Fitting the Pieces (Riverdale #3)

“You’re a fucking comedian aren’t you?” Luke said and only earned himself a broader smile from Nick. He sighed and peered into the bag he brought and suddenly cut his brother-in-law some slack. There was a pair of khaki shorts, a linen shirt and boat shoes, he really was trying to cover Luke’s hide.

“I’ll see you downstairs and hurry the hell up will you? I have a honeymoon to get to.” Nick said, his tone suddenly serious as he turned around and headed towards the bank of elevators. Luke sighed and shut the door, taking the bag with him back into the bedroom. He threw the bag onto the bed and sat on the edge of it. He glanced at the bathroom door that was closed before he dropped his head into his hands trying to figure the best way to approach Cara. First, he decided was that he would be honest with her. He didn’t want to masquerade around and pretend like last night never happened. She had finally given herself to him and he wasn’t about to let her take that back. He was in love with her. It took Luke a damn long time to find love, and he wasn’t about to shy away from it. She may be apprehensive at first, but he’d get her to come around. He’d get her to be comfortable with the idea of him and her, because there was no other solution for him anymore.

He must’ve been lost in his thoughts because he never heard the water shut off. The bathroom door opened and Cara stepped out wearing one of the terry cloth robes provided as an amenity of the hotel. She walked over to her suitcase and began to search through her clothes.

“What happened with Nick?” She asked softly.

Luke stared at her back for a moment before he answered her. “Nothing, he just wanted to make sure we made it down to breakfast before they left for their honeymoon.”

She turned around with her clothes in her hand. “Okay, well, I’ll just be a few minutes and then I’ll head downstairs and you can come when you’re ready.” She said rather quickly as if she had rehearsed her words in the shower.

“Right, that way no one knows we spent the night together?” He watched as she diverted her eyes and turned to face the mirror. She began to run a brush through her hair forcefully.

“Right,” she agreed.

“So that’s it? We had one night and get to pretend like it never happened? Is that how you plan on playing this, Cara?” He said not being able to hold back the anger in his voice.

“No!” She said instantly and turned around to face him. “I don’t want to pretend like it never happened. I want it to happen again and again.” She sighed as she placed the brush down and walked to him, stepping between his legs as her hands slid over his bare shoulders. “What happened last night couldn’t be wrong because it felt so right, but not everyone will perceive it like that. I was your brother’s best friend for most of his life. I was his fiancé for just a fraction. We never had a real chance at exploring our relationship because he was diagnosed so quickly. I didn’t think I’d ever want to be in a relationship again. I didn’t think I wanted to move on but I do and I want to do it with you, I just don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“We’re not hurting anyone, Cara.” Luke said taking her hands in his. He wanted her to read Jake’s letter to him, thinking it will clarify things for her.

“Your parents, what about them? How do you think they will feel seeing me with you, after they watched me with their other son?” He went to speak but she placed her fingers to his lips gently. “Can we just keep this between us until we get home? I don’t want to share what we have with everyone. I just want to explore us without any pressure.”

Luke bit the inside of his cheek as one of his hands rounded her hips. He gave her a slight nod of the head as he vowed silently to talk to his parents, knowing very well, there wasn’t a need for it but if it eased her mind, he’d do it.

“Until we get home.” He declared.


“I’d tell you to go make a baby on your honeymoon, but you guys are ahead of the game already.” Cara said smiling as she hugged Sam tightly. “Have fun and when you get back we will start to work on the nursery.”

“Yes, definitely.” Sam said, hugging Cara just as tight. “Have fun too, and take care of my brother.” She whispered quietly into her hair. Cara pulled back slowly from the embrace. There was a time and a place she was sure Sam had said those same exact words to her only referencing her other brother at the time.

Nick stepped up behind Cara, placing a hand around her waist to rest onto her belly. “The taxi is outside waiting to take us to the airport Mrs. Foti.”

Sam grinned. “I can’t believe I’m not a Lanza anymore.” She giggled.