therapy when we go in on Thursdays to the Jimmy Fund, it’s perfect timing! She will be able to do therapy while playing bowling, tennis, golfing, and of course all their old GameCube games which also work on Wii. This purchase was thanks to two very generous people. Thank you, Lee and Freeda! Esther (and the boys, of course!) are very excited!

We also had a big day on Good Friday, when Esther had her g-tube of one year replaced with a PEG (or Mickey) tube. I tell her it looks like a beach ball fastener. Due to Esther’s compromised lungs they did the procedure without any medications—I think with all the chemo and radiation her tube had been through a lot, and it was much stiffer and tougher to pull out than they’d expected. But they managed, although Abby said she’d had no idea Esther had the strength to squeeze her hand so hard!

Easter Sunday we all visited our “old” church together here in Quincy. It was wonderful to have Esther with us for the morning and the church family was happy to see her. Then a vegetarian Mexican Easter dinner with two of Abby’s college friends—it was a day of contentment. Just like Abe loves finding hidden colored eggs and counting them, we celebrate hidden blessings and treasure each one . . .

(written by Lori)

“Dreams are Weird” April 21, 2009

I always have very, very odd dreams. Like, really, they’re usually quite strange indeed. Last night I had a dream where I was chasing this car, it was a red car, and it stopped at a stop sign, so I ran up to it and knocked on the window. It rolled down and this person with big, anime-like eyes stared at me, and then his eyes filled up the whole screen, like a movie sort of, and I was standing in a pool of water. Out of the water these dolphin-like creatures came out and started singing about aliens. Then one of the dolphins walked (??) toward me, and smiled, and then kissed my cheek.

Then I woke up, and my cat, Pancake, was licking my face. That was one of the weirdest dreams I’ve had yet, and I sort of blame it on Doctor Who. That’s all I’ve been watching lately, seriously. I’m on vacation this week, so I have nothing to do. I wake up around 3 in the afternoon, eat some breakfast, talk to people on Skype, and then watch Doctor Who. I’m on the last episode in season 1, finally :O

This afternoon I went to the mall and purchased season 2 and season 3! Stupid series 3 cover gave away something that happened to someone, but I don’t know if I should say, since I hate giving away secrets. But yeah, the series 3 cover made me angry T___T. I also got some pretzels from this store in the mall called Auntie Anne’s, and ZOMG the pretzels are fantastic! They’re kind of sweet, but not in a cinnamonny way, and they have salt, but not in a gross, I-don’t-want-to-ever-eat-sodium-again way, and they’re super soft. Oh man, I want some more now . . .

Anyway. My brain is tired. I did too much homework today. Now I must sleep! Oh, and I posted my video for my failboat channel! You should watch it. :D


DECEMBER 5, 2008

Monday, May 4, 2009 6:29 AM, EDT

Well, if you only like reading bad news, then quick, close the page! Because we only have good news to share about our Esther today. The PET scans came back saying “little change.” But the CT scans can show smaller differences, and they register continued shrinkage of up to 15% in the size of some of Esther’s multiple lung tumors. Her doctor said that of the possible scenarios, this was the best they were hoping for. Current studies show this new chemo benefitting for up to 24 months, before the cancer outsmarts the smart drug. So we feel a bit like Christian on Pilgrim’s Progress, seeing ahead a distance of smooth, straight road—we’ll take it!

So we are on to the task of LIVING. Esther has started on her Algebra program, and we are working with her school to get an official pass from 8th grade. High School next year has to be figured out—probably online, but maybe a combination. We’ll have to see how the summer goes.

We’ll keep posting here from time to time, as the journey isn’t over, of course. Esther continues to use oxygen 24/7, but her doctors are encouraging her that she might be able to get off of it for periods of time. We have our share of side effects from the many drugs she takes, but they’ve been very manageable so far. We keep working on Esther’s sleep schedule, as she has a hard time falling asleep, then sleeps too late in the day (or is that because she’s a teenager?!). Thank you for praying, caring, and celebrating with us!

Lori (for the gang of us!)

Saturday, May 23, 2009 8:30 AM, CDT

Hello All,