This Star Won't Go Out

(1.) God is in control. (2.) God is gracious and strong. (3.) God can be trusted. (4.) God is love (5.) God will provide. (6.) Give God the glory and praise!

I think we can understand why these are important. It’s easy, to me at least, to forget it’s God who is controlling it all. I sometimes feel like I want to control, but I know it’s always God. I most definitely know God is strong. If he were weak he would not have been able to hold me when I’m tired, and he does. His graciousness is wonderful, when we get annoyed at him he says “I Forgive You” always. God can always be trusted, and we, or at least I, have found that not trusting God to keep me safe through all this cancer stuff would drive me crazy. He always is trusting. God is love. Just like you say to me “I love you more,” God loves us even more. That’s a lot of love. God will provide, of course we know this is true. Even during the times when we had no money in our account, and not much money coming our way, we’ve had a roof over our head—enough food to keep us from starving, and each other. Even though it’s not everything we ever wanted. He never keeps us from having too little. The last to remember on this list is to give God the glory and the praise. When you found the teaching job at Hanover, Mom, we say thank God. And God is the reason I’m still here. I mean he gives people talents, like Doctors, and they use them. Like Dr. Smith who’s helped me, and stuff. But God should get the glory. You know? Yeah.

Anyway, those are not the only things to remember, but I do agree with Kate And Jon : ) Gosselin that those are very important.

Wow, so this “letter” went from a note, to a letter, and now it’s like my journal! Yikes. I do think I’m done now. : ) For now. No more. I swear. Maybe a word. I’m done. I’m DONE . . .

Merry Christmas!

favorite . . . verse

Isaiah 40:31

“Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will RUN and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint.”

I love you two : )

Love, Esther

Sun, December 27, 2008

It’s been Christmas eve, it’s been Christmas, it’s been many things since I last updated this journal (which at one point I wanted to name Delilah? It now has no name). I actually wish I was writing in this a lot more than I am, but oh well. I suppose I’ll try.

So I don’t really remember what I’ve been doing lately, but I can go back to Monday, December 22. Me and dad went to the Jimmy Fund, and it was just a regular visit. We got this teddy bear from there, which we saved for Abe, for Christmas. That was an alright day.

December 23 was GOING to be the day that Alexa and Melissa came up, but I was wicked tired and didn’t want them to come then. So we re-scheduled and that day (it was Tuesday) was just a sleepy day. Oh and we watched Elf. :D

December 24, Wednesday, was a day we all know . . . CHRISTMAS EVE! Holy crap that was a fun day. I made a new YouTube video while I was wrapping presents, and then I went downstairs (at like 11pm) to chillax with the fam. (Oh, earlier we had watched “Can’t Buy Me Love,” just me and Angie and Abby, which was fun.)

Graham’s presents “were not there” so Graham opened Dad’s two presents. Then Abe wanted to open two, then we figured we all would . . . of course, afterwards Graham just happened to spot his presents under the tree. Anyway, I got Wall-e, the DVD, and a pillow. I forgot to mention we always open one present each year, it’s like tradition. =)

After we opened presents, I went upstairs and fell asleep. Yo dawg I was tiyed. I’m like tawking all coo. ;)

Thursday, December 25 was . . . C-H-R-I-S-T-MA-S!

Christmas was great! I woke up at, what? Ten, eleven, AM. And I went downstairs and Abe was itching to open his presents, and Graham’s presents “oddly” had a rip in them . . . pahaha! So yeah, Dad read the story of Jesus being born, and the Angels were frightening the Shepherds, and the men were wise, and 3. Yeah. It’s really, not sarcastically, a nice, calm story. I’d like to read it again. After reading that story Abe opened the first prez . . . which was his skate shoes! He loved them! Graham got some too, but was not as excited as Abe. Let’s see if I can remember who got what . . .

Abby: Grey’s Anatomy s.1, a drawing of a daisy and a note from me, an anatomy book, other stuff?

Angie: yoga matt, shampoo, others . . .?

Abe: lots of clothes, skate shoes, toys

Graham: same as Abe

Me: Sexy metallic leopard leggings! And a bag full of makeup, another bag with nail polish, drawing stuff, other things?

I’m not the best at remembering things. But me and Abby (with Angie, kind of) painted pictures of me, Abby and Angie. And stuck them all in this frame. I think there were a total of 15 photos? Yeah, well it looked sweet and we gave it to Dad, and sort of Mom, for Christmas. (t)he(y) loved it!

Overall, Christmas was a good day.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:37 PM, EST