Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Luke snapped his lips shut and looked away from his old man. Joe leaned forward and flicked the back of his head. “Eyes over here.” He ordered and Luke reluctantly looked at his father.

“That night in the hospital when she was in the accident you were frantic. You blamed yourself for what happened to her, took the blame for your brother dying, any dark shit you could pile on those shoulders of yours you did. It’s time you lighten the load, Luke. You gave your brother the only shot he had. You saw to it that Cara got the help she needed. You paid whatever dues, you thought you owed. Enough is enough, it’s time for you to put yourself first. You got something going with Cara, make it work.”

“She’s worried about you and mom.” He confessed.

“What about us?” Joe asked, leaning back narrowing his eyes at his son. “We’re fine.”

“She’s worried what you will think of her.” Luke said, swiping his hand along his face. “Or at least that’s the excuse she’s giving me.”

“Is that so?” Joe almost laughed out loud. “I tell you what I think of that girl, and I’ll tell her too. She was a damn good friend to my boy. She was an even better girlfriend. Not many people will stick by you like that when you’re dying. She’s a good woman and deserves to be loved and all that. I think her finding love with my other son is nothing short of a miracle. Maybe even a heaven sent one.” He cocked a brow at his son just as his fishing pole began to wiggle. “Well, I’ll be damned, it’s true.” Joe said, grabbing hold of his pole to reel in his catch.


Cara ran to the gift shop in the hotel lobby to get some more sunscreen for Ava, leaving her with the Bingo playing grandma’s. She was walking out of the store when she looked up to see Luke and Joe walking into the lobby, carrying a cooler. Luke’s eyes found hers and his grin widened across his face, causing her to smile in return. Why was she so torn between her heart and her mind? She wished she could confide in Jake, not like that wouldn’t be awkward or anything. Hey Jake so what do you think about the fact that I’m completely and utterly stupidly falling for your brother. No answer. Shocker! Glad we had this talk.

Luke walked straight towards her, forgetting all about his father as he wrapped his arm around her waist and brought her body against his.

“I’ve got something to tell you… but first things first.” He said with a sly grin as he eyed her mouth. Cara’s eyes scanned the lobby finding Deb and Ava talking with Joe. Joe turned around to point to Luke just as Luke dipped his head and went to kiss Cara. She shoved her palm hard against his chest and took a step back.

“Don’t!” She stammered.

Luke looked at her for a moment, watching as her eyes drifted nervously to Deb and Joe who started to walk towards them.

“Are you kidding me?” He asked incredulously, hurt flashing in his eyes quickly turned to anger.

“Please don’t make a scene right now.” She whispered and then plastered a smile on her face as Ava squirmed her way between the two of them.

“Cara, did you hear the good news?” Deb said with laughter in her voice. “These two fishermen actually caught some fish today.”

“You’re leaving out the impressive part.” Joe said as he winked at his wife.

“And they’ve convinced the head chef to cook the fish for us tonight.” She glanced at her husband. “Feel better honey?”

“Much.” He said with a wide grin.

Luke kept his eyes on Cara. “Mom, Dad, you think you can give me and Cara a minute?”

Deb looked at her husband before glancing back and forth between Cara and Luke.

“Luke…” Cara pleaded.

He turned and looked at his parents expectantly.

“Come on, granddaughter. Let’s go get some ice cream.” Joe said taking Ava’s hand. He gave his son a firm look before he turned to his wife. “Deb, ice cream, now move it.” It was time he and his wife did a little talking of their own.

Chapter Twenty Three

Luke escorted her outside the French doors that led them straight to the beach. He glanced around and dragged her off to the side of the hotel. He wasn’t one for making scenes, yet he couldn’t seem to control himself anymore. The waves crashed along the shore, the sound reminding him of the night before when he took her with his mouth on the balcony of her room.

“Luke, I don’t…”Her words faltered as he turned around abruptly and stared at her with not a drop of patience in his dark eyes.

“I’m done, Cara, so fucking done.” He said, combing his fingers roughly through his hair. “I tried, believe me, I tried, but I can’t go on like this anymore.”