Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

Nick wasn’t sure what Luke was planning on doing, but everyone was starting to talk, he had heard the whispers with his own ears. Any guest who was in attendance at his and Sam’s wedding knew that there was more than a friendship brewing between Luke and Cara, the fact that both of them were missing from this morning’s festivities only validated people’s suspicion. Maybe Luke didn’t give a shit who knew he was in deep with his late brother’s girl, but nevertheless, Nick felt he deserved the heads up.

He glanced back at Sam before turning to the doorway. He’d only be a few minutes, he’d just go to Luke’s suite, probably walk in on something that would scar him for life, and drag his and Cara’s ass down for some pancakes. Well, after they threw their clothes on. Shit, he hated when he had to be the adult in their friendship. Luke was so much better at it. Damn him for acting like a horny teenager. Nick scowled and hurried out of the dining room, bumping right into his mother.

Lucille steadied herself and lifted her gaze to her son’s face. She smiled brightly at him.

“There’s the happy groom.” She said lifting her hand to touch her son’s cheek. Nick let out a breath and smiled at his mother, noticing the genuine happiness that radiated in her aging eyes.

“I barely had a moment with you yesterday.”

“Yeah, it was a crazy day.” He said, placing his hands on her shoulders as he looked at her with a soft gaze. “I hope you enjoyed yourself.”

“Seeing you happy like that, it was one of the best days of my life.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I’m proud of you Nick, so very proud of what a fine man you are.”

She went to pull back and give him the space she had come to accept he wanted, when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his strong arms.

“Thank you, Ma.” He whispered squeezing her small frame slightly. He couldn’t explain the shift in their relationship, but the last few months Lucille became a constant in his life. She had been true to her word and was trying her best to build a relationship with him. She even tried to forge a bond with his wife, and that was enough for Nick to bury the hatchet. Lucille may not have been the ideal mother to him growing up, but somewhere along the way she had come to see the error of her ways, and Nick could honestly see that she was trying to mend their relationship. If he was being completely honest, he appreciated her efforts and was even surprised to learn how much he wanted to have his mother in his life and for her to be a part of his daughter’s life.

He kissed the top of her head. “It means a lot.” He said with his voice sounding just a touch hoarse. “I’m happy you were here.” He pulled back from the embrace and looked into her eyes, offering her a smile to show her his sincerity.

“I love you Nick and I’ll always be here from now on, as long as you’ll have me.” She quickly wiped away the tear that escaped and patted his arm, letting out a heavy sigh. “Now point your mama in the direction of the coffee.”

He stepped aside and nodded towards the coffee urns that were set up along the buffet. “Go on and enjoy. I’ll be right back, just have to run upstairs and grab…” My lovesick sexed up friend, he refrained from saying. “… My wallet.”

“Okay, dear.” She said and walked around him into the dining room. Nick sighed as the scent of French toast and freshly brewed coffee sailed passed his nostrils, he grunted miserably and headed towards the elevators.


Cara never wanted to open her eyes the dream she was currently having was just that good. She couldn’t remember the last time she had a dream that was so vivid, she could actually feel what was happening. She could actually feel Luke’s lips trail up her naked back while his hands palmed the globes of her ass. Yeah, she was perfectly content living in her dream never to be woken again, especially if her dream ended with her having half a dozen orgasms, much as reality had given her the night before.

His hands slid around her hips, his fingertips brushing just below her abdomen towards her waiting heat. Luke nuzzled her neck moving her hair with the tip of his nose, he found the spot right behind her ear and his tongue snuck out and took a taste.

“Good morning, gorgeous.” He spoke against her skin. She lifted her hips snuggling her ass against his morning wood. Best dream… ever. She sighed contently as he gripped one hip and pressed himself against her.

Cara reached behind her and wrapped her arm around his neck. “Don’t wake me, I’m dreaming.” She murmured and slowly twisted around underneath him so she could lie on her back and meet his gaze.

Luke’s hair was mussed from their night and the strands that weren’t sticking straight up were falling into his eyes. She reached up and combed her fingers through his hair, pushing it away from his face, giving her access to his eyes or maybe it was his soul because when she stared at him she realized he was stripped of all his defenses and bared his whole self to her. She swallowed hard, emotions getting stuck in her throat, she wasn’t dreaming. This was reality, Luke was her reality.